20. A. A. Patawaran

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Acrostic Quotes

20. A. A. Patawaran

The hardest part about writing is starting, I've
Heard someone say. I'll admit that. It's not
Easy coming up with a good story, let alone create an

Overture that'll suck the reader into it without a hitch.
Now I know from experience that writing that all-important first
Line can feel like starting the ascent towards the top of Mt. Everest,
Yet I don't let that bother me. When you start writing, it's

Really not about perfection. It's not about creating an
Enduring masterpiece of literature. It sure as hell isn't
About creating a story to land a future book deal with a publisher,
Since you haven't written anything yet, and you
Only have the vaguest idea for a story that might or might
Not get off the ground. Also, it's not about

You getting dibs on a story that so utterly
Original that it must go down literary history as the first
Unprecedented example of its kind. Now you can

Call me harsh or even an asshole for stating this
Absolute fact for all writers—for aspiring
Newbies just starting to practice their craft and for
Those grizzled veterans with multiple published titles under their

Writing repertoire. When you start any writing project, it's
Really about the writing process itself. I know it sounds weird, but
It's true. The story you have in your head won't magically
Transport itself onto the page; that's where all the
Elbow grease comes in. It takes more than just

Inspiration to get the words onto the page. It takes discipline to
Sit your ass down for long stretches of time and

Begin writing. But that's the hardest part, someone
Else says. Trust me, it doesn't have to be that way. Who the hell
Cares if your first sentence is the absolute worst
Abomination ever written? Who the hell cares if your story is the next
Unique example of literary genius if your story's
Still in your freaking head and not written down yet? Don't
Edit your story before it's written. Don't become

Your own worst critic when you don't even have a single word
On the page to criticize. You'll get nowhere fast if you insist
Upon perfection before you even get anything

Down. Free your mind from doubt and just write.
Only when you get a whole chapter down can you see what
Needs to be corrected and what needs to be perfected, because
To revise is human, but to start writing is divine.

The only reason you can't write is because you don't.
—A. A. Patawaran

(To be continued...)

A/N: A. A. Patawaran is a Filipino author of Write Here Write Now: Standing at Attention Before My Imaginary Style Dictator, a book I've never read before from a writer I've never heard of before, but whose words ring true for one writer to another.

Meter: Free verse
Rhyme Scheme: None

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