Odds | A TEN

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Preparations for the game show were in full swing. The regulations set by Comic Relief informed that only nine students would be representing each school and it required pupils ranging from at least twelve to eighteen years old. Thus, two lucky first years were picked and out of Coeus, The Aces, Amina and me because Michael said it would be good practice for critical competitions in future. Then Michael volunteered to stay behind so his condition wouldn't be an inconvenience and delegated captaincy to Ewen.

Garren was particularly peeved by that and gave Ewen a menacing glare to which the quiet boy of course responded to with a blank stare, followed by a blink.

What went through that boy's head was more of an enigma than life.

Ben was in high spirits about the event as he'd heard a rumour that the host for the show would be Lee Nelson. Whoever that was, anyways.

Amina acted like the incident at the lunch hall had never happened, being as chummy towards me as always. Somehow, it didn't bring that same height of elation in me. There was a shift somewhere.

I couldn't put my finger on what it was at first, then as I boarded the coach that would transport us to the studio, Amina flagged me down to occupy the seat beside her.

I won't deny that I glimpsed at where The Aces were situated by the back, simultaneously on their phones before taking Amina up on her offer.

Although it was the typical scenario I'd envied my schoolmates in primary doing with their friends, the feeling fell stale.

Then of course, there was the usual conversation session that commenced like during all class trips. Ewen being an exception since he just kept to himself reading a Spiderman comic book- did not peg him for a superhero guy but hey, not judging.

He looked a lot more engrossed than I was in Amina telling me about a humorous mishap that happened when she joined her aunt to play 'common people' bingo last week. Right in the middle of it, I blurted out the unimaginable. "Do you like Garren?"

Amina fell into a pause frame. Lips contorted to a thin line and perfect brows hiked. Gradually, she came into play. "Where'd you hear that from?" Her tone interrogative.

"Um, well-"

"Y'know what? Nevermind." She let out a sigh, eyes gazing on her lap briefly before switching back to me. "I'll answer that if you tell me honestly, if you and Garren have something going on."

"What? No." I shook my head.

She studied me intently. "But you do like him though, right?"

I grimaced. "Like is a strong word. I would say I see his value as a club associate and I'm pretty sure it's the same for him too."

"Then what happened at the lunch hall before...?"

"Friendly invite. That's all," I assured her.

Amina slowly nodded her head, brushing a strand of her luscious black hair behind her ear. "Okay then yes, it's true. I like Garren."

I could only blink in reply.

"I know that's a crazy thing to feel for someone so twisted like him but I can't help it, y'know? He's got like, the full package and the Adlers are practically untouchable to any other dynasty, never losing its credibility throughout its generations."

Amina's eyes shone with this morbid awe I'd never seen before. It wasn't like a girl expressing an admiration of a crush but more along the lines of a disciple worshipping a god. "There used to be rumours that they originally committed a lot of inbreeding because of just how identical the descendants were and any personal affairs like weddings, burials and pregnancies are still kept strictly confidential to even their closest business associates. It's all bollocks, obviously from spiteful rivals but honestly, with genes that good— I wouldn't blame them for wanting to keep it to themselves."

"W-Wow, um, you sure know a lot," I muttered, unsure of what else to say.

Thankfully, Amina appeared to take it with pride by the large grin that lapped her face. "Well, let me fill you in on one thing I haven't told anybody yet." She glanced around before leaning in to whisper so inhaling her shampoo this time was inevitable. "Around winter last year, Garren and I were part of the planning committee for the Christmas party and we were both decorating the auditorium. When we were placing tinsel on the walls we... had a moment."

I squinted my eyes. "A moment?"

She nodded. "And before that we'd talk secretly and flirt with each other." Her gaze peered to the direction of the Aces. "Ever since then, it's like he's been playing mind games with me and being all elusive on whether or not he'll make it official that we're a thing. It's driving me crazy but I just don't know how to say no to him. Y'know?"

I stared at the girl before me who no longer seemed to be coherent yet all that was lingering in the back of my mind was that her shampoo was lacking its intoxicating fragrance. Had she changed brands? Without much thought I muttered, "Yeah..."

"I'm actually glad I told someone now. Feels good." She proclaimed with a breath. I tensed when she suddenly intertwined our fingers. "And since you're on a friendly basis with The Aces, you can help me persuade Garren to finally be ready to commit."

"Um, I don't really know how to persuade people," I said.

"Don't worry, Stevie, it doesn't take anything special for that," Amina stated. "Just try bringing me up in topic around him. It'll work. I can count on you for that right?"

Her clutch on my fingers tightened, the intensity in her deep brown eyes impossible to look away from. I was held in arrest and slowly nodded. Amina's lips spread into a wide grin and she enveloped me in a hug. "Thanks, Stevie. I'm really glad we're friends."


She'd announced it. We were friends. I'd made a friend with someone who wouldn't tune me out at the mention of quantum physics and that was enough to motivate a smile.


I'd often wondered what it'd be like to contest in a game show like I'd watch sometimes on tv and now I was getting a glimpse to the experience. The sparkling stage and spotlights. Then in this case, pits full of rubber red nose balls but nevertheless, glamorous enough to make me swoon.

Ben was a little down when he came to find that the host wasn't as rumours stated but was another regional comedian named Jason Manford. Quite a lot of students from other schools were quite rowdy by the presence so I guessed he must've been big too.

We didn't get the luxuries of our own private dressing rooms and all but I felt like I got the VIP treatment from how polite the set crew were. Not to mention, the sparkly golden nametags we pinned onto our uniform. I didn't even care if I was viewed as odd for marvelling a name tag while the mic was being fitted on me.

We'd been split into jumbled groups for the mic set-up and as I was in an opposite group from Amina, I used the alone time to read the texts I'd received. Multiple ones were sent from my parents and everyone at the bakery, expressing their support along with promises to tune in to the show. I read through them then onto the peculiar final from my oddball mates.

Ashton; soooo I tried searching up a fan site for Will Butler and ended up stumbling upon this community for people who are obsessed with maid & butler costumes. It is mad.

Ashton; here's ones with cat ears and stuff. Some are crazy but look pretty cool. Thinking of maybe purchasing one for Halloween. Never too early to start costume planning.

I rolled my eyes at how she'd completely derailed from her objective and proceeded to read my other new texts.

Liam; yo, good luck on the show. Pro Tip- make sure the cameras not on u when ur picking ur nose ;)

As I began to type a response, an arm slung over my shoulder. I tore my gaze from my phone to vibrant honey brown eyes.

"Hey, Stevie." Will smiled. "What're you doing?"

"I'm just texting-"

"Yeah, alright forget that first." Will snatched my phone. "Listen," his tone became serious as he held my shoulders. "Garren's about to come and ask why you haven't been joining us for lunch. You need to tell him it's because you're afraid of heights."

"... What?"

"You haven't sat with us for the past three days which Garren is not very pleased about."

My eyebrows drew. "Sorry, was I meant to only seclude myself to your table and not have other options?"

"Yes," Will said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It's a huge offense to him."

"Really? He hasn't been acting any different. He seems fine."

"He's in silent fury," Will stated. "The only reason he hasn't done anything yet is because he's been busy searching... " He stopped himself as if realising he was going to say something he shouldn't have. "Anyway, he's been busy and I've been trying to excuse your absence so you need to help me."

"But I don't get why-"


Will tensed instantly as the very boy in mention appeared. "Anything you'd like to tell me?" Garren questioned.

His voice was poise but I could see what Will was talking about now when I stared up at his dark eyes from where I sat; silent fury.

"I'm guessing this is about my lunch seating thing?"

"Yes." Garren confirmed. "So, let's hear your reason and it better be good."

I spared a glance at Will who's giving me those doe eyes again and I turned back to his leader who had his arms crossed, eyebrow cocked. Does Will really expect him to believe such a lie?

"I don't have a reason." I heard Will silently groan beside me. "I don't see why I have to sit at just one table permanently. I even ditched Amina that time I ate lunch with you guys."

"Then I don't see what the problem is. My company will do your social life far better than Ms. Feminism compromise ever could."

I frowned. "Compromise?"

"Not that I'm including you in that too, Stevie." He assured me with a smile. "You're completely different."

I didn't know whether he was expecting me to feel relieved by that if he presumed that's what was bothering me. "I don't think Amina would appreciate you calling her that."


"Aren't you hooking up with her?"

Garren gave me a funny look and Will stifled a laugh. "With Amina? I doubt it. Maybe if he was drunk except-"

"Will, shut up," Garren cut him off, eyes narrowed. "Where did you hear that from?"

"Amina. She said you guys are unofficially a thing and you had 'a moment' with her and stuff." I quoted, not even entirely sure what it meant. "She mentioned one time near Christmas- "

At that, Garren chuckled. "Oh, god. She's still working with that story? Wow." He shook his head.

"Story? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"We were on the planning committee, yes. There was this other girl helping, part of the student council, Kelly Henderson. I get talking with Kelly and she's all over me, of course. Then we agree to meet up later at the party. So once we've both arrived, we go to one of the empty classrooms. The girl was set to go. She was like The Flash, she'd pulled off her pants before I'd even-"

"Okay, okay can I hear the version without details please?" I requested.

Thankfully, Garren heeded. "We're getting to the best part and Pahlevi barges in, ruins everything. She has the audacity to be mad at me and claim we had some 'moment' before and that I should stop playing around- had no idea what the lunatic was going on about. I thought she would've stopped obsessing by now but then again, this is me we're talking about."

I took a moment to process this newly given information but there's interferences as it doesn't align with all I'd heard on the coach. "Let me get this straight; you don't have anything going on with Amina?"


I peered to the set management from the hatch revealing the row of students sitting still to allow the crew to do their job, Amina amongst them. I'd had a handful of chats with her compared to Garren, much more pleasant too and she'd been something I'd wanted back when I hadn't made friends. Who was more trustworthy?

I turned back to Garren. "You're telling me she made it all up?"

"I'm telling you she's delusional and you should try using that head of yours to see what's clearly obvious."

With that, he clicked to his heels and walked off with Will swiftly tailing behind but not before offering one last glance. I was left alone to sit with my thoughts and decide what was false and what was true.


All my anxiety and nervousness manifested into my shaking hands. My palms were growing sweaty as I tried not to squirm in my seat, bright lights beaming on me, cameras recording and a sea of faces making up the audience. All watching.

There was a storm of applauses as Jason appeared on to the stage, made his opening monologue and introduced us to the crowd. He'd spoken to us before the cameras were on earlier to coach us, but I still felt overwhelmed.

"Let's hear it for our first round competitors, Milton Prep School and St. Sinclair Academy!"

The studio thundered with clapping, hooting and hollering. Everybody waving back brightly with earnest smiles. Garren had on a dazzling one with a regal wave to rival the Queen herself despite being the one person who claimed he didn't want to be here. I couldn't tell if he was that good at faking or he'd changed his mind because he got to be in a spotlight.

Each of us had big, red buzzers to hit to answer and there'd be twenty set of questions asked. Whichever team got the most correct won but also had the option to call for a bonus for extra points. If that was called, one member from each team would dual in a range of questions focused on a theme like history, science, music etc.

Eight schools split in pairs would compete in four separate rounds. The two teams with the highest points would face off in a final mystery game.

The blaring noise of the buzzer nearly only went off on our side, as we were speedy to get the answer and by we I mean everybody else besides me. I'd have the answer but chicken out at the last second. It was great, nonetheless. Jason would crack a few quips in between that succeeded to make me laugh each time and I made a mental note to look up his stand up acts later at the hotel.

Our win was effortless and we were open to the bonus option. As leader, Ewen made the call and he accepted with his trademark nod. Thus, Milton Prep chose a member to duel and in all the momentum, I had done a double take when my name was called.

"U-Um, what?" I stuttered.

"Ewen's picking you to duel," Ben supplied.

My eyes widened. "Me?"

Ewen nodded once more and I felt my pulse elevate. This was happening. I was being bestowed a solo spot irrespective of my lack of participation. Or maybe it was exactly because of that he'd chose me? I'd never know but when Ewen gave me a pat on the shoulder, it urged me to comply.

I was ready. I could do this.

"Alright, let's take a look at the theme!" Jason motioned a hand to the interactive screen of a virtual slot rapidly spinning in a flurry and as it grew slowly, I did my best to warm up my brain for what it would dish out. Components, historic figures and wars or formulas- revising them through my mind.

When the slot came to a full stop, my stomach dropped and my face grew pale. Nothing in all my hours of lessons and studying could ever have prepared me for it. The letters in bold almost seemed mocking to my impeding doom:


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