Shagun (auspicious offering )

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So guys. This is the beginning of a new arc..
I've changed the story status from completed to work in progress..

This chapter dedicated to Avlovesneil and nikkisejal for their cuteness.

Enjoy :)


Soon it was time for Neil to move to his new destination. He again tried to persuade avni to not come with him but she was very obstinate. Neil gave in.

Bebe and Shweta, his grand mom and mom were against the idea of Neil leaving even if for this temporary posting. But his dad Prakash understood, like he had always understood his son!

DD, Neil's ever loyal confidante, also requested to be transferred to the same place and neil ensured his form was approved by his superiors. After all Neil was as much dependent on DD as DD was on him.

As Neil and avni got ready to leave, bebe gifted a pendant to Avni  as a good luck charm. She believed it would keep both her children safe!

It was a tedious car journey through bad roads to a remote district called Jaguda where Neil had been transferred. Avni was very tired and Neil  saw to it that she was settled in the new bungalow before moving on to his office.

For the next one week avni hardly saw neil. He used to be super busy with work and operated on very less sleep! After all there was a lot to do and learn in the new place. Once he was a bit settled in his work, Neil started spending relatively more time with avni but still there used to be days at end when she would not see Neil and DD. They would leave on tours of villages surrounding Jaguda leaving avni alone along with security in the bungalow.

Avni started getting bored and was desperately looking out to make new friends to spend time! But there was hardly anyone there! In fact they had no social circle. Everywhere Neil was treated like a God being the police officer in charge and being his wife she was treated with great fear and respect!

But Avni didn't want people to be afraid of her. She just wanted to make friends. That opportunity came soon disguised in the form.of a chance meeting with some other officers in the club!

It was one of those rare Sunday evenings when neil was free. He wanted to rest but Avni was bored stiff and wanted to go out. Since there was no other place to go out except for the officers mess and it's associated club hence they went there! As neil got busy talking to fellow officers, avni sighed in boredom and exasperation. She realized she had made the sighing noise loudly as someone commented behind her.

"Madam are you already bored. Seems it is two of us then who are bored in this lame party "

Avni looked back sharply in surprise and saw there was a harmless but good looking decent man standing there. She didn't know him of course.

Avni -"aap?"(Who are you)

Man -"hi. my name is Vikram. I'm a reporter Mrs avni khanna And I'm working on a story to cover the naxalite activities in this area!"

Avni's eyes widened -"oh. Isn't that dangerous?"

Vikram smiled. He had a disarming yet charming smile. Avni immediately liked his easy going attitude. He was very less formal compared to the entire crowd she had met till now!

Vikram -"danger is a way of life for the people here. I'm just a temporary guest to cover their story!"

Avni smiled -"ok. Nice to meet you, let me introduce you to My husband!"

Vikram -"its OK Mrs khanna. I'll meet officer Neil khanna in his office tomorrow. I need to anyways meet him to get certain permissions to travel in the forests around this district! I don't want you to introduce us before hand."

Avni was surprised -"but won't that make your work easier? If I introduce you to neil?"

Vikram -"thanks but i don't want to take your help. You seem like a nice person mrs khanna. And anyways I've to leave shortly for some work !"

Avni liked his thinking -"call me avni, Vikram!"

Vikram didn't say anything just smiled. From the other end of the room Neil turned just then and started coming towards avni seeing her talking to someone.

Neil -"hey sweetheart. What are you doing here all alone. "

Avni -" I'm not alone Neil. Here is Vikra.. Arre Kahan Gaya!"( Where's he gone)

It seemed Vikram had already left the party. Avni got super bored and kept yawning throughout the remaining evening. When they came back Neil was so tired that he immediately went to sleep.

Avni kept up for sometime reading in the verandah. She had to keep the book when the lights started flickering and went off. She came Inside and locked the door. And then she joined Neil on the bed and slept.

Meanwhile, The security guard patrolling the house didn't notice the shadow of a person that was creeping out of the gardens and away from the house..

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