Clearing the smoke..

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Neil, Avni and her friend were seated on a table in Ali's cafe. The server was known to Avni and Neil, someone else was taking care of the cafe as Ali was in the hospital.

Avni wanted to go to the washroom and freshen up a bit. While she was away, Neil thought it best to speak out his mind..

Neil - "Waise Shabana. Thank you. I know Avni is your friend and you did it for her. But I cannot thank you enough for what you did..You saved my life as well by saving Avni (he then looked away).."( By the way..)

Shabana (smiled softly) - "You know what. This is why I wanted you to come here. I know your heart is clear for my Avni. I know you love her Neil. And that is the only reason you are sitting on the same table as me and Avni.. (then her voice got little bitter) even after insulting and breaking her spirit in the hospital room.."

Neil - "I will not ask how you know it Shabana. I have now assumed you are just good at knowing things. But I can only say that in that hospital room, Avni was not the only person who broke down. (Neil's voice got heavier with emotion as he spoke) It was my weakest moment and I am not proud of it as it affected Avni in such a bad way.. In fact I am ashamed. And possibly some will say that I should stay away from Avni for hurting her. But what is the use of that? What I need to do is to keep myself in the back burner and just focus on Avni. How to keep her happy and safe now..."

Shabana smiled at this - this guy was good for her Avni. She could see in her mind's eye the little Avni that had met her in the hospital after being shot by Dayawanti. Shabana shared the hospital room with Avni then - for even Shabana was injured, injury seemed to have a way with her all her life.. She was an orphan who had her own dark past that no one except Avni will know about. And after that Avni and Shabana supported each other to get better and recover from their wounds, both mental and physical. Neela ma had helped Shabana as well and she was indebted to her for that.

Shabana was always very good at martial arts and combat and she loved practicing the same to vent out her frustration. She had grown up and joined an organisation where she could put her talent to good use and could better herself. She rose quickly through her organisation and became a name to reckon with. She was initially a spy, for her country, but even more so for herself and for justice.. It all came naturally to her.. She then got gravely injured and Avni and Neela ma thought she had died, but instead after recovery she was sent on a mission for the country. She remained undercover for years and finally her mission got over. She was let go on a family leave so that she can rejuvenate.

After coming back Shabana decided that now she wanted to be with her family and to regain what she had lost all these years, loved ones. She tracked Avni and Neela expertly and realized all that has happened in Avni's life. She was happy that Avni was able to find closure by avenging her mom's murder. Also she saw how happy Avni was with Neil, how she was becoming more rooted in life and feelings.. Shabana decided not to come back in Avni's life as she did not want to bring her off the happy track again and wanted Avni to forget her past...

But then something happened that made Shabana sit up and take notice. She saw that someone else was also following Avni, someone professional. She had to warn Avni now and she tried reaching out to Avni on phone but Avni did not pick up and there was Neil with Avni who could not have known about Shabana at that time. Not till she trusted him completely and knew the broader game that was going on...

Avni arrived and broke Shabana's line of thought..

Avni (clicking her fingers in front of Shabana's eyes)- "Hello madam. Have you guys not talked at all while I was away! Don't tell me I am the talkative one out of this lot!"

Shabana - "Actually I was waiting for you to come before I start the story"

Neil - "Shabana, I want to know how and why Avni was in danger because of me.. I need to address this issue on priority."

Shabana - "Patience guys.. So Neil, my background is not known to you nor can I tell you a lot. Let us say it is not to be disclosed for the Official Secrets Act (Neil raised his eyebrows, this girl was way bigger than he thought!).. But let me give you the important parts.."

"Neil you know I was an integral part of Avni's life while she was recovering from her injuries and gaining strengths to fight Dayawanti. Avni, I went out of your and Neela ma's life due to an injury. It took me months to get better and then taking advantage of my 'deceased' status, the agency decided to send me off on a mission. I had no right to say No to them Avni (she held Avni's hand), I had to leave for my duty.. But there was not a day when I did not remember our happy family and I always wondered how you guys are doing.. What kept me going in those circumstances was my love for my family, Neela ma and you are bound to me not by blood but by hearts!"

"I returned after years and immediately found you, I wanted to call you but then I saw some movement of people who were tracking your whereabouts. It could not have been good as they were paid goons. I had to get to the root of it hence I started investigating and realised that they want to kill you at someone's behest and orders.."

At this Neil could not stop himself any longer - "Whose orders Shabana? Who wants to kill Avni..?"

Shabana - "Neil, think.. Think what you did differently last few days that could have triggered an attack on Avni?"

Neil (puzzled at first and then with a shine in his eyes) - "Oh my god!...I know who s behind all this.."


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