never leaving feelings 💖

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Zain's pov---
It's been just a single day I've come  to Delhi nd gosh why the hell i m feeling lost no i shouldn't let her owning my mind !!!
It's raining hard 💚
Aditi was sitting on her bed j I her make up room thinking about HIM !! Godd she shouldn't do this ...she's been taken already.. She can't cheat her best friend!!
Wait what!! Best friend!! But that guy is her boyfriend right !! But did she ever consider him as her LOVE!! did she !!
Spot boy-
Aditi mam shot is ready!!

Her Verge of thoughts was broken !
A: just coming Dada !
Avni has always inspired her to be brave enough to go for your own choice of living life .
Sometimes she really thinks she getting everything what she wants!! No dude no!
She gave her shots with poonam ..who has become her dearest in set now !!
She joined the set just 1 day before BT didn't fail to gell up with a introvert like aditi !!
They're shooting for ganesh chaturthi ..
But something was missing
Obviously HER HERO was !

.she was about to whatsapp zain but her phone rang !
Caller id - shreedhan !
Her chaddi buddy .her best friend.. But unfortunately now turned into her boyfriend but not love !
S- hey babes what's going on!
A- nothing just gave a shot .
Nd he started talking random things nd unwillingly she receprocated!
Punnu- heyyaa !
God how much appropriate her timing is !!
A- okay shreedhan bye punnu is here I'll catch u later .
Before he could even bye she cut it !
P- u should cut him like this for ever after adu !
A- yeah ✌
What ! What did u mean !
P- u know my fella 😑
By the way i was here to ask u for a outing today.. I will introduce u to my gang too 😎
A: but ...b..i mean ..i mean
Actually not today punnu ..i will some other day may be
Nd she left the place right then !
Adi's POV -
Why i can't be normal with people... Godd this is not going right life is not going right ..I need to do something!

Enough for now 😉
So here goes my first update
Share ur views
I will wrap indirects in 2 or 3 parts !
Main adiza content is coming soon 😍😍
Goodbye folks 😉

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