Chapter Twelve

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"Let us go out! We can't stay in this house all week long." Diana whined loudly as she tried to pull me up from the couch where I had been hibernating for the last few days to no success.

I wasn't even paying any attention to her as I was hyper focused on the season finale of Grand Hotel. The truth of who killed Sky was about to be revealed and I wasn't about to miss a single thing as I had been on my toes all through the other episodes because the entire series was centered around her murder and the possible suspects.

"You can't keep doing this." Diana tells me in a serious tone, making me cut me eyes at her.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"This." She says gesturing to me. "Staying in, sulking, eating junk, living in front of the damn tv —I mean you're about to finish this whole series and it's been how many hours? Who watches a whole season in only a few hours?" She asks in disbelief.

"A lot of people." I say in a duh tone. I move to the remote control and press pause before turning to look at her with a straight face. "What exactly do you want me to do? I no longer have a job so you better get ready to deal with me infringing on your home time, at least till I find one. Now, I'm trying to concentrate on this episode, please don't disturb me." I tell her before going to take the remote again but she grabs it first, holding it in her hand behind her.

"I'm not saying you should go to work, I'm only saying that you should come out with me. I'm usually the homebody and you're the outgoing person."

I roll my eyes at her, "You and I both know that it's the other way around."

"Is it though?" She asks like she's genuinely confused. "Just come lets go out. Let's check out that new restaurant that just opened up in Twin Towers, The View, I think it's called. I heard it has an amazing view of the ocean and the food there is good." Diana suggests hopefully.

"I most probably will be out of work for a while," I begin, flicking my fingers. "I have a family to feed, rent to pay, other bills too, and you want me to go out and be eating expensive food? Abeg give me that remote control before I fight you." I tell her making her throw it at my lap in frustration as she kisses her teeth.

"Ohhhh." She moans going to crash head first into the other couch. Someone would think I was the one trapping the girl to stay in with me, I thought with a quiet laugh as I stared at her sideways.

For the past few days, I've been stuck at home not allowing myself go out for any reason. Ever since my confrontation with Richard, I considered it my informal resignation and so I haven't gone into work since. I know I would have to soon so I can still get a letter of recommendation, but I haven't had the physical or emotional strength to do anything, plus the job interviews I've been able to secure aren't until next week.

In that time period, Diana had appointed herself my glorified babysitter and has been stuck in with me all through. I was grateful for her presence, meanwhile, she was going crazy staying indoors for so long. She liked going out when she wasn't blogging, while I actually enjoyed staying home and being away from too many people.

An idea came to my head and so I asked her, "The View, right?"

She looked up at me from the pillow her head was buried in so fast I thought she'd have a whiplash. "Yes."

"Alright, let's get dressed then." I said, rolling my eyes as I got up from the couch and turned off the television.

"Praise tha lord!" She shouts, being extra as usual and making me laugh. "We have to dress well though, not casual, cause the restaurant is a bit upscale."

I nod my head as we begin to make our way upstairs and once in my room, I plop down on the bed and pull out my phone. I have to scroll through to find Vera's number, dialing it once it is found. I wasn't sure if she would pick up, but she did on the fifth ring, her voice coming over the speaker, "Heyyy. I was beginning to think you forgot about me?" She asked with a smile on her voice.

I smiled too but I wondered why she expected me to be the one to call while she had my number as well. I remained quiet on that though. "Sorry, it's just been a lot going on since that day we met, I was actually calling to see if you wanted to go out with my friend and I? I know it's Thursday but-"

She cuts me off. "Hell yes, I'm in. If I stay a moment longer in this shop, I just might go mad." She refers to her hair shop, I suppose. "Where do you have in mind?"

"We want to check out this restaurant, The View, at Twin Towers, they just opened."

"Ah, yes. I've seen reviews on that place, pretty good."

"Yup." I say. "Meet you there by, um let's say one o'clock?"

"Def. Alright, bye." She greets before we hang up.

With a sigh, I stand up from my bed and go into my bathroom. I didn't really know why exactly I called her honestly but I guess I'm suddenly compelled to make more female friends other than Diana. I wasn't always the most friendly in my university days, with boys and girls alike. Diana was the only person that seemed to be able to get through to me and has remained my best friend for years now. I wasn't a snob or anything, I just had too much going on in my life to make the time to cultivate a friendship, or that was simply the way that I saw it. However, I guess now would be as good time as any to do so.

Speaking of friendships, after everything that went down with Richard, I found myself detached from the world and in need of my space, which was how I found myself ignoring Damilare's calls. I knew it was not fair to go ghost on him so I sent him a text to let him know I wouldn't be able to talk for a few days.

But since I was feeling much better today, I made a mental note to call him later tonight perhaps.

I quickly hopped in the shower and once out, I got dressed in a tube mustard, body con dress that clung to my body like a second skin with thin straps. I looked at myself in the mirror appreciatively before going into my closet to get my white pair of Fila sneakers as I didn't want to wear heels. I wore a long, curly dark brown wig and laid my edges before sitting to do my make up. It was a simple routine, but I took my sweet time because I was still feeling lazy today.

Once I was ready, I picked up a rose colored Marc Jacobs mini purse from my handbag shelf and made my way out of the room.

I knocked on the door to Diana's room which was closed shut and she yelled, "Just a minute."

"I'll be downstairs then." I said before heading to the living room.

I ended up waiting for a good twenty minutes and by the time she headed down, it was almost 12 pm and I was almost through watching the episode of Grand Hotel I was watching in the first place.

"How do I look?" She asked, with a sharp smile as she twirled for me. As usual, my best friend looked amazing in her sheer studded two piece outfit made up of a fitted long skirt, and a V necked crop top. Her hair was secured in a high ponytail and she too didn't have much make up on. Knowing her, the only reason she took so long was she was trying to decide what to even wear.

"You look like time. I thought you said one minute?" I asked making her smack her lips at me.

"I'm a Nigerian." She said with a shrug. "You can't believe everything I tell you."

I let out a soft laugh before pausing the show once more and switching off the television. "You look stunning, as usual."

"Thank you, best friend." She grinned before scanning my outfit. "You do too. Damn, if I didn't know any better I would think you were dressing up for Damilare."

"Well thank God you do know better." I said as I made my way out of the house.

After locking up, we went to my car but just as we were about to get in, Diana groaned. "I forgot my sunshades."

"Shades? It's a damn restaurant, D, not the beach." I made a face.

She rolled her eyes. "I know, I know, but it's on the rooftop and you know how my eyes get when there too much breeze, all watery and shit. I'll only be a minute, I promise."

I sigh before giving her a nod and she immediately heads back into the house.

Meanwhile, as I'm about to enter my car, I feel the back of my neck prickle with awareness as I felt like I was being watched closely. Rubbing at the spot, I was suddenly at alert. I quickly entered the car not wanting to get snatched up in a supposedly secure estate. I looked in my rear view mirror because my car was parked on the sidewalk, and I saw a flash of black clothe in my line of vision before disappearing all together.

I tug my lips in between by teeth, my eyes darting to the door, hoping Diana would hurry. It was my first time out in a while and some part of me felt like I was being paranoid but I didn't believe that. I was sure of what I saw and felt. Someone was definitely watching me.

A thought immediately occurred to me that it was possible that Richard had hired someone to keep tabs on me, still considering me his property. I honestly won't be surprised because how else would he have known I was out with Damilare the other night if he wasn't spying on me.

I was conflicted and very glad when Diana finally came out. Wiggling her glasses at me, she settled into the passenger seat and I immediately pulled out of the curb.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I'm pretty sure it's because I looked spooked. I was.

"Someone was watching me just now, I swear. He wore black." I tell her.

"What?" Diana asks incredulously. "Oh shit, do you think it's one of Richard's men?"

I answered with a shake of my head. "I don't know."

I left my estate and headed into the traffic grateful that it wasn't that heavy. My mind still remained on the man I saw, as was Diana's I'm sure, and something told me that wasn't one of Richard's men. Intuition, I suppose.

However, I didn't want to let what happened damper my mood completely. "So, I invited someone out with us." I informed Diana.

Diana gave me a stank face because she, like myself, didn't really like meeting new people. "Who?"

"She's Damilare's cousin's fiancé and her name is Vera. We met the other day I went out with him, at UrbanFest." I tell her. "She's cool people."

Diana pauses her lips before saying. "Fine, if you say so."

She let me off easy, I thought with a small smile.

We got to Twin Towers in after a forty minutes drive, with a few minutes before one o'clock to spare. We made our way to the elevator after being searched. The top floor was where the restaurant was located on the roof top. As we walked in, I noticed that it didn't have that much people as it was a weekday so I was glad.

We were led to our seat and handed menus. Some minutes later, Vera joined us dressed in a blue, sleeveless Ankara jumpsuit that she managed to pull off so elegantly, I almost forgot it was a local made material she had on. She paired it with cream colored stiletto heels and a red purse. Diana, who more of the fashion enthusiast than I was, looked at her outfit and immediately complimented her on her fashion sense. From there, the two got bonding about dressing and hair and what not, and I added my input occasionally, glad that they were getting along. Vera was an easy, outgoing person and I genuinely liked her vibe.

After lunch, we bid each other farewell and Diana and I made our way to my car. My steps slowed and I paused as I was about to enter my car because I felt like I was being watched yet again. But no, the person couldn't possibly have followed me. Could he? Or was my mind playing games on me right now? I always trusted my gut and it had never let me down so I didn't think this was any different.

I remained silent and got into the car before heading home. It was already evening so I decided to take a quick shower and go through my skincare routine. I was almost through with it, having applied a black mask on my face, when my phone began going off with a FaceTime video call from Dami. I had the mind to ignore it, but decided against it as my finger clicked to the green button.

I was in my bathroom so I propped my phone on the end of counter, near the mirror I was facing, looking at Damilare's face as it came into view. We both smiled at the same time as soon as we saw each other and I was genuinely happy to see his face again, regardless of the fact that it was over the phone.

"Ojuju, how are you?" Damilare immediately asks making me laugh lowly. Ojuju means Masquerade and I'm assuming he only called me that because of the mask on my face.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I asked as I massaged my face.

"I'm where you left me." He said with a silly pout.

"Left you? Nah, I didn't leave you." I say, moving to take off the mask from my face as it was time.

Damilare adjusted his phone, his top torso coming into view and I could see that he was shirtless, the sight of his taut abs making my movements slow down as I stared blatantly at his hard chest. Damn, I thought to myself.

"You did leave me. No text for days, no calls either, I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me." He said.

"I sent you a text that I wasn't going to be able to speak to you for a while." I told him, as I forced myself to look away and go back to what I was doing.

"On WhatsApp?" He asked and I nodded. "I thought I told you that I don't check my WhatsApp? iMessage and SMS only." He reminded me.

"Ohhh," I suddenly remembered him saying that a while ago. "I'm sorry, I forgot."

He made a face. "It's fine though. So you and Vera hung out, when am I going to get my one on one time with you too, ma?" He asks dramatically.

I laughed, rolling my eyes before replying. "When did you have in mind, sir?"

"How about Saturday? My friends and I usually go to this country club to hang out once in a while and I would love if you can come." He says hopefully as he stares at me.

I immediately latched on to the word 'friends'. Were we already on that level where he was introducing me to his friends? I didn't really know what to think of it though, so I remained quiet, choosing instead to focus on what I was doing.

I poured a globe of face wash in my hand, rubbing it into my face, as my eyes closed shut. Dami remained quiet, watching me pour water on my face to rinse off the soap before grabbing a white towel and dabbing my face clean. "Sure. Just text me the address." I finally said.

"I'll pick you up." He tells me making me pause and turn to him.

I smile before looking away again to hide it. "Okay."

After that, we speak for a while before hanging up the call and once again, I feel that giddy anticipation bubbling at the bottom of my stomach as I wished that Saturday would come faster.

What do you guys think of the stalker? Hmm, I wonder who it is.

Also, Ada and Dami's second date soon! Stay tuned to see if that'll go as good as the first one did.

Until next time, stay safe, x.

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