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Couldn't not post more. Something about  today :) pls enjoy and let me know how you viewed it!


Neil spent another two hours discussing a plan of action with DD and a handful of his most able colleagues. They decided that they could not attack the village straight away as they were not sure Avni was there or not. They could not alert the Naxals as to what they were up to. Also there was the possibility of quite some collateral damage with the villagers being in the line of fire!

So Neil decided there was only one way to get Avni back, if she was indeed being held there. And he explained it to his colleagues. They were all against his plan. It seemed he was taking all the danger on himself.

DD got quite incensed - "Neil sir.. Aap aisa nahi kar sakte sir. It is suicide sir. I will come with you!" (you cannot do it sir. ..)

Neil smiled sadly - "DD .. Infiltration is the only way. I will need to change my get up and enter that village not as a police officer but as a rural man. Someone whom they will not perceive as being any threat to them. Then only I can ensure that Avni is safe and not harmed by them in our taking her out of there"

DD - "But why cant i come with you sir"

Neil - "They will get suspicious DD. More than one person cannot go. Anyways you guys will be there at the periphery of the village. You will attack the criminals on my sign but not before."

DD - "Par sir..your safety" (but sir)

Neil looked at DD with incisive eyes - "DD .. do you think I care about my safety right now? Meri patni pata nahi kis haal mein hai. Avni ko kuch ho gaya to main bhi nahi rahunga .. I do not know what those brutes have done to her. ". at the end of this DD saw a shine in Neil's moist eyes. (i dont know how my wife is right now.. if something happens to her even i will not remain)

Finally DD submitted to Neil. Though he was still uneasy about the entire thing!

Neil then changed his disguise. He applied dirt all over and wore old villagers' clothes and tied a bandana (gamcha) around his forehead. He hid his revolver on his person.

Neil then left in one jeep and the remaining police party left in another. They dropped Neil at the entrance of the village, at some distance. Then they killed the engine and waited in the darkness.

Neil ran till some distance and then scoped out the village from all sides. Luckily he had come here before. During those encounter days he had set up a camp here!

It was a very small village with just 10 - 15 huts. But most of the huts were full of Naxalites and their families. Some of the men were high ranked in Vikram's Naxal gang. Vikram himself did not live in this village. No one knew where he put up!

Neil took a deep breathe and decided the only way to check if Avni is there in any of these huts is to check inside each of them. IT will be dangerous but if caught he can always try his luck and say he was a villager from another place who lost his way!

Neil was about to get out of the foliage of bushes when he heard some giggling. He stayed put and listened. It sounded like some kids talking!

First Kid - "Arre maine usko wo laat maari. Just like my dad kicks my mom each night!" (I kicked her)

Second Kid - "Jhooth. Keval Vikram bhaiya mil sakte hain uss ladki se" (lie. only vikram brother can meet that girl"

Neil 's ears became more alert on listening to Vikram's name and possible reference to Avni.

Kids continued their banter.

Kid 1 - "I can reach anywhere.. MAin chhup ke ghus gaya anaaj ke storage room mein jahan usko rakha hai" (I hid and entered the grain storage hut where they have kept the girl)

Kid 2 - "But why did you kick her?"

Kid 1 - "Because Vikram brother said she is our enemy. And that he will kill her soon! I just wanted to kick her and have fun before that!"

Both kids giggled after this.

Neil was feeling exasperated. He realised these kids were kids only in name. They had no innocence left! They had seen the worst the world has to offer - poverty, violence, maybe other abuse as well! His heart sank on hearing the kid had kicked Avni.

Neil got agitated. He had to reach Avni. At least by hearing the kids talk he knew that she was alive but he had no clue if she was injured or not. And how much these guys had tortured her! He shook his head, he had to think straight and get her out of this crazy place!

Neil wondered which grain storage gut the kid might have been referring to. He saw a hut like tenement in one side of the village like looked like it might have been used to tore agricultural produce. It did not have any guards though.. It was almost as if Vikram was over confident that Avni cannot run. This made Neil's heart sink lower. He wanted his Avni to be alright. He could not bear to find one injury on her body.

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