Chapter Twelve

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"But we have to save Will!" Elizabeth protested, throwing the blanket she had been given off her shoulders and strutting toward her father and the Commodore.

Governor Swann turned. "No, you're safe now. The boy's fate is regrettable, but so was his decision to engage in piracy."

Elizabeth stamped her foot. "To rescue me!" She cried. "To prevent anything from happening to me!"

Jack stepped forward, waving off the officers who flanked him. "If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion," He said. I watched him from my position, a guard on each side. I had also engaged in piracy. I was to be hung, right beside Jack. No one had said anything about me yet, but I wasn't stupid.

"The Black Pearl was nearly in scuppers at the end of the battle," Jack continued. "I doubt she'd be making good time. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate! How can you pass that up?" He asked Norrington, a smile on his face.

Commodore stared at Jack coldly. "By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow, and not just myself." He began to climb the stairs to the helm.

"Please, James!" Elizabeth begged. "Do it for me! As a wedding gift!"

I stared at her, as did the rest of the people nearby. "Elizabeth, are you nuts?" I hissed, struggling in the soldiers' arms behind me.

Norrington gazed down at her, his lips slightly parted, and the Governor's jaw dropped. "Are you accepting the Commodore's proposal, Elizabeth?" He asked her, dumbstruck.

"I am," She breathed, not tearing away her eyes from Norrington's.

"Weddings!" Jack exclaimed. "I love weddings! Drinks all around!" At Norrington's face Jack winced and held up his hands, his wrists pressed together. "I know," He sighed. "Clap 'em in irons, right?"

The Commodore seemed to regain his composure. "Mr. Sparrow." He said, and Jack looked up. "You will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide them with a bearing to Isle de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all the possible meanings of the phrase silent as the grave. Do I make myself clear?" Norrington finished.

Jack swayed slightly. "Inescapably, clear." He said, and was jerked forward by his pair of officers.

I didn't move, just stood where I was and listened. "Commodore, I really must question the wisdom of this," The governor protested to Norrington. Elizabeth stood off to their left, watching the engagement, occasionally attempting to meet my gaze.

Norrington sighed. "With all due respect, Governor, William Turner is a subject of the British crown and therefore under my protection." He said. He sounded very reluctant, I noted.

The governor looked away, then back again. "Take care of her?" He said, and handed Elizabeth off to Norrington.

I struggled a bit more and asked defiantly, "And me, Commodore?"

Norrington turned his gaze to me, thinking for a moment. "She can accompany Mr. Sparrow." He told the guards behind me, and I mentally sighed in relief. They clapped cuffs around my wrists and released me.

I threw my hair back and wished I could tie it up. As it nearly reaches my hips, it can get very tedious. My hair-tie was with the rest of my effect, which was probably in the same place Jack's was. Where was Jack's? I didn't know that either.

I walked to the railing and stared over the water. My mind drifted to the ridiculous boat ride that we had taken to the Dauntless. After retrieving our items from the beach, and Jack and I reassembling our outfits, the little dinghies had arrived and floated us out to the huge ship.

Jack and I had been shoved in a boat where several guards had been assigned to watch us like hawks. We had sat, back to back, silently communicating apologies and reassurances. Elizabeth had climbed into a dinghy in which she was offered several blankets and probably other luxuries that she had been without for such a long while.

I leaned over the side of the ship and stared into the water, bringing my mind back to the present. I was a pirate, now, I realized. Whether I liked it or not.

I decided that I was happy with my new status. I would love to be a pirate, as long as Jack was at my side.

Jack. My feelings scared me. I didn't know what they were, I'd never had them before. Love, is what Elizabeth thought. I wasn't sure I agreed. I was scared to love anybody, after my mother passed. Even Will I had kept at a careful distance.

My mother had died when I was six, I think. The only thing I have left of her is the golden heart-shaped locket that I never take off, even to sleep. I need it to anchor me to reality, to assure me that it's all real. My green feather I had sewn into my hair in her memory; her favorite color was green.

I walked away from the side and searched until I found a Navy officer. "Do you know where Jack is?" I asked him.

He nodded and gestured below decks. "He was just locked up. I suppose I should do the same for you, hmm?" He said with a small smile and gently took my arm.

"If you ask nicely!" I responded with a weak smile.

He guided me into the brig and locked me in the same cell as Jack. Jack was sitting on the bench, his hat pulled over his eyes, and he pulled off his tri-corn upon seeing it was me.

"Hallo, love," He said, and patted the space on the bench beside him. I chuckled and plopped down beside him.

"I bloody hate the Navy." I commented.

Jack laughed. "You sound like a pirate, love."

I turned my head to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Jack, I am a pirate. Now, at least."

He sat up and furrowed his brow. "No," He said. "You're not a pirate."

I shook my head sadly. "Am so," I retorted. "They're gonna hang me, Jack. Right beside you, unless Elizabeth can pardon me like she's done Will."

Jack looked saddened, but then he brightened up. "There's no one I'd rather be hung with." He said, and winked.

I ignored the warm and fuzzy feeling in my gut and slapped his chest. "Jack Sparrow, what are we going to do with you?"

He grinned at me, leaning forward slightly, his gold teeth sparkling in the low light coming from a single oil lamp hung outside the cell. "What do you want to do to me, love?"

My heart stopped and my breath caught. He obviously didn't notice the effect he had on me, as he leaned away, still grinning.

"You are so stupid." I said.

"So are you."

"Am not. Be honest."

"I'm a pirate."

"A stupid one!" I said, hitting his chest again. He winced theatrically and grinned.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked suddenly. I laughed at the abrupt question. 

"Teal. Like the Caribbean." I told him, smiling. "What's yours?"

"Blue," He responded, twisting a ring around his finger. "It's...a relaxing color."

I nodded. "Your turn." I said. I figured that we were playing a game, a question game.

"What do you fear most?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

I had to think about that. "I...don't know, really."

Jack looked thoughtful. "Can I take a guess?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

"Love," He said simply.

I stared at him. "What?"

"Love." He smiled, still playing with his ring. "You're afraid of love."

I was quiet. He was right. He was absolutely right. "Why do you think that?"

He smiled triumphantly. "You keep a careful distance from everyone. You are always clutching that locket." I looked down. It was true; I hadn't even realized it, but I was fingering the cold metal. "I think that locket was your mother's."

I tilted my head. "Why would you think that?" I asked, confirming his suspicions.

"Mothers are special. Or so I've heard. I never knew me mum." I frowned at him. "She died in childbirth," He explained.

"Oh." I looked away. "My condolences."

He laughed. "I've never heard anyone actually use that word. Anyway, what's in the locket, love?"

I undid the clasp and brought it from around my neck. Jack peered into it as I opened it small door. "It's a lock of my mother's hair," I told him quietly. "Last thing I have of her."

He nodded and sat back, and I put the necklace back on.

"You're very observant," I noted. "Can you read people's faces? It sure seems like it."

He smiled. "I can, sometimes. Usually only when I know said person."

I was silent for a minute. "What's your greatest fear?" I questioned finally.

He didn't have to think. "Death," He said bluntly. At my surprised face he continued, "I have more reasons than others. But it's a common deal among pirates, darling. We all fear the noose."

I nodded. "Makes sense."

"Adeena?" Someone whispered. Jack and I turned toward the door to the cell. Elizabeth was outside, dressed in a red coat, white shirt and white breeches.

I slipped off the bench, and padded towards her cautiously. "Yes?"

She smiled and grabbed the bars, leaning against them. "I've got the keys. I'm going to let you out; I convinced father to pardon you!"

I smiled and nodded happily. "Great! What about Jack?"

Her smile faltered and fell off her face. "He'll still hang. I'm so sorry, Jack." She said, and leaned around me while unlocking the cage to look at Jack. "I could allow you out, though. They didn't say you'd have to stay in here."

Jack smirked and hopped off the bench towards us. "Why, thank you, Miss Elizabeth."

She said nothing but let us out. When we resurfaced above decks, the sun was sinking below the horizon in a burst of color. I walked back to the railing and studied the sunset with a small smile.

Elizabeth and Jack followed me, to my left and to my right, respectively. We watched the beautiful glowing sky for a bit, until Elizabeth broke the silence.

"You two didn't say anything about the curse." She picked at her sleeve.

Jack put one arm around my waist, and I leaned into his side. "I noticed, neither did you." He said. "For the same reason I imagine."

Elizabeth looked saddened. "He wouldn't have risked it." She murmured, he being Norrington.

Jack nodded and turned to look at her. "Could've gotten 'im drunk." He suggested to her, and I smiled. Elizabeth glanced somewhat guiltily at us and he grinned. "Don't get me wrong, love. I admire a person who's willing to do whatever it takes."

Elizabeth considered him with a slight smirk. "You're a smart man, Jack." Then she narrowed her eyes. "But I'm not entirely sure I trust you."

Jack watched her cooly. I glanced up at him, then back to Elizabeth. She was watching something over Jack's shoulder with a guarded expression.

He turned and released me. I drifted away from him reluctantly and stared at Commodore Norrington, who was watching me and Jack, realization in his eyes.

"With me, Sparrow." He said, and tossed Jack his compass. Jack caught it gratefully and sauntered away. Norrington turned to me. "Miss Cole," He addressed me. "Please remember that he is a pirate."

And a good man, I thought privately, but I nodded and he walked away, following Jack.

I stood next to Elizabeth again just as the sun disappeared. "You love him." She stated.

I glared at her but sighed and nodded. "I'm trying not to." I murmured. "But I can't help it."

She glanced behind us. "I'm not quite sure what you see in him."

I rolled my eyes. "That's because your heart belongs to William Turner."

She ignored me. "What do you like about him?"

I smiled. "He's very handsome, you have to agree."

She grudgingly nodded. "I suppose."

"And he's funny," I continued. "And kind. He knows what to say to make you mad, or sad, or happy. He's smart. I don't think anyone realizes it but he is probably one of the smartest people on the planet...but that's my opinion," I added hastily, flushing.

Elizabeth nodded, amused. "I see...well, you shouldn't hide from your feelings. He obviously cares for you."

I sent a glance over my shoulder. "I would hope," I said. "But Norrington is right. He is most definitely a pirate."


So it's August 2016, this book was published like a year ago, and I am looking through it and cringing SO HARD. How can you people even stand this book? How can you even stand my writing? I feel like I portray the characters horribly, and Jack is super OOC, and GAH I wanna make all of it better without actually having to edit it XD

I'm sorry for those people who read this and somehow like it. Like if I read this I wouldn't be able to stand it omg. 

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