Blood bath

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DD had run towards avni and neil after hearing juhi's shout. He saw what was happening, he saw avni being struck not once but twice. DD did not have any weapon on him. But he ran and finally caught juhi in a death grip from behind. He held her in a tight chokehold ... And Juhi struggled like an animal to get free.

As DD tried to control juhi  by sheer strength, he looked at Neil. Neil was covered with blood, none of it his own! And avni..DD couldn't bear to look at her. She didn't look promising. But something had to be done.

DD shouted -"sir. Aap bhabhi ko hospital le jao. Main isko sambhalta hoon!" (You take avni to hospital. I'll manage juhi)

Neil looked up and DD realised he was in shock. Neil's eyes were blank and devoid of emotions. DD had to do something. So he kept on shouting -"help. Help. Neil sir wake up! Look avni bhabhi is very injured "

DD couldn't leave juhi as he wasn't sure Neil would be able to handle her in his mental state. Neil was looking as if lifeless. DD could hear people running towards them, he could distinctly hear Prakash, Neil's dad shouting.

So DD shouted back as loud as he could -"Papa ji. Pls call an ambulance. Avni bhabhi is stabbed and is bleeding very badly "

Suddenly juhi jerked in dd's hands and twisted her way out. She kicked his knees and DD crouched in pain. And juhi took one last derisive sneering look at Neil and avni. And then ran away into the bushes and outside.

Neil suddenly woke up at seeing DD down on his knees.

Neil -"dd. DD!"

And then as if he realized for the first time who was in his arms. He saw he was shielding avni still and he got up and looked at her..

Avni was bad shape. She looked still in fact. Neil didn't know if she's breathing so he put his ears to her chest. A faint heartbeat could be heard. Neil took off his shirt. He tore it into straps and applied pressure on Avni's wounds. There were two of them so he focused on the one that was bleeding more and continuously. Her stomach that had taken the full force of juhis first attack on Neil.

Prakash, bebe and Shweta were there by then. Shweta started screaming in fear -"Neil. Mera beta. My sons. Ye kya Hua. Oh my gods. He's covered in blood. Someone save my Neil. " (My son..what happened?..)
And then she fainted. Prakash held her and shouted -"Neil! How's avni. Son I've called the ambulance. Bebe, pls take Shweta inside. She's increasing the burden here!"

And then handing over Shweta to bebe. Prakash rushed over to avni and started helping Neil desperately in keeping her wounds pressed to reduce blood flow. Soon Prakash was also half covered in blood.

DD looked at this ghastly scene and heard the ambulance sirens. He ran about coordinating the entire logistics and soon avni was picked up by the paramedics and kept into the ambulance. Neil and Prakash sat inside and went with them. DD Sat in the front with the driver.

And the vehicle took off trying to tear through the evening traffic...

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