Chapter 1

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Alivia's POV

Alright, I've placed everything where I want it to be.

Gee, moving into an apartment is hard.

I look out the window.

My apartment is really high in the building, so I have a very nice view of LA.

"This is so different than Pennsylvania.." I mutter, staring at the beautiful town below me.

My phone rings

I grab it and look at the number.

"Huh..." I say, not recognizing the number.

I answer.
"Hello, this is Alivia speaking!" I say, sounding cheery.

"Ah, hello. This is Jeff Davis, the executive producer of Teen Wolf." Jeff says.

"Oh, hi!" I say, smiling.

"Your audition will be today around 1 pm at the big brick building on 3rd street. Make sure you're there." Jeff says.

"Yes, yes I will be there!" I say.

"Alright, see you then" Jeff says and hangs up.

I set my phone down at sigh. "Oh boy." I grumble.


"Okay, here goes.." I say and park by the building Jeff said

I step out of my Jeep, holding the script, and shut the door.

I sigh, nervous.

"Okay.." I mutter and walk inside.


"Ah, hello Alivia." A man says.

I'm assuming this is Jeff.

"Hey" I say with a smile.

There was a long table in the big empty room I was in.

A bunch of men and women sat at the table, then there were two boys on chairs.

Jeff points to the two boys.

"That's Dylan, and that's Tyler." Jeff says and looks at me.

I smile. "I know"

Jeff laughs.
"Alright, let's start with the first scene on page 10."

I read over the script quickly. "Alright." I say.

Dylan and Tyler hop off and walk over, ready for the scene.

"Okay, and action!" Jeff says.


"Scott do you really have to do that?" Stiles asks, slightly annoyed.

"What, do you mind? Emily sure doesn't." Scott says.

I sigh.
"Scott just stop with that." I say and grab the lacrosse stick from him

Scott had been tapping the end of the lacrosse stick on the floor for the past 10 minutes.

Stiles.lets out a sigh od relief.

I nod and laugh.
"So, what will we do about this whole human sacrifice thing?" I ask.

"Wait... How did you know about that? You're a new student!" Scott says.

"I have my methods... So, again my question. What do we do about the human sacrifice thing?" I ask, a little frustrated.

"Well... We don't know yet, but we are figuring it out!" Stiles says.

"Yeah.. oh I have an idea!" Scott says.

Stiles and I look at each other with a smile.
Then we look back at Scott.

"Spill." Stiles and I say.


We end the scene.

I look at Jeff.

Jeff smiles. "That was great."

I laugh, filled with excitement. "Awesome"

Dylan and Tyler walk back to the chairs.

"So, Alivia someone you tonight or tomorrow morning with our.decision." Jeff says.

I nod. "Thanks" I say and walk out.


Well, there you go! That's my newest book!

I really hope you like it!

Next chapter will be up soon!!

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