Beginning of A New Life

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It has been a few years since Lily died and the Brookstone family has not been the same. Cole became more closed off from his father and Lou is rarely home so Cole is left with the chores to do. Cole rarely goes out with his friends since he has to stay home to do the housework before his dad got mad. A month ago, a gang has moved into Cole's neighborhood and has taken control of the neighborhood. Everyone feared the gang and what they can do. The Leader, Lloyd "Green Ninja" Garmadon,  always carries a golden katana, a small hand gun, and some white powder on him and the gang calls him green ninja because he was trained and fights like a ninja. The green part of his name, where does that come from? Well he wears green a lot, I thought that was obvious.   The right hand man is Kai "Fire ninja" Smith, he named Fire ninja in the gang because of his hot and short temper.

Cole was walking home one afternoon with bags of groceries one afternoon. He was stopped by Lloyd and his gang, "I am sorry! I just want to pass through!" Cole said in a panic. Lloyd chuckles and walks up to the taller boy and sighed. "You need to pay your protection and entry fee!" He said and Cole scoffs, "We paid last week for the month and I live here so I dont need to pay to get to my house!" He said. Lloyd and his smaller amount of the gang laughed, "Oh so you want to say that?" Lloyd said as a guy with dreadlocks pushed a tied up and beaten Jay. Cole jumped and growled, "LET HIM GO!" he growled. "Then lets make a deal shall we?" the young boy asked with a nasty smirk and made anyone regret running into the leader. Cole sighed and nods, "Okay what do you want?" He asked.

"Join the gang or your friend is gone?"

Jay sighed as he gripped his hair as he try to wrap his head around things, "What is wrong with you?!" The ginger hair boy asked. Cole groans, "I saved your sorry butt!" he said and Jay growled, "I mean why would you join Lloyd's gang? Your dad would kill you!"

Cole sighed and walks to the broken, run down house that Lloyd and his gang stayed in and Cole was going to regret joinning this gang. "Welcome fresh meat!" Killow said as he pats Cole's back harshly to make the boy growl. "Ah, Nicolaus Onyx Brookstone. Age 16, football player, junior in high school, and the muscle to any gang that you join and since you want to save that dumb witted guy you call a friend." Lloyd said. "so what am I suppose to do in this gang of yours Green ninja?" Cole asked as he crossed his arms and waited for a command. The green boy chuckles, "I want you and Fire ninja to go out and collect some... angel dust... for me!" the boy said and held his gun to cole head, "Don't double cross me or you will be dead and will not see your friend and father anymore! Got it, Earth ninja?" He asked. Cole sighed and a shiver down as the gun was place at his forehead and gulped, "Yes sir..." He said lowly and calmly.

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