Call For A New Show

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*pls do read the note at d end*

The day ended so well,we had our dinner together and poonjay went bidding a goodbye to us..soon we left for home too..

Adi's POV,

I entered inside holding his hand,I felt so happy today, after a month of stressful and restless days,when we spent a very less time together.

He went towards d sofa relaxing and I went to change...

After 15 mins,I came out wearing my pj's...I was not feeling so well so I sat on the bed ,busy in my own thoughts,he came there too,

"U haven't slept yet!!" He asked because I seemed so tired an hour before..

"Ahh yes,i mean no,I was just...." I was fumbling...

"What happened aditi,u were happy all day,and suddenly!!tell me.." He asked walking towards d bed...
He laid beside me..

"Zain. .what now..I mean,the show we worked in, is no,what now.."

"Hey...dont worry about that sweety..we r already famouse in d ITV industry..why should u stress urself about that...the time will tell..."....

He paused patting my hand...and continued..

" till then let's not worry and enjoy this break..and u know what,I really needed this break adii...but let's see what cms our way..and i promise, I would be there for u ,every single every single decision of urs,am at the back of u,not as a weakness but being ur strength,so live the present love.."

His words really touched my heart and his support was all, that I needed ,at the moment..I felt a tear drop falling at my cheek and instantly rubbed it before him noticing..

He kissed my forhead,and my hairs and I slept in his arms, snuggling close..


Next morning I woke up and felt so relaxed,his head resting beside mine, with his hand on my abdomen..I woke up caressing my hands, on his hair and went fr d morning routine..


After getting all the thing's done ,I prepared breakfast with a  juice for us..
I went in d room to check on him,the clock already striked 10am..
His phone buzzed,he was awake till now receiving  the phone call...

His face glimmered with joy,it seemed,the phone call was d reason,which made me suspect..

After he ended the call,I eyed him with a brow up...
"Who was it!!??" I asked..

"Hey adii,u awake, it was a call of my gf"

"Zainn,i will kill u" he was testing my patience...

"Hehe sorry sorry,Chill darling,it was a call for me from d producer of juzzbat, asking if I would like to come on the tv show juzzbat for an episode...and guess what,I agreed..." He told happily...

"Woahh,great,that's awesm zain,I am so happy for u"I replied joyously

"Thank u!! my love"he grinned..

" but whom u gonna be present with??"I asked..

"Actor,barun sobti"..

"Ohhh,great, he is so handsm" I replied sheepishly..revenge u know

"Ohh really.."giving a whatever look

"Hehe don't be sad,u jeolous??!!

" not at all"he replied uninterested..

"Haha,u r😁,anyways all d very best fr d new project, zain"

"Thank u darling" he said encircling his one arm around me..

"So when will u be starting the shoot??"

"Its matter of sm hrs..tomorrow itself"

"Hmm,nice,breakfast is ready,I am waiting on d dining"

"Will join u in 15 mins" he said running towards d bathroom smiling..
I laughed...


He came out after half an hr,sitting across me, on the table..I had prepared omellete..

"Wohho ,thank u adi.." He said and started eating..

"Mmmm, delicious"he said,I chuckled...

" and listen,I would be going at abhilash's house to meet him,would u like to cm.."

"No,I wanna rest, u enjoy ur meeting"

"Ohkayy....see u soon darling"he finished his food and left,not before pecking me on my head...

" hav a good time.."and he left...
Now i was all alone in d house,I completed sm of d households,and went to d balcony,relaxing,with my phone in my hands.....
Then I realised its 18 of may day after tomorrow..ohh godd,its zains b'day...I screamed in excitement,thankfully,none was there..
*(I hav messed up with d sequence,long time...sorry for that😪 ..)*

"Yayy,his b'day is approaching,I must make it so mch more special.."

I planned an awesm surprise..and I had a lot of time to work on it..


He returned in d evening,it was almost 7 when we were again called for a small get together by our very own gulzie..
We both agreed as we could not deny her...

I got changed,and we were ready to leave..

*skip ride*

It was a house party,she had invited sm of her close friends too..we had a chat and so much fun with keeping in mind that the cameras are all around recording d moment, and so we were aware of it,as a result we had distanced ourselves...(that's never meant to hurt fans)

After the dinner,and delicious desserts,gulzie made us to click sm selfies for d adiza fans,end we did happily(p.s-gulzie knows everything)
With that,we bid a good bye to all of them present and left for home..
The night went the same with us cuddling in the bed..


Next day morning he woke up early as he had to go for d shoots of juzzbat and even had to face many interviews...
I too woke up after him ,got freshened up and went to prepare breakfast...

I was preparing burritos for him when he came their,hugging me from back..

"Good morning,to be wify.." With a mischievous glint on his face

"Zainn...." I smacked his hands...
That is when I saw him,he was looking so ravishingly, hot in d black suit.. perfecto...

I kept staring.."looking great Mr.imam,all prepared"..I asked

"Ohh yes,btw thanks fr d compliment" he said with a glint of pride..

"Enough now,breakfast is ready.."I said smirking..

*skipping breakfast..*

He pecked on my lips,"see u soon love till then enjoy urself"

"Yeahh,u too,and know wat,u gonna rock it,bye"


That's it for now,sorry for d shortest update on top of that, a very late one, as usual...🙁read below,

Hey guys,the votes r really soo soo very much less than d views..its really disappointing..if u really not loving it, i would happily stop this ff..plz do tell me through comments,I would definitely end it here ,all depends on d no. of votes and comments.

Thank u fr reading,
Love, Hetal.

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