Chapter Fourteen

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Jack rummaged through the pile of gold, one hand on my waist. "Do you have your cutlass?" He asked me quietly, his breath on my ear making me shiver.

I breathed a yes and adjusted my shirt so he could see my baldric.

He nodded and pulled something from the shimmery wealth: an orange striped sash. It had a bit of golden lacing on the ends.

Jack smiled at it and turned to me. He tied it around my waist, his hands brushing my skin. I fought the urge to melt to the ground. "Here," He said. "It sort of completes the look, doesn't it, darling?"

I nodded as he stepped back and studied me, his eyes lingering a bit on my curves. "I'm a pirate, now." I commented.

Jack chuckled. "A beautiful one."

I gave him a shy but genuine smile and he picked up a sort of golden statue.

"I must admit, Jack," Barboussa drawled from behind us. "I thought I had ye figured. But turns out yer a hard man ta predict."

Jack spun around and chucked the statue aside. "Me?" He asked. "I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly." Barboussa's eyes narrowed as Jack sauntered toward him, stopping behind a pirate skipping stones. "It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly," He met Will's gaze. "Stupid."

I whipped out my sword as Jack kicked the pirate aside and drew his sword. He tossed that at Will, who caught it, somehow, and then drew his own cutlass. I leapt forward as Barboussa stood and Jack began to battle him.

I cut into their fight, parrying and attacking as fast as I could manage. Barboussa pushed us away, toward the other end of the cavern. "I can handle 'im!" Jack yelled. "Go help Will!"

I nodded and knocked Barboussa's sword away one last time before turning and sprinting to Will. He had cut his bonds and was in the middle of a lively fencing match with a pirate that I'd heard was called Jacoby.

"I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain!" He screeched at Will.

"You like pain?" A familiar feminine voice asked.

A staff swung through the air and knocked Jacoby into the water. "Try wearing a corset!" Elizabeth told him sharply.

She and Will locked eyes, and for a minute, they shared a connection. I broke it, though, when I yelled for them help me destroy several cursed pirates running toward us.

Jacoby was up again, and we ran toward them, into the moonlight. I almost screamed; I hadn't seen their true skeleton nature yet.

They were rotting masses of bone and flesh, matted hair, and a evil aura that emitted from their decaying bodies. Their clothes hung around them in tattered pieces, and they leered at us with disembodied eyes.

I was jolted out of my reverie when Elizabeth impaled one with her staff, locking him immobile, and one of his buddies, Jacoby, ran to help. Elizabeth shoved the staff harder and soon they were both stuck on the golden rod.

I sensed they didn't need anymore help so I ran to find Jack and Barboussa. They were at the top of a golden pile, their feet slipping and sliding around.

I ran up behind Barboussa and knocked him off the side of the hill. He tumbled down, grunting, and Jack and I locked eyes.

"Thanks," He said.

I nodded, the air around us thick with anticipation.

Suddenly, we both lunged toward one another, and he was kissing me, a rough and passionate kiss that had my heart fluttering. His hands were around my waist, and mine were in his hair; I made a muffled noise as his tongue slipped into my mouth. He tasted faintly of rum.

We were so preoccupied that we didn't hear Barboussa come up behind us. He jerked us apart and attempted to stab me; I had enough presence of mind to jump out of the way. Jack, I think, was in la-la land, because Barboussa turned to him, grabbed Jack's sword out of his hands, and pushed the cutlass deep into his stomach.

Jack choked in surprise. "Jack!" I breathed, horrified.

He stumbled backwards, into the moonlight, his skin sliding off his bones and his clothes ripping. I had forgotten about the Aztec gold; he couldn't be killed. "That's interesting," he commented, studying his skeleton.

I released the breath I hadn't known I was holding in relief. He spun his piece of gold through his fingers, the noise clicking around the room. "Couldn't resist, mate," He told Captain Barboussa, who was watching him with a sort of dumbstruck expression.

He met my eyes and I brought my hand to my lips, keeping his kiss there, as if it might fall off. I nodded at him, and the battle suddenly resumed, Jack yanking the sword out of his chest and jumping forward.

We slowly chopped and sliced at one another until we were in front of the Aztec gold's chest. I narrowly missed being harpooned and Jack yelled in anger; he leapt forward, knocking me out of the way, and attacked Barboussa with a renewed strength.

There was a loud explosion and Will and Elizabeth came running toward us. Jack handed Barboussa off to me and sliced his hand open; he tossed the gold to Will, who caught it with his own bloody hand. He held the coins over the chest, preparing to drop them.

Elizabeth came running towards me. Barboussa whipped out his pistol, and pointed it at her. She froze.

There was a gunshot.

Elizabeth jumped but was unharmed. Barboussa turned to Jack, looking confused.

Smoke was pouring from Jack's one pistol, one shot.

Barboussa grinned. "Ten years ye carry that pistol, and now ye waste yer shot!" He said snidely.

"He didn't waste it!" Will called.

Will opened his hand and Barboussa watched in horror and facination as the coins, stained with Will and Jack's blood, tumbled in what seemed like slow motion into the chest.

Barboussa dropped his weapons numbly and opened his coat. Blood was steadily staining his white shirt red, just over his heart.

Jack, looking strangely calm, slowly lowered his pistol, transfixed.

Captain Barboussa looked down at his chest and then at Jack. "I feel..." He said, his voice filled with wonder and amazement. He went crosseyed as the life left his body. "...cold."

With that, Hector Barboussa fell over backwards into the pile of gold, and was no more.

Jack tossed the gun over his shoulder in a that's that gesture and headed over to the piles of wealth that him and I had been examining earlier. Will went to Elizabeth. I followed Jack.

"Jack?" I asked.

He already had a few pearl necklaces slung around his shoulders. When he saw it was me he broke out into a huge, genuine smile. "How are you?" He asked.

I shrugged. I was a bit creeped out by the whole ordeal, to be honest. "I could be better," I said honestly.

"We could fix that," He said, and winked.

I grinned at him as he pulled me in for another kiss, just as magical if not more than the first. I was totally and completely in love with Jack Sparrow, whether I liked it or not.

"Adeena!" Will hissed.

I pulled away from Jack slightly. I knew Will would be mad. I didn't care. I turned my head a bit but didn't tear my eyes away from Jack's. "Yes?" I asked him absentmindedly.

Will said nothing. Jack released me, and I unwound my arms from his neck. We didn't look at each other.

Jack sauntered past me after placing a diadem on his head. He looked ridiculous, to be honest. "Now," He said, "I'd be much obliged if you would drop me off at my ship."

I felt my heart break. Elizabeth smiled sadly at me, glanced at Will, and then followed Jack to the dinghy.

Will stared at me. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

I glared at him. "I was kissing a pirate," I hissed. "A pirate that I am very much in love with."

He stared at me. I pushed past him and followed Jack and Elizabeth. Will padded after me.

After Will had rowed us out of the mouth of Isle de Muerta, we all searched the space for the Black Pearl.

The only ship docked in Isle de Muerta was the HMS Dauntless.

"I'm sorry, Jack," Elizabeth whispered.

I took his hand. Jack looked at our interlaced fingers and then back at the cavern we had just exited. "They've done what's right by them," Jack said quietly, referring to his crew. "I can't expect more than that."

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