The touch

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Neil entered the room silently and closed the door behind him. The nurse had given him some instructions before he entered, mainly concerning the limited time he had with his wife and that he should not try to excite her or disturb the patient's position. Avni will be unconscious, she maintained, as she will be on sedatives.

Neil looked what was ahead of him. It was a mess of tubes and bottles and instruments. All the tubes were somehow entering Avni, either keeping her medicated, or feeding her, or letting her breathe..

Neil took a step forward but it was in his mind. It was as if his legs froze. And then he realised he had limited time and he would be taken away from the room all too soon if he did not meet Avni properly.

Neil went and stood beside Avni and kept looking at her. There was nothing else to do. So he pulled a chair and sat there looking at her. She was looking pale, very pale - almost bloodless. She was looking peaceful but it was hard to say how she was feeling right now. He looked at her stomach, it was covered with a sheet. Her shoulder was bandaged abundantly.

Neil had been quiet this entire while, shocked and not even communicating with his father. But as Neil kept on looking at her, he did not realise when he had started talking to her.

Neil - "Maine shower liya abhi and it was quite peaceful. And you were not there Avni to switch off the lights of the bathroom while I was inside. So yes, very peaceful." ( I just took a shower..)

Neil - "You are looking funny you know.", and then he looked at the feeding tube going inside her.."but at least I know you are well fed". And then he chuckled. It was a carefree smile, the one he had when he was close to her.

He took her hand while talking and started tracing on her fingers.

Neil - "I do not know why you got so serious Avni. We had been playing all along. It was Us versus Them you remember? The entire world one side and we two on the other side? I am feeling like I am playing alone now.."

"I .. I think I broke the rules right? Maybe I acted like an idiot when I thought I was doing the right thing and left your side... But Avni.. I left you alone just for a minute in the game.. Tum chali kyun gayi.."(..why did you leave?..)

"Avni... you know what I love most about you? Your smile. But you are so kanjoos with it. Hansti hi nahi ho yar" (..kanjoos = miserly... you dont laugh only..)

Then Neil smiled - "Achha you know something.. I wanted to manage many things at the same time. But when I multi task, I often screw up..."

And then his smile faded as his eyes grew dark.."And I screwed up love"

His hold on her hand tightened a bit - "But.. but I cannot let you go like this you know. I need my sparring partner. I need to eat poha again.. I ..I need to drink the horrible tea you make.. Yes I never told you.. It was horrible. And I miss it so much now..I miss you so much right now"

"Avni.. Utho, else you know what i always call you.. Clumsy.. You will become even more so.." (wake up..) 

 "Avni.. I .. I feel useless and incomplete. Like a cork that has been plucked away from the bottle and disposed off. I .. I need you Avni. I need to be with you. I need to talk to you. Avni.. baby.. utho na..utho na Avni.." (wake up.. wake up..)

As he spoke this, Neil did not disturb Avni but his voice got more and more pleading and desperate.

Neil now slid down from the chair and sat down by the bed putting his forehead on Avni's hand. 

"Avni.. baby. I am so sorry. I am so sorry love. Please come back to me sweetheart. I cannot live without you. Please get well ..wifey"

And then Neil did not speak, he just sat like that with his head on Avni's hand till the nurse came in and ordered him to leave. He did not want to, but he obeyed and walked out with heavy steps.

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