Chapter XVIII - Unraveling.

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It's been a long while. Enjoy.
P.S. Read the author's note after this chapter, thank you.

Annie's POV

My brain cells worked earnestly, trying so hard to fix the missing pieces in the ridiculous puzzle that just came up. A love triangle? Wale, Anndora and Isabella? Color me shocked.

The remaining classes for the day met me in a state of disarray and disbelief as I had never ever imagined in my wildest dreams that I'll have to try to seperate my best friend from dirty-fighting. I directly faced the white board but my mind was far gone from whatever was going on there.

Secret prayers of supplication left my lips to God because rumours were already flying around that they had been suspended.

I couldn't see her as a result of Mr Akpan stepping into the class almost immediately after the bell, threatening to punish anyone that leaves the class and Isabella went off without stopping over at my class.
I couldn't wait for the day to be over so I could go over to her place - I could not even remember the last time I was there. She was the one always coming over.

Immediately the closing bell went off, I packed my books which were sitting uselessly on the table into my locker, carried my bag and left the noisy school premises. People were already spreading supposed gist about the whole scenario this afternoon.
Practice would have to wait for this one.

Getting closer to the school gate, I whipped out my phone to book a ride as I didn't know the route well enough and was not about to become a missing person. Luckily enough, I remembered the name and number of her street - just not the particular house number.

"Annie, Annie!" a very familiar voice called out, interrupting my train of thoughts.
I turned around, just in time to meet his gaze.
He gave a little smile, quickened his steps and jogged towards me, the sweat on his brows glistening under the sun.

He finally got to where I stood.

"Hey Annie," He exhaled, and scratched the back of his head. "I've been calling your name for a while, you seem to be in a hurry. Are you alright?" He inquired, as he dabbed his face with his napkin.

"I guess I am, I just need to attend to something quickly, can we talk later or something?" I said, hoping I conveyed the urgency I felt in my statement.

"Uhmm sure," He shrugged, he seemed taken aback by my reply. "Do take care of yourself, I'll call you later on."

"Yeah, bye."
This boy almost made me lose focus sha.

The urgency I felt a few minutes ago returned with a full force. I ran down to the gate this time. Thankfully, my ride was already here. The driver seemed friendly as he waved me from the red, matrix Toyota. I got in and made a little prayer that everything was going to be alright.

The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable, please try again later, thank you.

The automated voice called out for the one-millionth time since I started calling Isabella.
We slowly approached her street, I racked my brain trying to remember landmarks so as not to get lost. Thank goodness for retentive memory.

Thirty minutes later, I was standing in front of the fifth blue gate on the street after I alighted. Dripping with sweat and perspiring like a he-goat, I clutched my school bag hoping I finally got the house right.
Joke's on me and my retentive brain because it blatantly failed me as I had been to five different houses with blue gates - each of the gate men looking weirdly at me when I asked for Isabella.

I gave the gate a quick knock, hoping it was the right one.
The gateman, dressed like a military personnel, walked up to the gate from where he was seated. I recognized him.
Baba Kunle

"Good afternoon sir," I courteseyed as I greeted the aged man.

His face lit up in smiles, "How are you my daughter?" he replied, as he opened the gate and ushered me in.

"I'm doing great sir, I'm here to see Isabella,"

"Hesabel, She has not came back from school since moreen o." His funny accent which I had long forgotten came to play.

I stifled a laugh. "Okay sir, I'll just wait for her inside."
He replied to me with a shrug before nodding his head.

As I stepped into the house, I was greeted by a sharp scent of lavender and vanilla- Isabella always joked that her mom's nose was sensitive even to the faintest scent or smell.
That explained why every single room in the house had different scents-courtesy of the scented candles and sprays that Mrs George stuffed the house with.

As usual, Isabella's house had this homely feeling, the type I got from home. The dark red colored couch made a beautiful contrast to the white painted wall. The framed pictures of the family stood behind the sixteen-inches television.

No longer after I settled on the couch closest to the door, I heard a voice,
"Who's there? Isabella?"
The elderly voice flowed to the parlor from the kitchen, I immediately recognized it as Mrs George's voice.

"It's me, ma. Annie..." I shouted in return as I approached the kitchen.
I was greeted with the lovely smell of Chicken tomato stew. The scent of thyme, curry and rosemary all danced towards my nose, teasing my taste buds- reminding me I had not eaten. The knowledge of all these spices? Courtesy of my multi-talented mom.

An elegant figure, hunched over a bubbling pot of stew, stirring and tasting, paid no attention to the door as I stepped in. Despite the trickles of perspiration forging a path down her face, she stood over the pot, monitoring the pot before finally switching off the gas.

"Damola! You've stopped coming to see us, did we offend you? How are you doing? How's mommy and daddy?" She queried, as she motioned to the maid to take over.

"I'm doing great ma, my parents are also fine." I mumbled, standing there like a scarecrow.

She took off her apron as she walked towards the door. God please, let her not ask me of Isabella.

Isabella's mom was a beauty to behold, every detail of her small frame added to her graceful appearance. Clothed in a navy blue bubu, her head tie sitting pretty on her neatly styled locs, to her grecian nose and caramel skin.

"Thank God o. Did you come with your friend? Where is she?" she questioned, one of her perfectly carved eyebrows, arched.

Where is she ke? God abeg.
Since 12pm? What will I say?

"I think...she's on her way. She s-topped at the supermarket to get something so I uhmm d-ecided to come ahead of her." I stuttered, as I lied stupidly.

She squinted at me before nodding.
"Okay o, food will soon be ready, you can go and wait at the dinning, you must be tired."

"Thank you ma." I hurriedly went back to the sitting room.
I was so glad to escape the prying eyes of Mrs George. I continued calling Isabella, pleading with God to make her come home earlier.
I already texted Dad to explain the whole situation to him, hinting that I might come back late.

Thirty minutes after I was done eating, Isabella stepped in.

Her face looked disheveled and puffy, her clothes still rumpled, the buttons off. She looked so tired and her eyes seemed empty of human emotions.
Her face morphed into a look of surprise as she saw me. I gave her a sign to keep quiet, hoping her mom didn't notice the change.

"Good evening Mommy." She said weakly.

"Good evening madam. How did your after-school rehearsals go?" Mrs George asked.

Rehearsals? What rehearsals?
Why did she allow me to lie if she knew Isabella went for rehearsals?
What kind of counter-lying is this, for God's sake?

"It went well, I'm exhausted, I need to get some rest." She mumbled as she climbed up the stairs, I followed closely behind her. Mrs George's watchful gaze followed us up the stairs.

Immediately we got into the room, She threw her bag across the room, her shoes and clothes also followed suit as she flung them across the room in anger before she curled up under the duvet.

I went over to the bed. "Isabella, are you okay?" I called out softly.
There was no reply.
Suddenly, she burst out crying, muffled sounds escaping from the duvet that covered her.
She threw the duvet away, her eyes shone with tears as she raised her head up.

"I we-nt to beg him after sch-ool, W-hy is W-ale do-ing this to me?" Her words were punctuated with stammers and sniffles.
Her eyes were blood-shot red.

"He as-ked me to do drugs, I did. He a-sked me to br-eak my celibacy, I did. I always did e-verything, where did I go wrong? Why doesn't he lov-e me any-more? I did eve-rything I could, An-nie, I did!" she shouted, her voice coming out as a croak amidst her tears.

When did all these happen for Christ sake?
I was about to wrap her in my arms when the door sprung open.
I raised my head to see an angry figure of Mrs George matching towards us. She had a black nylon bag in her hands.

"Omo jati jati, you've always been useless!" Mrs George called out in anger.
I flinched at the venomous tone her voice embodied.

"Where did I go wrong with you? Why have you decided to be the stark opposite of your siblings?" She demanded, as she emptied the black bag on the bed revealing mini packs filled with white substances.

Isabella, who had just been staring at her without uttering a single word, immediately spurned up as she ran towards her cupboard. She was met with a deafening slap as her mom dragged her back to the bed. She tried to shove her away but her chubby hands maintained a firm grip on her.

Mrs George turned to me.
"Annie, please leave us, it's already late. Greet your brother and parents for me, só gbó?" Isabella finally got freed as she ran to her cupboard frantically searching for what was not lost.

I looked in pity, lost on what to do at this point. Whether to leave Isabella to respect her mom or stay with her in loyalty. Mrs George looked at me, her eyes urging me to leave, so I decided to do that. I heard Isabella scream words at her mom as I walked down the stairs. Words I couldn't interpret.

It was a sad and worried ride back home for me. My mind was not organized at all, I felt like a big fool. My friend was deep gone but I didn't even sense it at all.

Immediately I got home, I went to my room, Dad came upstairs later on to meet me and I explained everything, he consoled me and told me to take a rest.
I still tried calling Isabella but there was no response.

By 9pm as I finally decided to give up, I heard my phone chime. I thought it was one of those insignificant whatsapp messages but I saw Isabella's profile picture from the notification bar.
I hurriedly picked up my phone to read.

Bella❤️ 9:10pm
They're sending me to rehab.

Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for the late upload. School did this one honestly.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Drop comments and don't forget to vote.
The response will affect my next chapter.
Comments on Isabella's mom.
Some things are coming out.
Till we meet again.

With love,

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