A walk to remember

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Avni and Neil continued walking down the lane that went in the direction of her house. There was hardly any traffic in that area and luckily some of the street lights were working so they could see where they were going. By now Neil was holding the umbrella between them, ensuring Ananya does not get wet even if he has to!

They were walking extremely close to each other under the umbrella. Ananya was lost in their closeness and was walking just trusting Neil's instincts. Suddenly Neil took the umbrella in his other hand and put his hand around Ananya's waist and pulled her back. Ananya was about to step into a pothole on the road and Neil had just saved her!

In this process however, unintentionally, Ananya got pulled closer into Neil and now they were half embracing. By taking umbrella off them suddenly, even Ananya had gotten wet in the incessant rains.

Neil (still holding Ananya close to him sideways) - "Ananya, thik ho na?"(Are you OK)

Ananya nodded her head and looked at him. As Neil looked back he realized what he had done, and his hold around Ananya's waist loosened a bit as he allowed her to find her footing on the road. Neil kept looking at her, they were still standing extremely close.

It was rainy as well and windy, and a strand of wet hair came in front of Ananya's face. This time Neil could not stop himself and brushed her hair back behind her ear. Ananya trembled a little at his touch but kept on looking at him as he did this. As Neil saw her eyes, he got a rare glimpse into her soul in them. Ananya seemed a little troubled and also confused, and also she continued trembling in the rains. Neil immediately held the umbrella again above her and ensured she does not continue getting wet. They did not speak anything but continued walking closely under the umbrella.

Suddenly a gush of wind came, it was a narrow lane and wind was coming inside with quite some force. Umbrella turned inside out and it broke. Neil closed it back. Ananya was holding herself and shivering slightly. Neil put his arms around her and cleared the rainwater that was continuously entering his eyes now. He led them towards the nearest shelter, which was a bicycle shed under which some bikes were parked. Neil made some space and they got inside and tried to find their breaths.

Neil shook his head like a dog to get all the water out of it. He then heard a splitting laughter. Ananya was laughing hard and openly at him. Neil realised what he had been doing. He was amazed to see Ananya laugh openly and so happily, he wished he would be able to keep her laughing like this forever!

Ananya stopped as she saw Neil looking at her intensely and grew a bit conscious about how she was now. She was completely wet and so was Neil. They had some shelter but rain was still lashing outside, making it impossible for them to leave the shelter, they could not even see two feet outside in the rains!

Ananya's white top was completely soaked now and she was conscious of it, but could do nothing about it. Her top was sticking to her skin. Her curves were visible inside her top now. Neil's shirt was anyways hardly hiding anything inside. Neil took his shirt off and squeezed it to get out as much water as possible. He was about to wear it again but then saw that Ananya was visibly uncomfortable in her wet top. He held his shirt to Ananya.

Neil - "Lo, ye pehen lo upar se", and then closed his eyes to make her comfortable. (Take this and wear it above your top)

Ananya took it without a word, there was no other way to go about it. She slipped on Neil's shirt from the top and her long hair were left inside the shirt only.

She looked at Neil, and his chiseled body. It seemed Neil was regular at working out or rather in his field-training. His abs were perfect and his chest looked strong and solid. Neil's biceps were modest but extremely muscular. Infact his entire frame was very lean, rugged and muscular. Ananya could not help but be extremely attracted towards Neil.

Neil looked at Ananya after she touched his hand, saying she was done wearing his shirt. The buttons of his shirt were half closed but it was just about successfully hiding her assets. Neil looked at Ananya again, there was no other word for it. She looked ravishing. In her present avatar, she could have easily been the sexiest girl Neil had ever seen. She was also looking extremely vulnerable with her hair tied behind inside the shirt and her eyes evocative now. Suddenly there was a huge crack of thunder and Ananya involuntarily came closer to Neil. She felt safer in the dark with him close to her.

Neil somehow understood it, and held her close to his uncovered torso. Ananya's one hand was on Neil's chest now and they both sat down there only. It was now very dark and they were both tired a little.

Ananya rested her head on Neil's chest and both of them felt extremely warm by that act. Neil put his hand on Ananya's head to continue holding it close to himself. And then without warning Ananya kissed Neil on his wet chest with her lips, without thinking about it. Neil got an electric jolt and was highly surprised but contained it. He held Ananya again by her shoulders at a slight distance from him so as to look her in the eyes and was surprised to see her eyes watery. He realised she was emotional and he was all she had at that moment. Neil hugged Ananya again, this time very tightly, comforting her with his hand caressing her head and her back.

He could now feel the wetness of her tears on this chest but he let her cry. Maybe this was the way forward. After sobbing for a few minutes against Neil's chest, he felt her go limp.

Neil was a bit worried and turned her face slightly upwards, but she was breathing calmly now and her eyes were closed. It seemed to him that Ananya had slept off in his arms.

Neil sat back calmly and held Ananya close to him as he continued caressing her head and comforting her back. Slowly his eyes closed as well..

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