The accident

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Neil was the first one to recover his senses. He tried to move in panic but it seemed to him that he was stuck. His first reaction was claustrophobia and strong urge to break glass and jump out of the car. But in the fraction of a second he realized he was not alone. Avni was in the other seat. She was thankfully still safely tied in the seat belt but looked unconscious. Neil controlled his panic and tried to assess their situation before acting.

It seemed someone had struck their car while it was parked on the side! Possibly an suv or a truck, Neil couldn't see what as he had been busy with avni when the accident happened ... Then he saw where he was stuck. It seemed to him his leg was caught in the lower part of his seat which was now mangled. Luckily his leg wasn't hurt but still it was stuck and he couldn't move.

The car had flipped and was inclined along the railing on the side of the highway now. Avni seemed unconscious but otherwise not bleeding or hurt. Things seemed manageable..that is till Neil saw the trail of smoke coming from the engine and smell of petrol! It seemed engine was on fire and petrol was leaking. Not really close to each other but not a good sign at all! He had to hurry and get themselves out. Using only his hands he unhooked Avni's seat belt. She fell limply in the front.

Neil's next challenge was how to free himself so that he can take both of them out. His leg was stuck for good in that mire. He would have needed Avni's help to get through that.

Neil -"Avni. Avni. Hey..avni. Are you OK? You need to wake up avni. Please "

Avni then moaned and showed some signs of moving. Neil was relieved as he saw a ray of hope.

Suddenly there was a scratching noise from the outside. Someone was trying to help them. Neil exhaled a sigh of relief and then shouted -"can someone call police and ambulance please. Me and my wife are stuck here. "

He could not hear a response but their helper continued trying to open the door on Avni's side. Suddenly the door opened and two welcome hands grabbed her and pulled her out to safety. Then the man who pulled her out looked inside at Neil.

Neil -"thanks man. I think I'll need a gas cutter to cut this metal as my leg is stuck inside and I can't move!"

The man continued looking at him. And then he smiled showing a row of crooked yellow teeth. Neil's reactions were slow but he felt a dread growing up in him.

The man bared his teeth and smiled. In front of the car Neil could see someone else, maybe this man's associate now holding his wife.

"If I had to rescue you, Why would I have caused your accident?", the man said slowly. Neil's senses were already on high alert but he couldn't move. The man continued -" you have given many of pandit ji's gang members a terrible death, officer Neil khanna, and one of them was my son. It is only fair that I do the worst to your wife and you now.."

Neil felt the situation beyond his control but tried psychologically trying to influence this guy -"tum Mujhe jaante ho! very good. To ye bhi jaante Hoge ki badla lene se koi fayda nahi Hai. Kya raghu pandit yahin Hai ?"(You know me.  Very good. So you know reveng  won't help  you. Is raghu pandit here?)

The goon again smiled.
"Pandit ji Wo hain who's holding your wife. Who's going to enjoy your wife once you die.." (He's the one holding your wide)
And then he laughed as if he was really enjoying the predicament Neil was in..

Neil's blood boiled. But he was in no position to show his anger. A small mistake by him would cost not just him in life, but would cost avni her sanity and life as well. Neil knew what business raghu specialized in. He had seen the victims of human trafficking rescued from raghu. They looked like zombies who were alive but ready to die. Who had gone through unspeakable pain and humiliation. Neil had sworn to protect his avni. He couldn't fail her now!

He started again -"I'll try to get all your crimes pardoned legally if you rescue me right now. I'll give you all the money you want. I'm the heir to a big businessman "

The man continued looking at him curiously and then he did something. He went to raghu pandit who was holding avni in his grip. And then he touched his feet. Pandit looked at Neil from across the glass now. He laughed loudly and shouted -"hello officer Neil. arre tum mujhse mere liye Kaam karne wale ko alag Kar sakte ho. Par mere bhakton ko alag nahi Kar sakte!" (You can buy people working for me. But not my devotees)

"Abhi tak nahi samjhe officer? My men are so loyal to me, because they worship me. I'm their God!"( Didn't you get it officer?)

Neil realized he was dealing with a psychopath and a megalomaniac. He twisted his leg frantically trying to get it out. Neil was getting desperate now. He couldn't let this madman take his avni. He couldn't imagine what that guy will do to his avni.

The men laughed outside and raghu did something that made Neil's hair stand straight on his arms in fear. He was holding avni. He pulled her face towards his and kissed her on the forehead. She was semi conscious but dazed out and weak. Avni cried in a low voice and protested but it was of no use.

Then raghu let out a cry. Avni had bitten his finger trying to get free! He got angry and it was obvious to neil that he's now going to hurt avni even more . Raghu asked one of his men to hold avni in front of him. Then he looked at Neil sideways and smirked . Neil was now frozen with terror. He shouted in dread -"you Bastards!! Leave her alone ".

Raghu heard this and laughed in a sadistic manner. And then he raised his hand in full swing and slapped Avni hard. She swayed badly but the man kept on holding her. One side of her face was very dull now having been hit. Her lips were cut and bleeding. There was a cut below her eye too which bled. She was conscious but in pain now. She was weak as well. So much so that she couldn't stand on her feet now!

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