Sleepless in hospital

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Hi guys - Super -excited to inform this story is now #113 in Romance category :D

I saw the Friday episode today by the way and am unable to understand Shweta, after all Avni should have touched her heart by enacting her life on stage! Anyways! .. x-|

Here is the next part and the third update for today!.. Do keep the votes and comments coming :-)


Neil did not even lock the jeep he came in. After all who would steal a police car.

He went inside the hospital reception and asked for Avni. The receptionist said there was no one by that name. Neil repeated Mrs Khanna, to which there was a negative response as well! Neil got exasperated and asked the nurse to show him the patient list containing patients that had been admitted! The nurse yielded after seeing his police ID.

Neil's finger ran through the few people admitted that night and it stopped at a patient called 'bhabhi'. Neil held his head in exasperation and tired laughter. Of course DD would show his colors every now and then!

Neil went towards the room where Avni was kept. He ran up the stairs when he did not find the lift free, even though he was damn exhausted. He could not waste any more time.

Neil took a turn to enter the room and saw DD standing guard there. Neil was impressed that at least DD did this very well. Even though DD was sometimes exasperating, he was normally the most loyal and one of the more efficient constables under Neil. And Neil too considered him as a close friend and confidante.

DD saluted Neil as soon as he saw him. And then overcome with emotion, he ran ahead and hugged Neil.

DD - "Sir.. Bhagwan ka lakh lakh shukr hai ki aap thik ho sir. I knew you will make it sir! I knew it!!", and DD's eyes glistened with pride. (Sir with God's grace you are OK.)

Neil - "DD.. Avni.."

Before Neil could complete his sentence, DD spoke - "Bhabhi thik hain sir! Doctor ne bola hai swelling to go down in 3 to 5 days. She is to take medicines and no tension at all sir! And he said she will need some therapy as well after this.". Like a good student , DD had memorised what all doctor had told so that he could all that to Neil sir later! (Shes fine sir. Doctor has said swelling will go down gradually.)

Neil nodded his head in slight but not complete relief - " Very well done DD. And thanks for guarding Ananya, I mean.. Avni. Ab tum ja sakte ho"( now u can go)

DD - "Par sir! Security aapki aur bhabhi ki?"( Your and madams security?)

Neil - "Ab main aa gaya hoon DD. Main sambhal loonga. You also need some sleep after tonight. Also, I will give you details later, par Raghu Pandit has been taken care of" (now I'll take care of it DD.)

DD was curious but got elated at this. He would take the rest of the gossip from the police team tomorrow. He called a couple of other constables under Neil to come and stand security duty. And only when they came and stood there, did loyal DD leave!

Meanwhile Neil had entered the room. It was a small room but had a couch on one end for the patient care taker or the visitors. Neil saw Avni's form covered with sheet and peacefully sleeping on the bed. DD had told her she was sedated and would sleep for tonight. Neil walked up to Avni and flinched and closed his eyes in pain. Avni looked peaceful while sleeping, but her face.. her face was.. Neil had no words to complete his thoughts.

There was no Raghu Pandit left, and no one to take revenge from for doing this to Avni. But Neil still felt some anger inside him, of all this having happened. He felt the survivor's guilt..He felt inept for not having a strong enough intelligence system and he felt angry at himself for not being able to preempt this attack on his wife.

Neil pulled a chair in the room to Avni's headrest and sat there. The muscles in his body were tired and screaming for rest. His brain was now befuddled and addled with memories and thoughts from the night that he did not wish to ever recall again. But Neil put his well-being and his rest aside. His heart only wanted to be with Avni, to see that she was ok, that she was safe.

He took a good look at her face. It was swollen and had multicolored bruises. These would settle down but looked very painful. One of her eyes was black and had a cut under it. Her nose seemed broken slightly in the middle.. Her lips were covered with cuts and her chin was bruised badly. The side of her face that had been slapped had turned purple now. Neil just sat and continued looking at her. He thought how much worse it could have been, and that was the only thought that gave him any solace that night..

Neil pulled the couch after sometime to align it with Avni's bed and then lay down on it, with his face facing hers.

After sometime when the nurse walked in to inject the painkiller dose in Avni's IV drip, she was touched to see her husband sleeping by her side on the couch, holding her hand as he slept..

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