Halloween (SI)

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"Trick or treat!" The few kids say enthusiastically, and I chuckle to myself in the kitchen. We had only been living in this new house for a few weeks, but we made sure to put decorations out front to let the kids know that people lived here.

"Ooh that's one scary ghost! And a pirate! Aargh!" Adam replies from the door, and then I hear the door shut. Adam walks around the corner of the hallway and smiles at me. I check the tray of cookies that were in the oven and decide to give them a minute more.

"A ghost huh, that's like the tenth one we've seen tonight." I say, turning around to face him only to find out he was behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. He kisses me, long and passionate before we get interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. I laugh as I watch him grab the bowl of candy and walk down the hallway towards the door.

"Duty calls!" He shouts and we laugh.

"Trick or treat!" The kid says at the door loud enough for me to hear.

"That is one good costume!" Adam says, admiring the awesomely done princess gown.

"Thank you!" The girl replies and I hear her go down our steps. I walk over to the fridge to grab ourselves drinks to watch a movie with.  The timer goes off so I walk over to take the cookies out and set them on the cooling rack and turn the oven off. Just then, Adam comes around the corner again.

"I just had the best idea. We've handed out candy to like 100 or more kids already, I think that shows that we are good neighbours, so what if we shut off all the lights and locked the door and 'run out of candy.'" He smiles like a kid and I laugh.

"Go turn off the front porch light before more kids come." I say with a wink, he sets the bowl down before basically sprinting down the hallway. Adam looks through the peep hole to see nobody around. He shuts off the outside light, closes the blinds and curtains by the door and turns off the hall light. He comes back a minute later.

I put 10 of the cookies on a plate and grab the bowl of candy while Adam grabs our drinks and we head over to the couch. We set the stuff on the coffee table and find a movie to watch. Right then, the doorbell rings. We look at eachother, not making a sound.

"I feel kinda bad." I whisper, making a face. He looks at me and puts a hand on my thigh.

"Me too but they'll get plenty of candy tonight anyway, what difference is a small chocolate bar from us going to make? Plus, we didn't get to trick or treat so this is our trick or treating, we are tricking the kids and getting the treats!" He whisper yells excitedly and we laugh.  We wait a few seconds then start the Scream movie marathon.

A few minutes later, we decide we would go look through the peephole to see how many kids were still out. We tiptoe quietly down the hallway and Adam looks through the peephole first. He quickly ducks down and brings me down with him. The doorbell rings immediately after and we crouch there together trying to suppress our laughter.

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