4. John Keats 1 (To supervampireninja)

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Acrostic Quotes

4. John Keats
(To supervampireninja) 

The poetry of earth is never dead,
He wrote, and set the world of verse ablaze,
Evoking Nature's spell in rhymes unsaid. 

Perchance the spell of Nature might amaze
One poet suffering from writer's block,
Enabling inspiration to upraise
The waning spark and see himself unlock
Resolve's determination to compose 
Yet better rhymes of greater force and stock.

Or, viewing Nature's spell within a rose,
Forgetful men can understand its beauty,

Esteeming that which Nature rarely shows:
A rose to love for how it truly is, as duty
Rewards the man that loves a woman's soul,
Though looks be bland; a rose, much like a cutie,
Hath beauty's truth in parts, just like its whole.

Is there a rhyme that justifies its death,
Since every bounty Nature gave she stole, 

Negating Nature's spell with stolen breath?
Enquiries a jaded cynic. When she kills
Vindicatively, how can verse beat death?
Example that, O poet of her thrills!
Remember, sir, that even when she dies in

December's bitter frost, her winter chills
Endure a season's time, before she lies in
Abundant plenty come the spring. So dread
December's frost no more and live—because... 

The poetry of earth is never dead.
—John Keats

(To be continued...)

A/N: You'll notice that this poem never really ends on the last line but continues its phrase in the 1st line... In other words, it keeps going on and on in a cycle... Nature is the same way, changing with the seasons, living and dying over and over... In reality, nature never dies... It only changes; thus, the poetry of nature is never dead... I think that's what Keats was trying to say... Read, meditate, ponder, love, comment & vote, please... ( ^_^ )

Meter: Iambic pentameter
Rhyme Scheme: Terza rima

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