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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to namjoonahsgirl and SadCloudyDay for all their great comments and feedback that always make me smile or laugh. I'm aware there are others too and plan to start dedicating more chapters to let them know I'm just as grateful to every one of you so stay tuned!

It was surprisingly easy to get dressed for class that following morning, despite learning I was being monitored.

Granted, there was a possibility Shepherd disabled the wiretaps overnight. Even if that meant my trump card to make her back down was gone, I'd have a fraction of my privacy returned so either way, it was a win for me.

As I was brushing my hair, my phone vibrated against the wood. I retrieved it from the nightstand, the day already seeming off to a good start when I saw a text from Shaun.
He was back in town from his dad's business trip to Venice. We'd chatted when he'd landed last night and agreed to have a pre-date sort of thing after school. I guessed I wasn't alone in being too eager to hold it in until the weekend.

Shaun- Quick question can you ice skate?

Me- Yes why?

Shaun- Just in case it gets too crowded at my place. My mum is having a few friends over so I was thinking it'd be best to get a plan B. That okay?

Me- Yeah :D

Shaun- :)

I caught that girl with my tamed mane and blunt dark eyes smiling cheerfully in my mirror. I was so glad he was back. I'd been around a bunch of exhausting people lately that I was on the verge of blowing a fuse. This was a gift straight from heaven.
I tried not to get distracted from the fantasies that would have me even later, when there was another buzz. I whisked my phone from my lap in a flash only to grow disappointed it wasn't Shaun's number. I placed the phone by my ear. "Hi, Liam."

"Hey Steves." His greeting was suspiciously cautious. "You doing alright?"

"Um yeah, fine. Why?"

"...You haven't seen it, have you?"

"Seen what?"

"Virtue uploaded a new video."

I didn't wait to hear anything more and hopped onto the Parr campus page. I scrolled through the recent section, coming empty on Virtue. So I took to the web and it didn't take long to pop up. It was more like it had been waiting for me.

The post was dated just after eight last night and nearly had as much views as the previous clip. I opened the link.
Growing up, as full of self-doubt as I had, I still did think maybe once or twice about how my name would first be shared to dozens across the country. Maybe when I won a Nobel Prize, closed a high international case as a big time attorney or in headlines for creating an invention of the century for mankind's evolution.
Never did I once dream it would be through a celebrity vlogger going on a rant for four minutes straight.

"I was going to surprise you all with an interview I scheduled with a member of St. Sinclair's highly esteemed academics club called Coeus. The member was one of the first girls to ever be admitted and I thought the piece would be great. I was wrong."

I watched as Ivanov went to claim that an actual interview had taken place but she'd scrapped it as it was 'controversial absurdity' she didn't want on her channel. That was only the first thirty seconds of the clip.
The rest carried on with her stating what a disappointment I'd been as a new door opening in Coeus' history for intellectual young girls. That I was a conformist, brainwashed by society, undermining what real feminists strived to achieve in this generation and all aspiring female students should avoid my influences.

It was honestly the most sophisticated trash talking I'd ever received, I'd give her that. Except for the part where she went straight out to call me a daft. That was a little mean spirited.

"You watched the video, didn't you?" probed Liam as we met up on my walk to the academy.

"Isn't that why you called?"

"No, and it's a little rude to hang up on someone like that."


He didn't appear all that mad as he gave me a once over. "You look like you're handling it pretty well."

I shrugged. "Well, it's not everyday you can say an internet celebrity dedicated a toast just for you."

"It's a roast." He corrected.

"Right." I noticed a five foot four blonde missing from his side. "Where's Ash?"

"Uh, she said she had something to do so she'd be coming a little later."

Despite sensing there was more to it than that, I refrained to pry. I felt a little nervous on what would become of us soon and I wasn't in any rush to find out.

Stares, indiscreet snickers and whispers followed me through the corridors and the classrooms. From how big Ivanov's viewership had expanded after the bait video, this one had spread even quicker. A few peers who held a bone of sympathy like my locker neighbour Zoe, was walking on eggshells around me, which honestly did more harm than anything else.

I was glad Shaun wasn't coming in today in order to rest off the jetlag before our get together. He'd probably unintentionally give me the same coddling treatment too.

Though on second thought, I wouldn't mind it. I thought about maybe acting a little shaken up if it meant I'd have his strong arms consoling me. I kept that lovely image in mind as I proceeded to the Coeus clubhouse for a scheduled IAO prep performance update.

It was convenient too as a means to get Garren since there were one or two important things I needed to share with him. The varying stares of pity and snide were present amongst the members when I took a seat in the conference room. Aside from Ewen. His mind was a steel wall as always.
Once the meeting disclosed, I was prepared to make a beeline to Garren when my name was called out. "Stevie, a word."

It couldn't have been more coincidental and I curtly nodded, staying situated on the swivel chair as everybody else filed out. I met with Will and Ben casting me final glances of concern but something in their expressions had me skeptic if it was in regards to the clip. Though, what else could it be?

Fleeting silence brushed by when the last footfalls were out of the door. Sharp, dark eyes took me in and I slimmed the gap between us. "Hey, I actually had something I wanted to talk to you..."

He raised a hand to stop me but it was his stern look that had my voice silenced. "Why wasn't I given a notice about the interview?"

"Oh, well I didn't want to do it— "

"Then why did you?"

"Ms. Shepherd didn't really give me an option."

"Which is exactly why you should've told me! You know that woman's got problems. She gets blinded by profit instead of using her head to consider there's more than likely a trap. To think she let some Parr princess get her- she's losing her touch." He sighed. "If you'd let me know, I would've gotten her to back off. Now she's conveniently not in her office today. Probably hiding out somewhere."

"Oh, so Ms. Shepherd isn't in today." I couldn't help but be stunned I'd actually succeeded in a little ground. I'd no doubt have her at my throat later but for now, I was getting a break from the leash.

I was sure to use the little leisure well.
"And what are you looking all happy for?" snapped the boy who was pure bred aggravation at this. "Is this a situation to be smiling about, Stevie?"

"No, it's just— "

"I already told you this before. I'm on your side, you won't be left alone. Just let me handle things. There's no ulterior motive in it unless you want to count my own personal interest as one. What more do you want me to do to clarify this?"

It was almost mistakable if I hadn't been listening as I intently did when standing. Or maybe if it had been said to the me from a month ago before Garren decided to barge into my little world. The hollowness in his rage was all to coat the deep frustration and upset.

Mustering the courage he wouldn't bite my head off, I spoke up. "You don't need to. I understand, Garren."

"No, you clearly don't. Otherwise— "

"I didn't do the interview."

He did a double take. “What?"

"I went to the university and considered doing what Ivanov wanted but I came to realise there wasn't anything better to me than what I get from you."

I wanted to give myself a much earned pat on the back for getting those words out of my throat, more so for having Garren Adler speechless.
At least for five seconds before his signature grin emerged. "Is that so?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "And I need your help with something."

"Go on."

"... Actually, it would probably be better to leave it to lunch." I suggested when remembering we both had classes we were meant to be in.

"Then say it quickly." He urged.

"No, I don't want to make you late."

"Just tell me."

"You can't wait until break?"

"You could change your mind by then."

"What?" I chuckled but when I caught his expression, I realised he was serious.

He truly feared that outcome and it was my own fault. There were too many instances I'd declared I'd come off the comfort of my shell and take the life-changing leap but I always backed out.

Not this time though.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand." I instructed.

He rose a quizzical brow, but nevertheless did as told. I dug into my blazer pockets and clasped my hands over his extended one. I saw his brows slightly knit at the foreign metallic weight in between my fingers. I slipped them away and he lifted his eyes to see my phone perched on his palm.

"I've copied all my data onto my Ace one." I confessed. "So I won't have any need for this one anymore."

His eyes lingered on the device before gradually steadying on my gaze. I was certain there was nothing else quite like the feeling.

"So this is like an insurance?" He queried, deliberately dangling the device loosely. To test if I'd waver.

"Yeah, if you'd like."

He studied me for a brief instance and secured it into his pockets. "Alright. See you at lunch then."


When I walked into the classroom and my eyes locked onto Ashton, I knew she'd be asking to speak with me afterwards.

Proving my theory right, I spotted her hanging by the doorway when I was packing my stuff subsequently to the bell going off.

"Okay, I'll just get right out with it," Ashton took a breath, "what the hell happened at the campus?"

"Nothing." I replied.

"Nothing? Virtue went and said all that over nothing? I call bull on that. Tell me what happened in the interview."

"There was no interview. I took what you said Ashton and was honest. I truthfully didn't want to be in that position of having the headmaster breathing down my neck, the school's image and staking morals over a little spotlight."

Ashton's stare lay somewhere amongst stunned and incredulous in which I wasn't sure in what way to take it but continued.

"I know, that doesn't sound cool- "

"No Steves." She shook her head. "Being cool or whatever isn't important. You kept your word, that's all I care about."


"Yeah." She gave my shoulder a light squeeze. "I'm so glad I decided to just ask you. My god, I was flipping out for a second there when I saw the video and everything..."

Then there it was. The corners of her mouth etching the path for that warm smile that I was sure would only be in my memories. As much as temptation urged me to bask it for a little, I resisted. I wouldn't be greedy. At least for my last gesture in closing this act.
"I'm having lunch with the Aces."

Just like that, the path deterred before it could finely map out. "What?"

"For today, so I can run over some things with Garren. I'd like it if you and Liam were there too. But from then on I'll be joining them every Thursday, Monday and Friday like I agreed."

"W-Wait, what? Agreed when?"

"When the guys invited me to their cult."

Ashton was silent.

"It's not really a cult, Ash. I was making a joke see, to reference when you called it- "

"What the fuck, Stevie? You're going to those douchebags again? I thought we already went over this! You shouldn't be hanging around those guys. They're—"

"Obnoxious and mean to anyone who doesn't reach their standards, yeah. Like the way you'd talk to Archie Norton for example?"

Her frown deepened. "That's different. That boy is a creep."

"Maybe but he was also a kid with no one to relate to, worked harder than probably anybody to get into this school. He didn't hold a grudge when his own sister deserted him but you wouldn't know about any of that and don't ask me how I know." I halted her when I could read just from her furrowing brows it was on the tip of her tongue.

"Look, Ashton I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm only making a point about how we can all judge from one angle without seeing the rest because I defend people I care about— just like you and Liam do." I explained. "I'm going to be honest like you said, Ash. Completely honest with myself because I never really tried to before.
I feel good around those guys. I feel like I'm really being myself with no restraints, even more than with you which isn't anybody's fault. I'm not asking you to look past differences or whatever- hell, even like them or pretend to. I'd done that but I wasn't helping anyone. But one thing that you will need to do is get used to seeing me around them. Can you do that for me, Ash?"

I'd pictured this moment on and off for maybe half an hour as I stared to my suite ceiling last night. Though to live in playing it out, felt like an eternity. All the signs from her frown to her dejected posture rallied discouragement but I was determined to stay optimistic til the end.
When Ashton parted her lips, I held my breath. Only to see her close it back and take off down the corridor without a word.


Break time couldn't have come sooner. I had Garren and the boys meet me at the Coeus garden. Regarding Ivanov's precaution to approach me there, the club grounds were probably the last spot on the academy for detection. What I had to share was not something I was risking getting out.

A still silence settled when I'd shared everything Ivanov told me and at the dorm and her real intentions. The silence was understandable and expected but Ben being the one to break it, there was nothing to go on for me to predict him taking the initiative.

"That is super freaky." He said in all seriousness. "Because well, I wasn't sure whether to tell you guys this but I actually had a dream the other night where that Ivanov lady and Stevie were going at it."

Less than enthralled glances and lifted brows were passed his way but the boy didn't pick on it to refrain from continuing. "And this really fit Instagram model I follow joined in at some point too."

Will—bless his heart, took it upon himself to be the response. "How is that in any way freaky to what Stevie just told us?"

"Y'know, with what she said about being Ivanov's target."

"Yes, to use as an accomplice to get at Ms. Shepherd. Not to sleep with."


Will was purely baffled. "How did you even reach that?"

"He probably pulled a muscle in his brain from the rapid flow of information and switched to his only other active muscles, being his dick so he zoned out." chimed Garren and I honestly wasn't sure if he was kidding.

He was more calmer than I'd thought he'd be after hearing it all but that was solely in manner. His eyes were something else entirely. "At least his wet dream coming true would've been better compared to that half-done tart shamelessly lying about Stevie on the web. And she has the audacity to call herself the name Virtue? She's asking to get dealt with."

"Okay, I don't think either of you are focusing on the bigger part here." said Will.

"What bigger part?"

"Oh I don't know, Benny- maybe the part about a spy being in our school?"

"Yeah, I was going to get to that." said Garren.

Will suppressed an eye roll. "Sorry Stevie but that sounds slightly too ridiculous to me. I mean, come on. We're not in a movie and this isn't a MI6 base- this is a private school in Surrey. Where we have five tennis courts for the male team, the female team and diversity acquitted extras."

"It's true, Will." I insisted.

"Got any proof?"

I grew hesitant but partly knew it would come to this. "I know there's a spy because Ivanov's source told her about a secret just between me and the headmaster."

All three boys perked simultaneously that you would've thought I confirmed the lesbian fantasy. Well, one did. "You shagged Gary's nan-?!"

"Ben." Garren's tone as sharp and swift as his finger snapping. "Mouth zip."

Ben sourly proceeded to mime a zip lining along his lips and locking it then handing the invisible key over to Garren's custody. The auburn haired boy slouched with a frown while I tried to process if that had really just happened.

"So, the secret?" Will prompted.

"Er, yeah." I swallowed. It wasn't like it was anything sinister but it was somehow hard to say before those grey scopes. "My family was struggling financially and the headmaster offered to pay the rest of my tuition. In return, I'd follow through her orders to sign up for Coeus."

Will was transparently surprised and I watched the flicker of revelation fall shortly after. Ben was observing a butterfly fluttering by and Garren of course, just had to be the hardest to decipher.

"So that's the reason you joined so suddenly." muttered Will.

I nodded.

"No, something's wrong." interjected Garren. "My nan exploiting someone? Yes, that fits but she doesn't give out without an equal or bigger income. No offense, but I don't see the income of pressuring you to join the club with me already there. Michael was also enough of an insurance."

"I thought so too." I concurred.

"Then what else is it?"

"She said my participation was necessary against a threat she didn't want to take any chances on if Coeus had any gaps. No offense." I added, earning me a small smirk.

"Threat? What threat?” Will questioned.

"I'm still not clear on that. But, I do believe the threat is linked to the identity of Ms. X."

"That makes sense, yeah." nodded Garren.

"It does?" piped Will.

I sent a little emphatic nod seeing Garren had no desire to elaborate. I would but it wasn't anything critical that couldn't be left done for later.

"Great." I enthused. "Because I was hoping you could shed some light on candidates to match X's profile. Does your nan have any enemies?"
"Have you met her?"

"Any enemies who would orchestrate something at this scale?" I clarified.

Garren took a moment for thought. "Two."

"Good, that makes this easier."

"But one's in prison overseas and my dad's a little too busy with work to bother setting this up."

"Your dad is enemies with your grandma?"

It was Will's turn to offer me an empathetic nod.

"Or it could be a new one I haven't met before." added Garren.

"Terrific." I murmured.

"But you know," started Garren, "how are you sure I'm not the spy? From what you've shared, there's nothing that rules out any of us being the culprit." He spared a glance to the mute underling who was swinging back and forth on the fence. "Aside from Ben anyways."

"Intuition." I answered.

Garren held my ardent stare briefly with a smile of definite amusement working its way on his lips. "Alright then. You said X contacts the tart through her email, right?"


"I might have a way to weed out the identity."

"Really? How?"

"I happen to know an exceptional techie who can be occasionally reliable."

Will's head turned to the dark haired boy in a split second, alert but vastly different than mine. "Please tell me you're not talking about Charles Bradford."

"Do you know one better?"

"No, no way, Garren. You can't be serious."

"What? Is there something wrong with the guy?" I enquired.


"No. Will, is being dramatic. We can go meet him after class."

My brows rose. "That soon?"

"Yeah, you want to get to the bottom of this quickly don't you?"

"Of course..." I felt a little squirming on the thought of m explaining I had a pre-date to attend. That was one area of my life I wasn't keen on him probing.

"When you say 'we', you're just talking about you and Stevie right?" asked Will.

"Playing dumb won't get you anywhere, Will."

"Garren please don't make me go there."

I frowned at the dread in Will's tone. "I-It's not somewhere dodgy, is it?"

"No. Will stop being a baby. You know I hate this kind of attitude. Can you remember we're trying to help a friend here? You're constantly nagging me to be compassionate but the moment it's inconvenient for you, you're against it— typical." Garren sighed. "Look, I don't like the prick either but you don't see me or Ben making a fuss. You know why? Because we're considerate."

The other considerate boy was presently plucking out petals from a beautifully arranged flowerbed out of boredom.

"But he doesn't come at you or Ben. It's not fair." protested Will and it was seriously gnawing at me seeing him like this. Whoever this Charles Bradford was, I didn't like him.

"Maybe we can look for another way." I suggested.

It worked like a charm in lifting Will's expression, hope shimmering in those endearing big brown eyes.

"No." refused Garren. "And don't look at Will. He's using his doe eyes which I've already warned him about. It might've worked for the Apollo night but I'm not letting it work here."

"But- "

"I swear, I will hit you Will. Don't test me."

Bottom lip jutting, Will refrained from the alleged doe eyes and any tactics of persuasion. However, I insisted to Garren I truly did have prior plans and once convincing him it had nothing to do with the pouty blonde, the time was set for tomorrow.

Once classes were through, out of habit I made the long trip out of the corridors to pass by Ashton's locker where she'd normally be waiting for me. The locker columns were deserted. I stood there for a good twenty minutes until accepting that nobody was coming.


The Goy-Smith manor was as artistically rich in taste and splendour as one could expect from the home of a passionate craftsman. Several cars camped by their seasonally ornamented driveway that must've belonged to the company Mrs. Goy-Smith was having over, like informed. I sent a text to Shaun I had arrived and the front door came edging open soon enough.

Extremely soon.

In mere seconds of sending the text, I was greeted by a short woman. Her knitted brows as defined as the deep red lipstick colouring her pressed lips and her matching polka dot dress. She’d ben jeering to a tall man behind her with a jet black curls and leather jacket draping his broad shoulders, until seeing me.

They both had this dazzle a model or actors would taking the red carpet. "Oh." She blinked with hiked eyebrows at my presence.

"Um, hi,” I greeted.

"And you are?"

I ignored how she immodestly turned up her nose and puffed her chest.
If she had the audacity to be asking a completely innocent looking stranger such a question in tone when she wasn't a resident of the house, I deduced she must've been close to the family. Meaning she'd likely be around a lot so I needed to make a good impression.

"Oh come now, Tanya." interjected the man. He graced me with a friendly smile. "You're the one who Shaun's expecting, right? The little lady friend."

I put on my most polite smile. "Good day, sir."

Immediately, Tanya's interrogative stare lifted to a cheery smile. "Oh! right, I see I see. So nice to finally meet you." She offered her hand.

Begrudgingly, I shook it. “You too."

"We didn't think you'd be back until next winter."

I paused. "Back?"

"You're Rosita, right? We were told the program would have you in Thailand for the whole two terms."

"Yes.” nodded the man. “What happened? Is it a Daylight savings sort of thing?"

My brows furrowed deeply in utter confusion at the oblivious pair who didn't understand the rudimentary geography of daylight savings, standing in expectance for me to answer their questions.

Before I could even surface a word, the face I should've been greeted with emerged. Wearing a light, woolly jumper that made him look so cuddly and I would be drooling over if I wasn't preoccupied in a maze.

"Hey." Shaun flashed me a smile.

I didn't fully return it. "Hi." Although, I couldn't stop the part of me that grew giddy at how he noted me before the other two who ruined my mood.

"Oh, leaving already, Tanya?" He asked.

"No, just needed a quick one." She mimed her fingers in holding a cigarette. "I don't hold up well with these sort of things."

"When do you hold up well with anything?" retorted the man.

"I held up pretty well with you last night when I was knackered but you were coming down on me as hard as—"

Shaun bluntly cleared his throat to interrupt something I definitely shouldn’t have heard.

"Right, anyways." Tanya passed me one last smile and threaded off with the man giving Shaun an apologetic look then following her out.

I did my best not to glare at their backs and entered.

"Sorry about those two," said Shaun. "They weren't asking you weird things, were they?"

"Like what?"

"Like who are you wearing and stuff." He stated, taking a moment to acknowledge my outfit. "They can be nosy like that but they're usually not so bad."


"So, it's not exactly rowdy but it is packed besides my bedroom. Though, there's not really anything interesting to do in there so we can just still go ice skating."

"Bedroom's fine," I answered.

Shaun seemed dumbfounded. "Really? It's um, kind of a mess."

"I don't mind."

Ice and skates were nothing compared to the humble domain he'd grown up in. It would be like a museum which were one of my top favourite venues to go on outings. Not to mention, I could try to do some analysing like Garren did when he visited my place. Even if it wouldn't be as concrete, any little thing to know Shaun better would help and hopefully clear this doubt manifesting.

"Okay, if you're sure." He conceded and guided me through the household interior.

I could hear the indiscreet murmuring voices from each pathways adorned with creme columns we passed and checkered or marble flooring.

"I would introduce you to my mum but she's a little shaken up right now,” Shaun explained. "Apparently, the get together she's having is more of a mourning session. A friend from her hometown passed away in a car accident."

"Oh, that's awful. Sorry." I replied.

He gave a shrug. "I didn’t really know them myself. Not sure how to comfort her, either. I wish dad was around, he's good at handling these things."

"He'll be back soon though right?"

"Day after tomorrow. But he might try to fly back sooner if he hears about this."

I started counting each second for how many needed to pass until it could be acceptable for me to direct the conversation into to topics on my mind. Such as; who the hell was Rosita?

I'd gone and seen every name on his friends list on social media— none of which were named Rosita or anything close to that. She had to be important for close family friends to know about her though. Unless, she was an ex from a relationship that ended badly and Shaun erased her from any notice.

Truthfully, the sound of that made my stomach twist. I'd had thought maybe I was Shaun's first girlfriend and that admittedly made me easily secure but it was crumbling now if there was someone else first. If there was someone else, then there were expectations to meet and limits to pass.

Or maybe worst of all, I was just some temporary replacement.

"So," Shaun started, "how was school? Oh god, I just sounded like my dad." He groaned and shook his head. "Sorry um, I'm not sure how to do this sort of thing."

"What sort of thing?"

He dragged a hand through his curly mop that curtained his lowered brows. "I... saw the video. The one that Virtue lady hosting the gala made ."

"Oh, that."

He brought his enchanting jewel eyes to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry. I hadn't seen it until later today when a friend sent me the link. Otherwise, I... anyway, I know everybody is entitled to an opinion and all but that what she said was going too far."

I hid a smile. Not that I enjoyed hearing him express disapproval of Ivanov's actions that were basically a glorified tantrum but I was happy to have people courting me. Regardless if it was bias. In their eyes, I was undoubtedly blameless and I liked it.

"Yeah, the one with Garren and the cabbage field was miles better," I commented.

He aimed to mask it but a definite snort escaped where he covered his mouth. "Definitely." He nodded with a hint of some sort of emotion in his stare.


"Nothing. I was just worrying on how you'd be doing but you look like you don't seem to care- not that that's a bad thing. You're really not upset or hurt?"

I shrugged. "It's just a video. What's there to be hurt about?"

"Because you're human, we feel things. You're not anything less by having it show."

I stood quietly by the wall, soaking in the words that left his mouth so effortlessly like it was obvious. In his way of living, probably. A kind hearted and open person like him who definitely gravitated crowds of all sorts towards him had tons of experience.

Unlike me who had protected herself in a little world and was only just finally expanding it. Even it meant some mounds would perish, like no longer would I have a bickering couple barging into my suite after curfew, it was okay. I was okay. It was all a process.

I didn't know how long I'd gone off in silence when gentle arms were holding me and my face was planted against the soft material of a large jumper. Whatever expression had slipped out must've had him concerned it was pretty bad.

I gladly leaned into the warmth and felt tender pats on the back.

"It's okay, Stevie. It'll get better. There'll be some other big thing online for everyone at school to talk about and before you know it, everybody will forget about it. Including you."

I didn't bother correcting him on what I was really upset about and got comfortable in his hold while desperately hoping he'd be right.


Who's your favourite and least favourite character? I'd love to know so drop a comment. It's fine if it's more than one person

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