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Hola people! I know no one missed me and u all were waiting for me with chappals in your hand 😂😂 so i am updating and running away🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
And i am sorry for not updating but i didn't feel like writing😕
Anyways happy reading!

' yeah u said u love me! ' zain replied

'Whattt?' her eyes widened in shock!

She looked at his face and again questioned
' zain 🙄 ? '

' what? I have already told u that u said me i love u!!' zain shot back

' no i didn't!!! ' adii glared at him

' adii don't u remember u urself said lets rehearse for the upcoming scene where avni says i love u and i agreed then u said i love u ' zain replied

' wtf!!!! Zainnnnnnnn!!!!! ' adii held his neck as if she wants to strangle him

' do u know u are so irritating! Ughhhhh ..... I don't know how your old co stars used to bear much i wish i knew all about u before taking up nk🙄😒 ' adii said all in one go , zain smirked and then replied

' calm down lady don! ' saying this zain went to closer to her ear and whispered ' yesterday i also went through the same , u irritated the hell outta me in that drunken state ' zain rolled his eyes but in his mind something completely opposite was going on ' how i wish that u stay like yesterday night every day , u tell ur feelings to me in that cute way ' he was in his own la-la land when adii broke her chain of thoughts by shouting in his ears😂


' fine fine lady don , don't shout plzzz😂🤧 ' saying this he sat in the car and started it but he was still smiling liking a maniac

Adii : 🙄🙄🙄 (glaring at him)

Zain : what?

Adii : why the hell are smiling like a maniac🙄🤦 i am surely missing something....u didn't tell me the whole thing right? Fine don't tell me i don't even want to know.

Zain : 🙄🙄🙄can't i smile? My fans say my smile is so addicting and here u , who has problem seeing me smile 😏😏😏

Adiii : (faked a smile) addicting my foot! It looks more like a villian's smile after he has done some cheap trick successfully.

Zain : (in mind) i was supposed to be the hero but she made me villian huh!😒...!!! (Coming out of his thoughts he spoke up) yeah don't u know i am a villian , i mean i played the role of villian, I still didn't come out of that character😪

Adii : plzzzzz mr.imam drop me home or else i will die hearing your self praises😒🙏

Zain : fine...lets go!

They went home , every thing was going good , he used to irritate her as always , they continued their daily routine .


Few days later adiza were on set , adii was in her makeup room, zain was sitting outside and scrolling his insta feed , when he saw how his fans were bashing her and the reason was her past! He felt like someone had thrusted a knife in his heart....the initial days flashed back in his mind when he and nalini were bashed bcz of their link up rumour n all ....he knew how it feels but in her case it didn't stop till bashing , they were pointing fingers on her character and even bodyshaming her....
He felt so disgusted to call those people his fans!

She was in her makeup room packing up her things!

Zain went to her makeup room (they had done all shots of that day , it was packup time)
He went in her room 'adii' , he called out her name and she turned back hearing it.
' umm! Just a minute zain i am coming u go n sit in the car ' she thought he came to call her so that they can go home
' adii , i am sorry! ' zain said looking towards the floor in disappointment

Adii raised her eyebrows not understanding what he meant

' its because of me that u are sufffering so much ..... I don't know whether it will lessen ur suffering or not but i just felt like saying this and trust me you are beautiful inside out and the purest soul i have ever came across. Those who can hate u are heartless....just don't listen to them you are amazing and many people love u just the way u are ' this time he spoke his heart out without letting her speak! She finally understood what he was talking about bcz she had already seen those hate msgs nd posts but didn't take it on heart bcz it was normal for her , she used to see them daily

Adii could see concern , guilt and sincerity in his eyes and maybe love too. 🌚

But before she could understand the whole situation and then respond she felt those muscular arms that caged her.

She felt a different kind of peace , she herself was still confused what is this feeling but the only thing she could understand was that its different , different from any other feeling . Though he had hugged her many times in scenes, never did she feel something like this before.

Coming out of her thoughts she calmed herself down , she took a deep breath and finally managed to speak.
' its ok ! Life is all about ups and downs and when many people love u there will be many people that hate u too! And tbh these are the haters that make u do what u didn't even expect that u could do , in the fight of showing them what u are u become more n more perfect day by day....and they also have a reason to hate me..i chose my life to be like this , i did a mistake in my life and i have to pay for that today or some day later...and honestly the more these haters try to put me down , the more i get determined to achieve my goal , i know one day these haters will love me too , they will admire me! I promise u zainn , i will make them love me more than they hated me ever . And u Don't need to worry let things go with flow and just wait for karma to play its cards. Till then just ignore them like i do. ' all this while zain was listening to each n every word of hers very carefully and he was shocked , how in the world can someone be so patient , polite , and so strong

Zain loosened his grip around her and looked at her and the very moment he again fell for that girl ' idk how do u do it but u make me fall for u again nd again! Are u for real ms.rathore' he thought to himself

' Adii how can u be petfect in everything ' he questioned innocently

Adii chuckled , ' no i am not , no one can be perfect , it depends on the other person how he sees✨' adii replied with a smile

Her beautiful smile , that smile which he loves more than anything , the smile which he wants to see on her face forever , that smile which makes him smile❤️

He held her hand and took her with him!

Another day , another thing which he learnt from her , another day ended on a happy note!❤️


1272 words pheeewwwwww!! Can u imagine 😪 am hell tired
Now don't expect next update anytime soon 😏
Jk i will try to update as soon as possible😂
Till then good bye!

And and keep mailing at [email protected] to bring adiza back
And don't forget to nominate AdiZa for dubai stars u can find link in bio of any fc or mine aswell❤️

And i want some feedbacks too! If u liked it then do vote!

Much love❤️

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