Can i say it's a date???

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Hey, guys i was thinking of writing a story for a long time, and finally i am writing an ADIZA OS .

zaishaimam thank you for giving me the chance.

I just hope you all like it.

At 10:30 am.

Cut the director shoted irritetingly.

D : (angrily) what are you both doing? (to zain and aditi) Can't you consentrate on your work putting your own issues aside? Short out whatever it is. I dont want to see it again. For today its final pach up.

Zain and Aditi goes from there to their mackup room after glaring at each other.They change and headed to go to their respective home.

Aditi is about to go out a spot boy come and informed her that director want to meet her in his office. Same goes with Zain. Both headed from their mackup room to director's office.

When Zain come to office he shaw Aditi is standing in front if the director's table. He glare at her and she gave an annoying look to him. They looked at director when he started.

D : Look Zain and Aditi you both are fabulous actors. I dont know what is the problem between you both and even i dont want to interfere in your personal life. But i think now it's no more personal because it started effecting your acting. So please short out whatever it is.

Z : but...

D : no but, i know that after going from here you both will not look at each other and the matter of solving the problem is far away. So i arrange dinner for both of you. Ok??

Z-A : But...

D : It's final and it's an order not a request. Ok??

Z-A : OK.(with a low voice)

Zain and Aditi goes from there and as director said they even not looking at each other. They both have the same situation. They don't want to go for the dinner and not willing to meet each other but they have to do it.

At 9:00 pm.

Zain entered in the hotel and find Aditi sitting on the chair near their table.

Z : so, desperate to meet me??( with the smirk on his face)

A : Not at all Mr. Imam. I have to say that you are the one who is looking very eager for dinner with me.

Z : huh. And yes please don't think it's a date.

A : (irritatingly) date.. with you... never. But i think you might be thinking that it's a date.( with questioning eyes)

Z : whatever

A : any ways please have a sit.

Z : (while sitting on the chair) you think that if you will not ask me i will not sit?

Then the waiter come and place two coffee on the table and give the letter to Zain.

In the letter : Zain please read it loudly so Aditi can also hear.

Z : (reading the letter loudly) i know you both have....

A : Why are you reading it loudly?

Z : ( made an angry face ) becouse i want to annoy you.

A : huh?

Zain show her the first line of the letter. She give him the continu look and look at the other side. Zain continued the letter.

Z : I know you both have too many things for fighting so that you will forgot that why this denner is arranged. I ordered coffee for both of you. After solving the matter place your order for dinner. I hope you will short out the matter. Enjoy....

Z : (looking at Aditi) Do you have anything to explain??

A : What do you mean by that? Why i should explain? I haven't done anything.

Z : Oh, sorry. I should ask that what is your problem with me??

A : Why are you asking such a weired questions? I dont have any problem with you. And by the way i should ask that question to you.( with questioning eyes)

Z : What do you mean by my problem? It's clearly seen that you have the problem with me.

A : i don't have any problem.

Z : then it's over. Problem solve. Let's go to home.

A : ( with the surprising look) what???

Zain stood up fron his chair and started to leave.

A : That's the problem.(quite angrily)

Z : (Zain turn back and look at her) what??

A : why are you always so rude at me??

Z : rude?? And me?? huh..

A : yes , you are. And you always do that to me. You never talk with me nicely. You never have that friendly behaviour towards me and you never tried to do it. How can i adjust with you if you are like this always?? ( Aditi exclaimed complainingly)

Zain went back to his sit. He is littel surprised that Aditi ALSO waned to friendly with him.

Z : i am not at all rude at you. In fact you are the one who always stay away from me. A reserved type of girl who never wanted to friendly with anyone or i would say specially with me.

A : That's not true.

Z : then what's the truth? You never tried to friendly with me. You should nah??

A : what do you mean by you should?
How can i even try to be friendly with the person who is always so rude at me and who always gathered among the girls but never ever paied attention to me.(she speak out in one breath)

Zain smiled inside hearing this.

Z : (in mind) she is jealous. What i am thinking is right ?? She ALSO likes me??

He tried to hid his smile but a small smirk come to his face.

Z : you mean i am the one who is rude? Who never paied attention to you?

A : Yes

Z : i am the one?

A : yes

Z : so you think i have to approach you?

A : yes

Z : for what?

A : for...( looking at him and he is already staring at her. She broke the eye lock and turn away) for friendship obvious.

Z : ohh. I think.....( and he stopped purposelly to aanoy her)

A : you think???

Z : nothing.( smilling inside)

A : That's not fair.

Z : what??

A : that you always hid things from me.

Z : why?Can't i hid something from you??( leaning forward )

A : NO ( she realized what she is sayind and closed her eyes)

Z : why?

Z : ( in mind) just say Aditi that you like me and you want to know everything about me.

A : because....(she is going to speak but stopped)

Z : because?

They are looking in each others eyes. May be for finding their question's answer. Just then Zain 's phone buzzed and it shows the notification of msg from nalini. Aditi noticed that and get sad. Zain just look at his phone and ignore.

A : pick it up. I don't mind. She is important to you. ( she looked away)

Zain can see the jealousy on her face.
A smirk come on his face.

Z : (hiding the smirk) are you jealous??

A : j..jealous?? I am not jealous. Why should i jealous??( not making eye contact)

Z : only you know the ans of this question.

A : me?

Z : yes you.(smiling inside)

A : i am not jealous ok??

Z : ohh. Common i can see.

A : i am not

Z : you are

A : i am not (a beat louder)

Z : you are

A : ( finally she give up) ok fine. I am.

Z : may i know why??

Z : ( in mind ) please Aditi just say it.

A : because...

Z : because??

A : ( in mind) just say it Aditi. You will not get this chance again. Just say it.

Just then Zain held her hand in his.
She looked at him

Z : ( in serious tone) Aditi, i don't know i have to say it or not. I don't know your feelings towards me. But i just want to say that i have started falling for you. I don't kow from when. May be from the first day when we meet or else where i dont know. I just know that i like you.( and he looked at her for her ans.)

Aditi is very happy and also a littel surprised hearing this that Zain is also feeling the same for her what she is feeling for him.

A : Zain, i think i know the ans that why i am jealous.

Z : why??

A : may be i am feeling same as you.(with a smile on her face).

Zain give her a smile and called the waiter and they placed the order for dinner.

Z : so

A : so?

Z : Can i say it's a date Miss. Rathore??

Aditi just give a smile for his question and he get all his answers in that one smile.
I think it's too long. Sorry for that.also sorry for grammatical mistakes. I am writing for the first time. I hope you like it. Please vote if you like. Please comment if you want to suggest me something.

Thank you for reading...

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