Part 15

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I am sorry for being late.. but as I told you my college has started and it is like new experience for me(ya it is my first year!) so I am trying to adjust nowadays. So I am not able to update much.

Well for now here you go!!

Enjoy reading!


They reached the address, as soon as they stepped in and the child's parent saw them coming.. his mother came running to them.. and tried to took the child from Neil's hand he stopped her.

Child's mother asked "please give me my child!" She cried.

While her husband and Avni were seeing Neil in confusion.

Neil: see we found this kid and brought him to the address. But.. until I am sure to give this child to you I can't! So could you just show me any pictures or something as a proof that he is your kid?

Avni: Neil.. what are you saying?! Give them their kid!

Neil: no Avni! We can't just give the kid to anyone.. what if there is something wrong? I can't take risk for a small kid.

Avni just looked at him in disbelief before smiling at him on his cute gestures.

Child's father replied " see I am Robin and she is my wife Lara.. and see this all these pictures.. these are our family photographs. See this is him Lorenz in the pictures." He said showing him photo frames hanged on the wall.

Neil saw them.. 1st investigation is done!

Neil: and could you please tell if your child have any birthmark? If yes then here it is?

Avni again rolled her eyes seeing his investigation.

His mother replied " yes! It is on his left shoulder.. a black birthmark." 

Neil: fine. So as you replied it correct and I can trust you.. so here is your child!

He gave the child to his mother.

Lara: thank you soo much! Thank you for bringing our child.. thank you for taking care of him.
She said crying.

Robin: yes. Thank you so much. Please tell if we can help you in any way!

Avni: it's okay! He is just a kid.. we had to help! Just take care of him now.
She said smiling.

Neil: exactly.. and please.. it's your kid be a little aware what if somebody had picked him up! Please don't leave him like that. He needs you.
He said with total sincerity.

The couple nodded in reply.

Avni: So we should take a leave now. Take care bye.

Lara: thank you once again.

Avni and Neil left from there.
They sat in the car... Avni was stealing glances at him every now and then while he was at peace finally.

She was smiling unknowingly.. this person making place for himself in her heart slowly and gradually.. even she didn't knew it.

Avni: They will be lucky.

Neil looked at her.

Neil: who?

Avni: your family.. your wife.. your kids..

Neil smiled in reply.. he didn't knew what to say. It felt good listening to it specially from her!

They reached the hotel which had their respective rooms booked already.

Neil: you go and rest.. I will meet you at the dinner.

Avni: ya sure.

They goes their respective rooms.

Avni was feeling something different today. Neil is different.. and for a while she just forget about what she thought of him before. She feels happy.. she feels safe around him. For the first time she feels she can rely on someone.

Neil was all charmed listening to her words before in the car. He loved her.. he never denied.. but at the moment he can't accept it. He had to talk to her about his another Main reason for coming to London with her.. her treatment. It is his main concern right now!

It was 9 pm. They had to meet for the dinner so Neil went to her room, due to jet lag she was not feeling okay and was sleeping. After his continuous 4-5 knocks at the door she opened her eyes and whinced. But after listening his voice calling her name.. she got to reality and got up to open the door.
While the closed door and not even a reply from her was making Neil panic.

Finally she opened the door and he sighed in relief.

Neil: Avniiii... why the hell you were not opening the door!

Avni: I am sorry.. actually I was sleeping. Don't start worrying so early Mr. Khanna.

Neil: don't do this ever again! Okay now I have ordered the food.. it might be here any minute.

Avni: fine. Get in now.. or you are planning to eat at the door only!

She chuckled.

He entered and they sat on the couch.
They had some random talks, the food arrived and they finished with the dinner soon.
While they were sitting.

"I think I should talk to her before going to the doctor! But.. what if she don't understand me?! She is stubborn! No! I have to tell and make her agree at any cost." He thought.

Neil: Avni I have to tell you something.

Avni: you brought me here for the treatment right?

Neil eyes widened listening to her


So please do tell how was it!

Reviews awaited!
Votes please!

Love love 💕

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