Chapter I - Tug-of-activities.

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Heyy readers, Welcome❤️
I'm re-editing this book so please be calm.
Enjoy the ride,
I don't really know what to say.
I hope you enjoy the novel,
You're here for a reason.

This is a special genre,
I wrote it when I struggled with faith in secondary school in 2020.


Annie's Pov

Sonorous was the apt word to describe the sound coming from the ever-graceful church choir but the choir director seemed less-satisfied with the melody as he kept ranting the air with 'Da Capio ' - an Italian word for repeat.

I kept tapping my laced black shoes rigorously on the smooth marble-tiled altar showing impatience,

"What's the matter?" Isabella said, giving me a quizzical look.

I stared back angrily; " I am late for my volleyball's practice again."

Isabella tried to get me to cool-off but she never got the chance as we were interrupted by a shout

'Da Capio'.

"Excuse me sir," Someone shouted disrupting the usual shout of the Choir director

Ohh, that someone is me.

He squinted his eyes at me as if asking 'what is the matter',

I bit my lips as I gently got up, rubbing one foot against the other,

"I want to use the convenience sir," Everyone gazed at me like I just spoke Spanish.

He looked at me suspiciously because I held my bag quite closely but I guess he was eager to continue the rehearsal.

He waved his hand signaling for me to go.

I gave Isabella a secret good-bye, She glanced at the roof dejectedly knowing I was gone for the day.

I walked out quickly still hearing the solfa notes as I approached the church gate.


"You are late," the coach thundered at me.

I looked at him with pleading eyes hoping to find pity behind his sweat-filled brows and angry eyes.

As I tried to explain, he screamed at me;

"Keep your explanation, join the team for the last round."

Well, that was quick and better.

"Last Serve." the coach shouted.

It was against my side, I threw back my head in disappointment knowing that I messed up this time.

I removed my already soaked jersey and hung it over the black sweatshirt I had on.

Knowing it was the end of the game, Dara and Tiara from the winning team came over to give me a high five.

Well, they are less snobbish than the rest.

I left them to get my kits and prepare for my journey back home.

As I walked towards the locker room,

I noticed the coach waving his hand at me
Bummer, I knew he was going to still tutor me.
I walked slowly with my head low as I approached him, trying to show remorse.

He looked at me and started;

"Annie, this should be the last time you will come late for practice, you know we have just few weeks before the big game,"

"The best team will be chosen to represent us. I have such high hopes for you but I'm in a tight spot now, this should be my last warning, you can go."

Well, that was another quick one.
"Thank you coach, I promise to try my best," I said, my voice quivering.

I doubled up and went to the locker room to get changed.
I washed my face and applied some gloss with the other girls.

Dejected and tired, I retired home knowing this was going to be my Saturday for weeks to come.


Switching, yawning and stretching, I got up from my sweet sleep as my faithful alarm brawled.
I put it off as I saw some texts.

They are probably from Isabella

I ignored them as I came down from bed. I saw my black bonnet just a meter away from the bed and wondered how it got there.

My 4b full natural hair was pressed down and frizzy, I was aware that I was going to have a lot of work trying to curb this thick, dark forest on my head.

I finally got up to have a quick brush and shower as I was already late.

My usual Mondays.

"Annie, Jaden, your breakfast is ready," Mom called out loud from the dinning.

I was already done as I brushed through my hair, I finally decided to just pack it as a high bun. I added fancy butterflies to the bun, applied some lip liner and gloss.

Satisfied with the outcome, I went downstairs for my breakfast.

Minimal is Maximum

The scent of the perfectly made moi-moi ( steamed beans) wafted through my nostrils as I came down the stairs.

I met Mom in her pink pajamas at the sink, trying to get the blender clean.

I walked up to her and gave her a side hug.
She reciprocated with a peck.

"Good morning Mom," I greeted

"Morning, my smaragdine, She replied
"Eat up quickly, your bus will be here soon."

I rushed through my meal of Moi-moi and Pap, wondering why Jaden was not downstairs already.

As I went over to the sink to drop my plates, I heard the loud horn of the school bus.

I bade my mom good-bye and also shouted out loud for Jaden to hear from upstairs.

I ran out of the house so as not to miss the school bus, ready for school life and thinking of the struggles ahead.

Oh snap, I think my gloss got cleaned.

"Annie!" Mom screamed while temporarily diverting her eyes from the dishwasher to glance at me running up the stairs while the bus honked noisily outside.

"I just want to check out my outfit for the very last time, I feel so shaky," I replied while half running and walking up the stairs.

Mom nodded.
I was so glad that she understood me

Thirty seconds later, I finally left feeling better than before.

I rushed towards the yellow bus filled with faces I refused to look at, I greeted the driver cheerily as I was aware that I took more time as always.
Mr Peter was a really patient man.

As I scanned the bus to find a comfortable space to sit,

My mind drifted to the most dreaded yet interesting place in the universe.

As I continued my day-mare, I suddenly remembered my physics workbook laying on my reading table.

I stared out the window as we finally left my estate, thinking on how to get through today.

Hey guyss
Thanks for viewing.
The first three chapters may seem redundant as they revolve around Annie's life, like building a base for her character. So hang on, and don't get bored.

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Have you ever been stressed out in school before?
Drop your stories.

With love,

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