19- Man Down

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The Fairchild siblings knocked on the door, loud and firm to make sure that Dot would hear them. As she opened the door, she gasped when she realised who it was and hugged both Ethan and Clary tightly. 

"Oh my god, you have absolutely no idea how terrified I was to hear that you had all gone missing! I mean, I heard the noises but when I went up there, your flat was a mess and you were all nowhere to be seen!" Dot exclaimed, stepping back from the embrace.

She held Ethan and Clary's faces in her hands in turn, then frowned, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"But where's your mother?"

"She was taken, Dot," Clary said, butting in before Ethan could reply, "but we can get her back. And we need your help"

Dot nodded, her face grave, and invited the siblings to step inside. As they did so, Ethan took the time to elbow Clary.

"Ow," she hissed, "what was that for?"

"For telling Dot that Mom was taken," Ethan said, his eyes darting around frantically, "There's something going on here, and I'm not sure what, but it doesn't feel right"

Clary scoffed and wrapped an arm around her big brother in a sort of awkward side hug. 

"E, you're just being paranoid now. This is Dot, we've known her for years, we can trust her. What could possibly go wrong?"

She walked off in front, and Ethan shook his head in exasperation. 

"Well, now you've said that, everything will go wrong" he muttered under his breath, before following her into Dot's living room.

As Clary sat down and started to talk to Dot, Ethan wandered around the room, looking in drawers and tracing shelves. Eventually, he saw a box of tarot cards, and picked them up. He looked at Dot, quizzically.

"Ah the tarot cards," Dot exclaimed, taking them from Ethan and laying the cards out on the coffee table, one by one, "You know, I think this is the best gift I ever received from your mother"

Clary and Ethan shared a glance, and at that moment each one knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"Dot, will you show us how it works? You know, tarot-card readings" Ethan asked, sending his most charming smile her way.

Dot smiled back and then returned her attention to the cards, gesturing for Ethan to come and sit on the other side of her.

"Now, trace your fingers over the cards and when you feel one that is hotter or colder than the rest, I want you to pick it up and turn it over"

Ethan was the first to try. He ran his hands across the cards one, two, three times. It was only on the fourth that Ethan felt a mild burning sensation on the tip of his finger when he touched a particular card. He winced as he picked it up and turned it over: The Lovers.

Dot gasped. "Wow, that must be really strong! I can practically feel the heat radiating off it from here. Have you already met this special someone, Ethan?"

Ethan blushed crimson, whilst Clary smiled, knowingly. "Maybe..."

"Well, this card is upright, so that tends to mean that you have either met your soulmate, or you will in a short time. It means that you have a deep connection with this person, and that you will never let them go. You are both kindred spirits and are meant to be together. Oh, how lucky, Ethan!"

Dot seemed incredibly excited on Ethan's behalf, whilst Ethan decided that it was time to get the attention off him. 

"Clary, your go," Ethan said, and Dot seemed to lose the enthusiasm that she had harboured when Ethan showed an interest.

Clary spent ages deliberating over what card to pick, up to the point where Ethan yelled "Just pick one!"

Clary held it up for Dot and Ethan to see, and the Fairchild brother gasped. She had picked the Ace of Cups and there, on the card, was the Mortal Cup. 

Clary had been right. 

Clary looked at it, seemingly mesmerised for a moment, and then gestured for Ethan to come over.

"Ask her for a cup of tea" she whispered.

"Why me?" he hissed back.

"Because she likes you! Now do it" Clary replied fiercely.

Ethan got up and turned to face Dot once again, turning on the charm like he had before. 

"Dot, I don't mean to impose, but I was wondering if I could trouble you for a cup of tea?"

Dot all but jumped to her feet. "Of course, Ethan. Will Clary be wanting one too"

"Clary is fine thanks" Clary muttered, as Ethan giggled lightly. 

Once Dot had left the room, Clary got out her stele and traced the rune from before on the card. Once the rune had been completed, she turned to Ethan.

"You do it, E," she said, her bottom lip trembling ever so slightly, "I'm scared"

Ethan rolled his eyes and nudged Clary out of his way so he could access the card. He passed his hand over it gently, like he had done when he was picking his own tarot card not a moment ago, before reaching into the card. After a moment of feeling nothing, his fingers soon brushed against a cool metal object. He grasped it hard, and pulled it straight out of the card.

Neither Clary or Ethan could speak for a moment, but then, behind then, there was a sound of a tray dropping. Both of the Fairchild siblings whipped their heads round in that direction, whilst clutching their weapons in anticipation, and saw Dot with her mouth and eyes wide open and a spilt tea pooling at her feet.

"Well done, Clary and Ethan," Dot whispered, "I knew you could do it. You are exactly the Shadowhunters that your mom wanted you to become. Now give me the cup"

Ethan gaped at her. "But... how did you..."

Dot gestured to herself, smiling. "Warlock. Just think, what sort of Shadowhunter would your mom be if she didn't have a warlock's protection from Valentine? She'd want me to protect the cup too"

Clary gasped. "You know about Valentine?"

But at that moment, Dot was saved from answering as Jace, Izzy and Alec came bursting through the door.

"Guys, what are you-" Ethan started, but he was interrupted by Dot snarling at the intruding Shadowhunters, baring some very suspicious looking fangs.

"What is the meaning of this?" she growled, her eyes not leaving the intruders.

Alec, completely ignoring Dot, turned to Ethan instead, "She's a demon. Do not  trust her. This isn't the real Dot"

Ethan felt like his head was about to explode. 

"No I don't believe you" he insisted, but then he saw Izzy's demon detecting necklace pulsing violently, and he realised the truth. 

"Clary we need to go. Now" he warned and Alec smiled. He was glad to know that Ethan still trusted him. 

Before Ethan and Clary could walk over to the others, however, the demon blocked their path.

"Give me the cup, now, Clarissa." she snarled. 

Ethan reached for his seraph blade, but before he could activate it, 'Dot' changed. He blinked, and a moment later, the demon was within a swirling mass of black smoke. He saw the demon extend its lethal claws and he gasped, activating his seraph blade quickly.

But he wasn't quick enough.

The demon dragged its blackened claws all the way down Ethan's chest, and he screamed out in pain and swung violently at the demon before collapsing. Luckily for all of the Shadowhunters, he managed to hit the demon's most vulnerable spot before blacking out, falling into someone's outstretched arms.

A/N- Hey guys! Hope you liked the latest chapter. I want to ask you guys something. I know that I seem to be following more book plots at the moment in this story, but do you want the wedding scene in there? With Ethan crashing Alec's wedding to Lydia? Please comment down below and let me know what you think. I would really appreciate your opinion.

Peace and Love to all during Pride Month!


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