Chapter VII - Guilt.

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Clara's POV

I was so burnt-out from the cheerleading  team rehearsals.
All those girls with arched backs just weren't getting the steps right.
What could be so hard for God's sake!

I spent all morning screaming;
'Shake your pom-pom, we've got the spirit!'

Especially that witch, Nancy
Making everyone go against my rule.

I can't wait for this tournament to be over so I'll be free from these daily rehearsals.
I deeply regret taking the burden of being the captain for this year, I already have so much on my plate.

I sighed as I poured water on my greasy dark-brown hair, making sure to apply a generous amount as I could not have my hair smelling during class.

I always make sure to take my shampoo with me, I can't have my hair smelling after some sweaty practice.

The rose-scented shampoo soon filled up the stall I occupied but with a weird smell to it.
I ignored it and continued washing.

I noticed that my hair had blocked the drain of the stall. It was usual when I was washing but this was too much.

Why was so much of my hair coming off

I need my hair full and healthy for this coming promotion that Dad is fixing for the weekend.
I don't need his issues again, he's becoming so stuck up lately.
If it's not my hair, then it's my body and poise.

I cleaned my body thoroughly and put on my cheerleading uniform before stepping out to look at the mirror.

My heart cart-wheeled as I stared at the person I saw in the mirror.
My hair was tangled and in a mess, my scalp was a tone darker.

I touched my hair and a lot of strands  came falling down alongside my arms.

I let out an ear-splitting and piercing scream as I faltered.
I marched out of the locker room at full speed.
I knew the culprit instantly.

"My hair is falling off, who on earth exchanged my shampoo with a hair remover?" I screamed at everyone close to the locker room.

Everyone stared at me like I was crazy but I couldn't care less.

I turned to the right to see Annie standing next to a very familiar figure through my blurred vision as my eyes were already filled with tears.
Speak of the devil.

"Nancy!" I shrieked as I quickly rushed  towards them.

Annie's eyes grew wider as Nancy smirked.

"Is everything a joke to you? Did you actually think about how I would feel about this? After everything I told you!" I spat out confronting her.

Nancy stared at me, gave me a stink eye;
"That's what you get for betraying me, dog face,"

I stared back in disbelief as tears rolled down my face. I looked around as people started gathering.
Phones started coming out, people gossiping in hushed tones.

"I told you that girl did that on her own! I'm glad I finally get to see you for who you are sha. And as for you Annie, you're just a weak-willed bitch!" I berated angrily.

She covered her mouth in surprise but Nancy looked at me like I was a hideous creature before letting out a loud hiss.
She walked away without thinking twice.

I turned to face the crowd;
"What are you looking at?" I screamed at all of them, the Juniors immediately scurried away leaving a few of our classmates.

I immediately called my driver.
How was I going to face Dad?

End of Clara's POV

|Third person's POV|

"Annie! Did you see Clara?" Isabella exclaimed as she closed in on the awe-stricken Annie.

"Uhmm- Ye-ss, I saw her with my eyes. This is unbelievable."

"Serves her right, She's finally gotten a taste of her own medicine. They both fit each other." Isabella said nonchalantly, flinging her hands.

"This is not right at all. Meanwhile, where have you been all these while? I was so lonely" Annie sulked

"I was not in school for just a day and we chatted all through," Isabella replied, looking at her like she was sick.

"It's like you were here when the whole drama started, so fill me up abeg," Isabella stated with her arms akimbo.

"I'll tell you on our way to class but I think Nancy is behind this though. I told you that she suddenly brought up this friendship talk," Annie began as they started their journey to the class.

They chatted all the way with Isabella oo-ing and gasping.

They finally got to the science class as she collapsed onto the closest chair while throwing her bag across the table.

"So you feel bad, why? After all she did to you," She hissed, her mouth forming a scowl

"But she went too far, I don't want to be roped into trouble somehow. I feel terrible that I'm somehow pleased with the situation,"

"Which trouble? It's okay to feel that way abeg, you've been through hell in that girl's hands.
Pleaseee, let's change the topic.
What about Carlo, when did you last see him?" Isabella smirked, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"Leave me joor,"

"Talk nau, did you later go to the rehearsals?" Isabella continued pressing hoping to get some sweet gist.

"No o, I haven't seen him since then but I hope to see him today during rehearsals," Annie said absent-mindedly as she brought out her books.

The bell for the first period rang loudly as Gideon, the time keeper acted like a town crier;
"Time for classes"

Isabella gave Annie a peck as she stole her cookies before heading to her class.
Annie shook her head, looking at her retreating petite figure.
She was the only true friend she had.

Everyone went about their classes and at the end of the day, everyone was worn-out and drained.
Isabella chatted Annie up that she was going to a special treat with Wale that afternoon before going for choir rehearsals.

So Annie was left to walk all the way home, alone.
On her way down the street, she finally let herself observe the estate.
It was eerily quiet as it was a week-day, everyone was busy.
The street lights were switched off as they were recharged by the blazing sun.

Annie played with a twig she cut off from a low-hanging branch.
She didn't know how to feel but decided to just let everything be, as it was beyond her control.

As soon as she stepped into the house,
She hugged her mom who was at her spot, peace and comfort slowly crawled into her heart.

"Welcome my baby. It's good that you're home. Mr Dare called and asked to see you urgently."

"Did He say why, we have rehearsals much later today," Annie inquired

"I don't think it's anything much, you know you've missed a lot of rehearsal. I think he wants you to catch up before others.
You can always know when you get there.
Freshen up and get something to eat before going,"

Annie grumbled inwardly as she walked up the stairs.

"Hurry up, smaragdine," Her Mom called out as she walked up the stairs

Annie immediately ran upstairs, had a shower and came downstairs.
Dressed in a black polo knotted at the sides and simple jeans with her full black hair packed in a bun — adorned with plastic butterflies and pins, she was prepared.

She rushed through her sumptuous lunch of Porridge plantain and orange juice.

Within a short while, she was on her way to the choirmaster's house.


"The both of you will be taking the first and second solo respectively, then the third one together. Do you understand?" Mr Dare said with an authoritative tone.

Annie was having mini heart attacks as her heart drummed and skipped at the same time.
She did not understand why her choir director would want to pair her up with him 'Carlo'.

She could remember their first meeting when she was eleven years old at the Children church.

|Flash back|

He was in a deep conversation with his friend without knowing she was eavesdropping.

"Don't you think she's beautiful?"  Carlo told his friend, Marcho.
Marcho ignored him, he was busy downing his yogurt drink.

Carlo left him as he approached her.

Before Marcho could reply, he had already walked up to her.

"Hi, my name is Carlo,"

"My name is Annie, nice to meet you," She replied

Carlo feeling very light-headed and out of the world replied;  "Té amò,"

It was a word he learnt from the Spanish class his mom had been forcing him to take.

Annie looked at him very confused and dazed at his confidence.

She thought she did not hear him clearly.

He saw it and repeated again, taking a funny stance; "Te amo,"

Annie became totally confused and walked away to meet her mom.

Marcho kept laughing at him when he came back.
Carlo angrily left him but Marcho pulled him back,
"What's that language?" He said, stifling his laughter

He looked at Marcho angrily,
"My mom said that Spanish is a language of love!"

Marcho stared at him unbelievably, "What is the meaning of that though,"

"Well, what I simply said was "I like you, I like you!" as he walked away briskly refusing to engage Marcho anymore.

|End of flashback|

"Annie, Annie, Annie!" Mr Dare called repeatedly.

Annie dazed back to the present.

Mr Dare sighed and continued;

"Both of you are mandated to meet twice a week, once with me and the other by yourselves. That's aside from general rehearsal, so be prepared."

"Yes sir," they echoed in reply.
Taking that as a cue for the end of their meeting, they both walked towards the door after bidding Mr Dare good-bye.

"Carlo, please stay back," Mr Dare called as he walked towards his indoor studio.
Carlo nodded as he turned back after opening the door for Annie.

I feel somehow for Clara sha.
Carlo and Annie, hmm🌚
Isabella is going to fill her ears this time.
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