A raid and a wedding

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Avni closed the door and then went to the window. She knew Neil was following her to ensure she reaches home safely. She saw him look at her house for some more time and then he walked away.

And then avni sat down and brought her knees to her chest and then hugging them she wept..

She spoke to herself -"I love you too ..Neil. But I'm not Ananya. You don't know me, you dont even know my real name, and when you know me then maybe you will not love me anymore. You don't need to get involved in all this. You don't deserve this and I'll keep it this way"

The next morning Neil tried calling Ananya. But she didn't pick up his call. She didn't respond to his messages as well. Which was weird. It seemed to him that ananya was really angry. He thought of paying her a visit at his house but then decided against it. The raid against raghu pandit was tonight and he needed to prepare his police team for that. It was far too much important than his personal life.

But it was bothering Neil that ananya was hiding her past from him. Although he felt whatever had happened had happened in her past but he had a strong feeling that she still wasn't safe from it all. That the shadow of her past was looming large over her present day life.

As Neil looked into Raghu's file he realized that Raghu was no common criminal. He was well read and this guy was able to strategise well! He had an army of loyal followers and enjoyed a revered status due to his brutality in the criminal world, despite very few goons having had actually seen him by face. Neil deepened his research to understand this guy and his affiliates better.

Meanwhile DD got the informer to the police station. He brought in a masked man to Neil's cabin to keep the informer's identity a secret.

After having spoken to the informer, Neil was more confident now. It seemed that all of raghu's operations were controlled from a central base which was an abandoned mill that he was illegally occupying. And tonight Raghu was to be there in person! If tonight's raid went well, Neil would end this for once and for all. It would be a blow to human trafficking in and around the city.

On the other hand, as Neil was preparing for this raid, his family was making some other preparations. Neil's dad was back and had met Dayawanti who wanted to rush Neil and Rita's wedding due to a Shubh Muhoort (auspicious occasion) issue. Prakash wanted to talk to Neil before going ahead but Shweta stopped him as she said Neil meets Riya daily as per what Riya has told her and that they're already very close. She said it's better to marry them off without asking any additional questions.

Neil couldn't take his dad's or Bebe's calls due to being busy and had switched off his personal mobile phone. Khanna family and Mehta family, led by Shweta who was doing all decision making,  decided to go for a simple wedding that Saturday itself. Wedding cards were sent to be printed and invitations were sent verbally, all formalities had started. After all there were just three days to go for the wedding.

Avni knew what was happening on the wedding front. She had tapped the phones of the entire Mehta clan, this time through hired detectives. She knew she had to be smarter and shrewder than Dayawanti.

She was aghast to know that the wedding was on and was happening so soon. In no way could Avni allow Neil to be married to that horde of money-sucking leeches and vampires! Avni decided that desperate times called for desperate measures. She could not afford to let this go on and had to stop the wedding at any cost. Only thing is she could not directly call Neil and ask for his help and tell him everything. She did not want to pull him into her struggle and be dependent on anyone. Neil had shown himself to be more than worthy of her, but she was not worthy of him. After all, she also had Mehta clan's impure blood flowing in her veins.

There was a lot of activity going on in the police station. It was 9 pm and it was known to all that Neil was going on a secret raid with his special group of officers. Everyone was running about doing the chore assigned to them. In this confusion, no one noticed a corrupt constable in Raghu's pay, making a call and informing someone of Neil's activities..

Raghu or his henchmen were warned now and Neil did not know this. When he was getting into his car he did not realise that he might not come back alive..

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