Death knell

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Neil knew that Shweta had talked to riya. He didn't know about what but he could guess. He knew that by now dayawanti would now who bought the mansion - the transfer papers were in avni ayeshas name with husband and nominee mentioned as neil Mehta . He knew dayawanti would know avni is alive. And that would seek her to check since when avni emerged. It wouldn't take long to guess that Ananya who had married Neil and created disturbance in her plans is her grand daughter who survived dayawantis attempts at shooting her!

Dayawanti would've moved quick to eliminate the thorn of avni pricking her again after all these years.

What neil didn't understand was that whom did dayawanti send to Kidnap avni! It was the face of a young man he hadn't seen before. Neil decided it was possibly a hired goon and didn't waste time after that. He called his police team for back up and left for the place he knew dayawanti might have kept avni in. He had his doubts but after what the broker just told him all was clearer.

The mansion was a smart choice. All would think dayawanti is behaving weirdly as her house has been snatched from her and give her sometime to vacate. Dayawanti would keep avni captive under Neil's very nose and he would have been too busy looking elsewhere for an imaginary kidnapper. Meanwhile dayawanti would dispose off avni.

The only crack in dayawantis plan was that she had highly underestimated Neil's intelligence and experience. He was sharp and more importantly trained in intelligence and counter intelligence operations. He had seen more hardened criminals and terrorists than her executing their plans. And he had trained himself hard to protect the innocent citizens. Now he had to protect his wife.

Neil had managed to guess dayawantis plan very well. But now was the harder part to carry out the rescue mission. He knew he didn't have time on his hands. He also knew what dayawanti wanted from avni. He just needed to reach avni before dayawanti could get what she wants and then kill avni.

As this thought came into Neil's mind he shook his head. No. That wasn't an option. He had to be faster than dayawanti.

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