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The doctors came out after four hours of operation.

Neil and Prakash rushed to them. Neil was quiet as he didn't trust his voice. Prakash asked about Avni's condition.

Doctor -"we have been able to stop the blood flow. Both internally and externally. No vital organ perforated. However there's a complication due to excessive blood loss. We have arranged for more blood transfusions but we will need to monitor her in the intensive care unit for another 48 hours before we can confirm she's out of danger."

Prakash folded his hands -"doctor. Do whatever is needed. No expenses spared. I will get whatever is needed for my daughter in law. Can we meet her now?"

Doctor -"not yet. She is unconscious and will remain so for a long time to come as we are keeping her sedated to escape the pain. There's risk of infection at this stage. One of you can meet but only for limited time and from a distance. If you want to meet her, we will be wheeling her out from operation theatre into the ICU after half an hour"

Prakash looked at Neil. Neil who was holding his breath realised he was doing so and released it. For the first time he felt he was grimy with the blood and wanted to change into new clothes before meeting avni. He knew she couldn't see him. But still. He wanted to be at his best. As if she would mind if she saw him like this.

And so Neil rushed to take a shower and change while Prakash stayed back for any requirements. Neil had called Ali to help Prakash with anything in his absence. Ali was shocked not to say the least but he came. Ali decided not to tell the entire truth to nanno at this stage as he didn't want to disturb her rest.

Neil's apartment was close to the hospital. The moment he entered inside he saw an image of his and avni having fun just a couple of days before. He rubbed his eyes. He was seeing things..

Neil went in the shower and stood under it. He saw the color of water leaving him turn red. And then it struck him..

It was Avni's blood that was flowing off from him.

Neil saw the water getting redder and redder. And with it his senses also left him.. Neil cried under the shower, and then he shouted loudly. He banged the tiles under the shower. And then he started scrubbing himself madly. So much so that his skin turned red with friction.

He could not take it. Avni had lost so much blood. Was in so much pain. And for what? For whom?

He knew the answers. Her face came in front of his eyes. Her face that he had loved from the first time he had set eyes on her. Her innocence that was marred by her revenge but which he somehow managed to preserve all this while. Many thoughts came to him. Flashback of last two days happened, scene by scene. And neil noticed the emotions on Avni's face that he had seen then but had not absorbed. Those were imprinted on his memories. He gave her mental pain and she shielded him from physical pain.

How he wished it would have been him instead of her. He did not care if he died. He never had. And that's what made him the officer he was, never scared to take risks.

But the one thing that scared this fearless man now was his wife's death. If anything happened to avni... He would die. He knew that. He would just walk up to some place and disappear into oblivion.

He laughed in frustration at himself. Why had he not realised her importance to him over juhis comeback? How could he even think of putting juhis welfare before her? It was his guilt really that led him to care for juhi, but was it all? Was it also not a feeling of lost affection for juhi? He was just a weak man..and thinking this he banged his fist again on the wall..

Neil decided that juhi will be punished. But he was responsible for what happened to avni. He had just dropped his guard and this made avni vulnerable as she gave up her defences and protected him. Neil had thought lovingly some days before as he had taken care of avni after being injured by pandits gang that he will not let a hair on her head to be harmed further. And now this had happened. This was preventable. Yet it had happened due to Neil's weakness.

Neil switched off the shower faucet. And he left the bathroom with a new determination.

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