I choked on my chips thanks

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Why do I like him? He literally has no redeeming qualities.
2 mins

Which one are they talking about
Cause really
If you think about it can go either way
Rosey • 1 min

Nah, Keith has qualities
Lance...I dunno
He can count?

Qualities doesn't mean redeemingWait he can?!?
Rosey • Now

Side note, I meant they were redeeming. Anyways, WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME IN VOLTRON HELL??? Pidge is such a smol cinnamon muffin :3c 

Enjoy this tumblr post about possible Pidge memes:

I need more Voltron memes,,,, spifificly about pidge,,,, please omg yours are the best I've seen ily,,,

names all pieces of technology as if they're dogs. ex: "Spot" "Rex" "Fluffy" etc

everyone asks pidge for increasingly ridiculous modifications for their lions (hunk asks for a bathroom, lance asks pidge to give keith's a beard)

"where is [insert object here]??" "i dunno pidge probably made it invisible"

kinda just. hangs out in the castle vents. will sometimes drop into rooms to scare the shit out of people (mostly lance) [I LOVE THIS IDEA]

*someone says something inappropriate* pidge, in complete deadpan: "oh no, my young impressionable ears"
--alternatively: *someone says something inappropriate* lance, throwing his hands over pidge's ears, scandalized: "NOT IN FRONT OF THE BABY"

does the anime glasses thing and says "ah yes, all according to keikaku"

will sort of just climb onto the others when they don't feel like walking places (does this to shiro a lot, he continues going about his business as if he doesn't notice the extra weight)

whenever lance fucks up you can be sure that pidge is right there.... ready and waiting with a "get rekt"

acts disproportionately scandalized when allura and coran ask mundane questions like they're Very Offensive on planet earth
"*loud gasp* you can't just ask someone what shoe size they wear"
allura realizes it's a joke early on, coran continues to apologize profusely

lance, gesturing at pidge: is this a pigeon

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