Safe and Sorry

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The sun shines through Cole's window to welcome Cole to the new morning. Cole woke up and looked at his phone and gasped at the photos that appeared in his chat with Lloyd. Most of the night, all Lloyd sent was photos of Zane tied up in many ways and got hit by one of the guys. Cole growled and took some of the drugs that Kai bought him. Once he felt his emotions to numb up, Cole walked to the run-down house in the neighborhood. Jessie and Killow chuckled as they walked with Cole to the Green Ninja's room.  

"Ah! There is our muscle boy! I want you to do something!" Lloyd said as his red ruby eyes shine in the dim lighting and the smirk grew more twisted. Cole sighed as he took out a cigarette and lit it. "What do you want green bean?" He snapped and the gang 'Oohed' as Lloyd growled and snapped his fingers. Killow and Jessie walk out of the room for a moment to only return with a beaten up zane that was tied in in tight rope. He gulped and try to finish his cigarette as he looked up to the leader and his right-hand man.       

"Now that you are in a state of not caring and somber, to make sure that you are truly part of the gang; we want to see you confess!" Kai said, "We want you to beat this boy up then confess to him what you are".  Cole growled and sighed in frustration, "I am not going to hurt the poor boy", he said, "He has done nothing wrong to be beaten into a pulp." he explains and his tone was very somber and unlike him to sound like this. Zane cried softly and wiggled a little to loosen the rope but they did not budge. Lloyd growled and slaps Cole, "You follow orders now! I am your leader and you saw the deadly powder that we use when jackasses like you betray us!" he said and kicked Cole towards the bounded boy. Cole groans and takes more pills; he coughed at how this was hurting his body slowly. He kicks and punches Zane repeatedly, "I am sorry just please trust me." He whispers into the blonde's ear. 

Once everyone left to do their jobs, Cole snuck into the room that held the bounded boy. Zane had a collar on that had a chain connected to the collar and the wall. Zane cried into the gag and kept pulling on the chain to free himself. "Hey! Hey! calm down it is me!" Cole said as got on his knees and took the muzzle off of zane. Zane coughed and try to catch his breath, "Are you okay?" Cole asked and Cole earned a soft nod from Zane. Cole untied Zane and got the collar off as he picked up zane and carried him out of the run-down home. He walked Zane into his home and sighed, "I am sorry. I never wanted to find out this way or get hurt this way..." Cole said as he cleans and patch Zane up as much as he could. 

"Cole, I am fine! I am okay and I still want to be friends with you but I want you out of that gang. It is too dangerous for you to stay in that gang with Lloyd as a leader." Zane said in fear as he grips cole's arm in pain. Cole finishes tying the knot of bandages, "I can not leave that gang, or I will be killed. I sold my soul to the devil to save my friend..." Cole said. Zane sighed and nods, "I will find a way for you to get out of the gang without you being killed." Zane promised. Jay ran into the house and breathes heavily, "You almost got me killed Brookstone!" Jay cried. Cole looked confused and walk to the ginger-haired boy, "What are you talking about?" He asked. 

"Lloyd and your gang are after Zane!" Jay said 

Cole drove Zane to his home and growled at himself, "Hey look, I am sorry and I am glad that you let me stay with you until they forget about you..." He said, "I never wanted you to get in trouble and I wanted you safe". Zane sighed and shook his head, "No, it is fine I just uh... want yo make sure that you are safe... smoking and the drugs you take are not good for you! You need to stop that, for me, please?" He asked as he gave Cole a sad look with icy blue eyes sparkling in the dim lighting. Cole blushed at the look and blushed at how bright Zane's eyes were. He gulped and nodded, "Okay... I will quit the gang with your help and quit this addiction." He said as he lights another cigarette.  

"Father! I am home with a friend!" Zane called but no one answered the soft call. Zane sighed and let Cole in, "My father must be stuck in another meeting. Do not worry though, I texted him earlier and he said it is okay for you to stay with us for a while!" Zane said with a small and soft smile. Cole nods and Zane walks into the kitchen and made tea for the two, "We only have peppermint tea so I hope you like it! What kind of movie do you want to watch?" Zane asked as he wanted to make sure that the taller noirette was comfortable. Cole chuckles and nods, "That is fine and how about Jurassic Park?" He asked as he gently ruflles Zane's hair.  Zane nods and goes onto Amazon Prime and looks for the movie that Cole has requested as Cole makes his tea strong but sweet with honey. Zane rented the movie and cuddles into Cole's chest, making the noirette blush but smile that he might have a chance to get his wish.

"Zane! I am home!" Dr. Julien called. The inventor felt a pit in the bottom of his stomach when Zane did not reply to his call. Dr. Julien walked to the living room and smiled at what was in front of him. Cole was lying down on the couch with Zane on top and zane was hugging cole as the teo were in a deep sleep. 

"Good night my son... Sweet dreams..." He said softly 

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