Chapter Eight

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After all the formalities, I found myself enjoying Chike and Diana's company way more than I had thought I would. Chike made a lot of funny jokes and observing the connection they shared up close was really sweet, it was obvious to me that they were very compatible and Chike really cared for her.

Midway through dinner, my phone had gone off with a call from none other than Damilare. I was having such a good time with my company for tonight, that I didn't feel too guilty missing his call. However, I'd texted him that I was with them. I missed hearing his voice and it hadn't even been up to 48 hours since we last spoke.

Dinner went through smoothly and after a quick game of ludo with Chike beating both Diana and I mercilessly, he left. After speaking with Diana on her boyfriend for a few minutes and teasing her, we retired to our respective rooms and once again I holed myself in talking to Damilare for hours.

The days that followed blended into each other, and I was glad because before I knew it, Thursday rolled around.

Richard still hadn't returned from Abuja so once again, thankfully, I was able to leave work early. I arrived to an empty house and quickly went up to take a nap. Dami had informed me that the karaoke spot didn't open till 7:30 and it was just a few minutes after 6 so I set an alarm for 6:45. I ended up waking up before my alarm goes off, unable to sleep comfortably, it seems. For some reason I was a bit nervous on how the night would turn out but I had to stop myself from thinking too much about it in order to not jinx it. I was going to have a good time, Dami assured me of that.

The setting of our outing was very informal so I wanted to wear an outfit that wasn't too extra, but still made me look chic. I ended up going with blue cargo pants, a tie and dye emoji t-shirt and a pair of Nike Air Force Max.

I did a simple make up routine with no concealer, little foundation, drawn brows, my faux lashes intact and some lip gloss. I liked the way I looked and I found myself anticipating Dami's arrival even more in that moment.

It was almost 7:30, so I went down to the living room to chill for him. While there my phone went off with a call. As I looked at the screen, a sudden dread came over me and I didn't want to answer for a brief second. But then I reasoned, I wasn't doing anything wrong going out with Damilare so whey did this eery feeling come over me like I was.

With a sigh, I accepted the call, lifting the phone up to my ear slowly. "Hey baby." I say into the phone as I go to settle on the couch.

There is silence on the other end before I hear someone in the background say, "I'll be leaving now, sir."

"Hmm." I hear Richard hum. "Tell Kunle to settle you before you go."

"Ah, thank you, sir." The man in the background says again gratefully and I imagine him bowing his head repeatedly as he spoke. "God will bless you, sir."

"Amen." Richard says with a chuckle that makes me smile on the other end as if he could actually see me. Normally, I would be upset that he called me and kept me on hold, but I just couldn't be right now. "My love." I hear him call, giving me his attention now. The familiar endearment said with his now husky voice has my lashes fluttering as I lick my suddenly dry lips.

"Hey baby." I say again with a small grin.

"Damn, I've missed you so much. Finally this whole thing is over so I should be on the jet home soon." Richard tells me and I have to stop myself from asking, which home? Yours or mine? I didn't want to ruin the mood.

"I can't wait to see you." I tell him sincerely, adjusting my legs on the couch.

"I bet." He says with that melodic laugh of his that makes me smile. "What are you up to this evening?" He asks and although I know the question carries no bad motive behind it, I find myself sitting up straighter.

"Nothing really. I'll probably just stay in with Diana and watch a couple of movies then call it an early night." I lie. "Why'd you ask?"

"No reason." He says making me squint my eyes at his words even though he can't see me. I know right away that there's something he isn't mentioning.

I pause my lips, going to change the subject. "I went to see my mother a few days ago, she asked about you."

"Ah, my biggest fan." He says making me laugh. "It's been a while. How is she?" He asks with a smile in his voice.

"She's good, she's healthy so I'm happy." I say vaguely because most of my visit consisted of talking about him but I couldn't tell him that.

"And Nmah?" He asks.

"She's great. Just finished her WAEC so it's on to NECO. Taking it all like a boss." I add the last part with a grin as I recall what she said during our earlier conversations.

Richard laughs at that. "Just like her sister."

"Mhmm." I concur with a nod.

"Are you okay though?" Richard asks after a brief silence.  "I know you when you visit your mother out of the blue like that something is on your mind."

And he was right.

It scared me greatly how this man was able to read me like a book. A few times, I would know his reactions to certain things before he even does them, but that was just sometimes. Richard is a guarded man. You rarely knew or could predict his moves before he does them and you hardly know the reasoning behind his actions unless he tells you. It was something I have always found fascinating about him, and at the same time, oddly terrifying because it would seem he knew me more than I knew him.

"I, uh, had a couple of things on my mind so I just needed to see her. I'm fine though. It's just a few trivial matters." I say scratching at my forehead lightly, my eyes shut closed as I listened to Richard's steady breath on the other end as he remained quiet.

"I want to see you when I return." He tells me abruptly although he had already said so. "There are some things that I want us to discuss that cannot be said over the phone."

"Richard." I begin but he cuts me off.

"Seriously, Ada. I know what's bothering you. And I don't like you being unhappy, my love, so we will speak about it when I get back in town, okay?" He speaks sternly and I can only nod, sighing under my breath.

Remembering he can't see me, I say lowly, "Okay."

Soon after that, we hang up and I barely have the time to pull myself together before my phone beeps with a text from Damilare, informing me that he's outside.

I take slow, steady breathes before pulling my purse onto my shoulder as I stand up, and begin making my way out of the house, locking it up as I do so.

I find Damilare in a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon 2019 parked directly outside my house. I immediately recognize the car as the one Richard wanted to get me earlier this year but I protested because I wouldn't possibly know where to begin to explain how I could afford such a car to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, plus I didn't want people all up in my business like that so I went for an AMG 63 instead. It was still expensive, but more inconspicuous than the Jeep.

Suddenly, I found myself second guessing this whole date. Should I really be going out with a man while in a relationship? After all Richard and I have said and done? There was a brief moment of hesitation as two persons -or so it would seem- argued in me, before I finally pulled open the passenger door to the car.

Some part of my mind picked up on the fact that Damilare didn't open the door for me like Richard did but I shook my head dismissing the irrelevant thought.

He was making a call when I hopped in but shot me a quick grin before going back to speaking. I didn't bother making out what he was saying, instead tuning him out as I slowly perused his attire for the night. He had on black jeans, a black t-shirt with a painting of Fela's face on it, and on the head of his hair was placed a mustard colored denim jacket, I had to admit, the man looked fine. Even more so with the full chin of beards he was spotting that had grown two times more since the last time I saw him. I was never a fan of beards but on him, they looked so good and clean. The sight was honestly appetizing but I had to stop myself from taking my mind down that dirty path. Not tonight, if ever, I chided myself.

By the time I was done ogling and drooling over the man, Dami was also through with his call and turned to me with his full attention, his pearly white on display, the contrast against his dark skin, beautiful.

"Good evening, sorry about that. Work." He says referring to his phone call.

"It's okay." I tell him with a suddenly shy smile as I pushed my weave behind my right ear, staring up at him through my lashes. "How was your day?" I asked him awkwardly.

Over the phone, we could speak for hours on end without running out of what to say, but now in his presence, I was suddenly at a loss for words. I knew that after sometime I would go back to my talkative self, but right now, it was awkward on my part.

"It was hectic." He said with a roll of his eyes before reaching across the console to give me a hug. I breathed deeply, inhaling the strong masculine smell of what I recognized to be ginger and amber. It was an odd combination, but he somehow pulled it off just right.

When we pulled away, I immediately missed the feel of him in my arms but I hid my disappointment well.

"I've missed you. You look really good." He tells me, eyeing me appreciatively in a flattering manner.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and sent a quick prayer of gratitude to the man above that I wasn't so light skinned that he could see the color on my face. "Thank you." I said through a small knot in my throat.

He shot me a grin before pulling away from my house. "Let's get this show on the road, I'm ready to whoop your ass in Karaoke." He says excitedly.

The previous awkwardness in the air immediately dissipates as we begin to argue about who is going to win. We were both very competitive people so I mentally prepped myself and crossed my fingers in hopes that I would win. As I saw an hour later, it didn't work and I ended up losing. I swore from up till down that Damilare cheated but he only laughed and called me a sore loser. He wasn't wrong there.

As the night proceeded, the awkwardness had completely disappeared and I found myself having a good time with Damilare.

Author's Note•
My faves are getting closer!

I don't update this book as often as I'd like to but I hope to change that soon. Also, this chapter is dedicated to UnahEbere

Thanks for your support guys and don't forget to vote on this chapter, comment your thoughts and share this book with friends, family and book pals.

Their date is gonna happen in the next chapter so stay tuned. It'll be posted real soon.

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