Chapter 7

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Skore watched the drunk man as he swept around the room, scanning everything with a new device. Skore hoped he could make this one explode, just like the last one. That had been a riot. He loved to toy with the drunk man who claimed to be an exorcist. He supposed it was mean, but the entertainment was worth it.

Skore chuckled and turned invisible. He floated up to the device and disconnected the hose.

"Oh for-" the man's voice was drowned out by the hum of the machine. Skore laughed, his invisibility faltering. The man frantically tried to plug the device in. He stopped as he spotted the Banette.

"Aha! There is a spectral being inhabiting this area! Luckily, I have the perfect weapon!"

The man reached behind him to grab something out of his backpack, which was on Vivian's bed. Skore floated up and placed a hand on the device. A wisp of flame pulsed, and the device exploded. The man was blown forwards. He hit the wall and crumpled to the floor. Skore laughed, falling to the floor as well.

The door opened, and Vivian entered. She took in the scene and snickered for a moment. Composing herself, she grabbed the Banette.

"Go hide!"

Skore nodded and phased through the wall, watching from the shadows. Vivian helped the man up and gave him paper towels, which he held against his bleeding leg. His other leg was bent, clearly broken.

Vivian stood up and looked around the room. She spotted her phone and picked it up.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Hi, uh, 911? Yeah, I have someone here. Uh, he's hurt really badly."

"Okay, what city?"


"Alright, we have paramedics on the way."

Vivian sighed in relief and hung up. She hauled Mr Weaver, who was unconscious, downstairs and placed him on the couch. She then went upstairs.

"Skore! Get out here! NOW!"

There was silence for a moment, then Skore appeared, a worried expression on his face. He tilted his head to one side.

"What did you do?!"

The Banette backed away, scared.

Vivian took a few breaths. "What did you do?"

Skore was silent. He shook his head and sank to the floor. Vivian could tell he was upset, and suddenly felt sorry.

"I'm sorry for yelling. Just be more careful with your pranks, okay?"

Skore nodded and phased through the floor. Vivian sighed and sat at her desk. Thank god her father wasn't home. He would know something's up.

The sirens of an ambulance grew louder. Vivian ran downstairs to greet the paramedics. "He's on the couch."

"You there!"

Vivian turned to see a man running towards her. She folded her arms as he stopped in front of her and panted for a moment. When he caught his breath, he straightened up.

"You the one who called?"


"The Hoenn Police want to thank you. That man was actually a criminal."

"What did he do?"

"Illegal drug selling. Wanted in Sinnoh and Kalos as well as Hoenn. We've tracking this guy for three years."

"Your welcome, then."

The officer nodded and walked away. Vivian went inside the house, thought for a moment, and locked the door.

She opened the door to her room and stared. Skore was on her bed, flipping through one of her magazines. He let out a small scoff as he turned the page.

"Having fun?" Vivian asked, turning the Banette's attention to her. Skore closed the magazine and set it on her desk. He then floated to the window and pointed. Vivian followed him. He was pointing to the departing vehicles.

"Oh, that. That was nothing. Just the "exorcist" going to the hospital, and probably jail afterwards."

Skore tilted his head to one side.

"He won't be coming back."

Skore's expression changed into one of sadness.

"Don't worry- you can still prank. We'll just have to adjust out target."

Skore's zipper gleamed.

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