Part seven/finale

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A few months, Luke got extremely sick and getting weaker by the minute. Adina stayed by his side, feeding him, comforting him and singing his favourite lullaby. One night, Luke feels his time running and tried his best to soothe Adina, telling her that he'll always be with her. He asks her to promise to meet people who will accept her for her who she is and to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Adina tearfully promises. Luke let's out a weakened "I love you" before passing away.

The rainy day of Luke's funeral, Adina watched the funeral with a heavy heart. Once everyone left, Adina went to Luke's tombstone and says "I love you, Luke. I'll meet people who'll accept me and protect those who cannot protect themselves".

But two nights later, Adina overhears Luke's parents arguing about everything going wrong since Luke passed away and that Luke's father blamed his wife's side of the family for the genetic incurable sickness, to which Luke's mother defends herself, saying that they can make another baby, a girl this time. After hearing this insensitive suggestion and how Luke's death didn't seem to have sadness in them, Adina had-had enough. She walks to the kitchen, takes out a kitchen knife and walks into Luke's parents, killing them. After that, Adina wants to leave the town, so the mayor wouldn't know what she did. As she is about to make her decision, Luke's mother opens Adina stomach hatch and switches off her memory switch before dying. Now with no memory, Adina walks out of the mansion and left the town... forever.

The end.

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