The Boy Next Door

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Warning: contains talk and indication of sexual content


I lay on my bed, looking over at the pile of math homework on my desk. Being sick for 2 weeks is not the best, but at least I got to stay home and watch TV. Mom told me that she would drop by the school and pick up my homework, so I could do it over the weekend before I went to school. Of course, I didn't want her to, but she did anyway. I sigh and look over at my window, sitting directly across from his. Adam Banks, the boy next door.

Ever since we moved here when I was 10, so 6 years ago, I have always had a crush on him. We became friends, because we lived so close, but we never really hung out alone. There was one time we did. A year ago. I had forgotten my key, and the spare one was gone, and it was pouring outside. He must've been walking by the living room window of his house and saw me, because the next thing I knew, he was inviting me in. We hung out in his living room for about an hour till my dad got home from work, then I went home. I played through that one hour with Adam, for hours that night and the next day.

I look over at the clock, 9:16pm. I should really get started on the math, but it looks to pretty in my desk to move and mess up! Plus, I just don't want to do it. I have plenty of time to do it later. I roll over to lay on my back, staring up at my roof. Tick. What was that? I shake it from my head, thinking my mind was just playing a trick on me. Tick. There it is again! I'm definitely not just hearing it in my head. I sit up and look around. Tick. I look over at my window. Something is hitting the window. I walk over to it and look down. 'There he is. Adam. Standing in my yard, throwing tiny little rocks at my window like the movies.' Adam waves, and I open my window.

"Hey." He said, with a relieved expression on his face.

"Hi." I reply, still kind of stunned at the fact he's in my yard.

"Can I come up?" He asks, pointing towards my window. I quickly look around my room and to my door.

"Sure, if you can climb the tree." I say grinning. I turn and quickly tidy up my room a bit. It wasn't that dirty anyway but still I felt like I should tidy a bit more. I turn back around and he's making his way through the window into my room.

"In the 6 years of knowing you, I have never been in your house." He states, and looks around.

"Yeah." I reply, not knowing what to say after.

He walks around my room, looking around. I sit down on my bed and just watch him. He looks over everything so delicately, as if he's taking mental pictures.

"Can I ask why you're here?" I suddenly blurt out.

"I wanted to come over." he states, and he looks over at me. He starts walking over, and sits down on the other side of my bed. "I didn't see you in the hallways at school, and i learned from Connie that you were sick. I wanted to check on you myself."

"Oh, yeah I'm feeling better. It was just a little cold." I try to downplay it, even though I could barely move and threw up multiple times.

"A little cold took you out for 2 weeks?" Adam said, looking at me with one of his eyebrows raised. I sheepishly smile and look down.

"Yeah, no I was sick sick." I sort of laugh, and he laughs too. 'Oh his laugh. I could listen to it for days.' I look back up at him only to lock eyes. We sit there for a second before he clears his throat.

"You feel better, right?" He asks, almost looking eager to hear the answer.

"Yeah, I sort of just milked it from Wednesday so I could stay home." I reply, a tint of red covering my cheeks as I said it out loud. He nods and i readjust myself on my bed, and subtly make myself closer to him. I think he notices because he does the same and moves closer to me. We are still looking at each other but out of the corner of my eye, I see his hand slide closer and closer until it's on top of my hand.

I quickly look at our hands and back to him and he's smiling. I almost didn't hear it, because he whispered it so quietly and low.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks, and I barely comprehend what he's saying before I nod my head yes.

We both lean in. Our lips collide, and I felt butterflies. It was everything I had dreamed of and I couldn't believe it was actually happening. I was kissing Adam, the boy next door. We pull away for a second to breathe, and immediately went back to it. He ran his hand through my hair, and we fell backwards on my bed. He trailed his lips off of mine and down my neck. 'I'm so glad everybody is gone tonight.' He trails back up to my lips and I move my hands over his body, feeling every little muscle there was to feel.

I had imagined it before, but my mind couldn't have imagined it would've been this good. I play with Adams hair while he lays his head on my chest. The boy next door, Adam, would be climbing through my window lots.

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