Chapter 17: SCP-1765 "Sisters"

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Here we see you examining some artifacts from a raid of a Serpent's Hand base which is a wooden loom, enamel needle, and a glass eye at Area-37 to see something that makes them so strange.

(Y/N): "Hmm now what do we have here?"

Then 3 girls appeared out of nowhere and you turned to them in surprise.

(Y/N): "What the? Who are you three?"

SCP-1765-1: "Greetings esteemed members of the Foundation, we come to you with auspicious news."

SCP-1765-2: "Aye, you'll be pleased you will."

SCP-1765-3: "Hello."

(Y/N): "What is going on?"

SCP-1765-1: "Pardon, sir, I'll be with you in a moment. "*to -2 and -3*"Sisters, I thought we had agreed to let me do the introductions. You are embarrassing us."

SCP-1765-2: " Oh whoops! Heh, we'll be quiet."

SCP-1765-3: "Apologies."

The sisters then turn back to you.

SCP-1765-1: "Ahm. Yes, as I was saying, Greetings. We are pleased to finally be able to make your acquaintance, for we have observed your organization for quite some time. Indeed, we have observed a great many, and out of them all you stood out like a shining beacon of progress in a dark sea. Well done."

SCP-1765-2: "Oh, we are so very proud!"

SCP-1765-3: "Congratulations."

(Y/N): "Secur-"*sees your tongue disintegrating*

SCP-1765-1: "I told you, sir, I will be with you in a moment. Where was I? Oh, right. All this considered, we have decided that you, and no other, are worthy of receiving our assistance. It is an honor most rare, we assure you."

SCP-1765-2: "Like a bloody steak, that's how rare."

SCP-1765-3: "Tatare."

You then drop dead onto the floor as the girls look over you.

SCP-1765-1: "Hmph. Why must people always be silly? We shall have to fix that later. I keep losing my train of thought, it is most infuriating."

SCP-1765-2: "Our help, severity."

SCP-1765-3: "Assistance."

SCP-1765-1: "Ah, thank you. Yes, our help. Seeing how meticulously you keep to the scientific method, we venture that we could be of most use to you if we do the same ourselves. Our abilities in that field are substantial, after all. Yes, to assist you, we will conduct several useful experiments on your behalf, and deliver you the data. We believe this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership."

SCP-1765-2: "Er, I think he's out cold, love."

SCP-1765-3: "Unwell."

SCP-1765-1: "Oh, never mind him, they record everything. It's why we chose them, isn't it?"

SCP-1765-2: "Aye, that's so."

SCP-1765-3: "Yes."

SCP-1765-1: "So, to those who are listening, we will begin our experiments immediately, since there is hardly a point in dilly dallying. Now, we realize that they might seem a bit harsh, but trust us, we know what is best for you."

SCP-1765-2: "Sisters know best, hehe!"

SCP-1765-3: "Always."

We then see the camera feed cut off as we see the girls and the others saw what happened at Area-37.

Kara: "Uh who were they?"

Dr. Clef: "That was SCP-1765 also known as Sisters. They're powerful reality benders that took over Area-37 and turned it into their personal area for the fields of science."

Dr. Bright: "They're using everyone there as lab rats for their own science experiments, including (Y/N)."

Carol: *gasps* " We have to save him!"

Dr. Clef: "No can do, we sent a MTF squad in there and they haven't come back. Protocol dictates that anyone in Area-37 is to be considered lost."

Dr. Bright: "I think that they're a few humes higher than (Y/N)."

Karen: " What does that mean?"

Dr. Bright: "Oh reality benders are measured in humes. Our baseline of reality is 1 and SCP-343 is an 860 and (Y/N) here has the highest number of 10 million or more."

Kara: "Uh in english please dude."

Dr. Bright: "The higher the hume count the stronger the reality bender. Anyways SCP-1765 has divided Area-37 into 4 sections for their experiments."

Dr. Clef: "Each one more dangerous than the last."

Diana: " And how do we stop these experiments?"

Dr. Bright: "You don't, they're too powerful even for (Y/N) to handle them. Which is saying something considering he wiped out most of all of existence."

Dr. Clef: "Either you stay away from that place or live out the rest of your days as a labrat."

Dr. Bright: "Section A is the control group and has the least amount of changes, it now has two large brass vats, a monitoring station, and a large sign that says control group. They're not subjected to experiments, they let them eat food and monitor the experiments."

Babs: "So what do we do to save-"

Dr. Bright: "Let me finish! Section B is the fulcrum of a localized spatial-temporal abnormality. Because of this, its size, climate, atmospheric composition and pressure and temporal flow are all variable, and are seemingly controlled by the will of SCP-1765-1, the entity typically overseeing experimentation in Section-B. According to SCP-1765-1, experimentation in Section-B is meant to delve into the effects of repetitive action performed under unusual conditions on the human psyche. Section C exhibits similar anomalous properties to Section-B, though it is associated with SCP-1765-2 rather than SCP-1765-1. Observation (as well as limited input from SCP-1765-2) indicates that experiments taking place in Section-C tend to focus on group dynamics and interpersonal relations during extreme conditions. On average, the physical alterations to Section-C during experimentation are more radical than those observed in Section-B, while temporal alterations are significantly less so. Section-D is currently the least understood segment of the altered Area-37 complex. Physically, it remains virtually unchanged from its state prior to its initial infestation by SCP-1765. Temporally, however, it appears to be entirely disconnected from the baseline stream of events, existing as an isolated 'bubble' from events occurring outside of it. The temporal reality of Section-D as well as any experimentation taking place within it are associated with SCP-1765-3. Due to SCP-1765-3's terse speech patterns and the general obscurity of the experiments it conducts, little is currently understood about the nature of experimentation taking place within Section-D. They also send us high quality videos of their experiments and send them to the most compatible computer. Here's one from Section B."

Dr. Bright then shows footage of people to examine the sports center plumbing system and measure the exact size and angle of the pipes. Then the p ipes reshape into different angels and sizes as you and the others then redo the process again.

Dr. Clef: "They did that 459 times in a row."

Dr. Bright: "Here's what -1 says about the results."

Dr. Bright then shows the girls footage of SCP-1765-1.

SCP-1765-1: *from the monitor*"Following yesterday's somewhat disappointing expedition to Olympus Mons, I have decided to attempt something less taxing on my test subjects, which are thus far proving to be both physically unimpressive and morally lacking. This simple examination of repeating sensory input and the manner in which it can be connected to other primal reactions to the point of overload should prove both useful to you and within my test subject's rather limited capability. Finally, a proof that even if we try to learn from experience, that attempt is ultimately pointless, since once life passes you by, you'll just have to learn everything all over again. That's useful knowledge, children, I do hope you are paying attention."

Dr. Bright: "Here's footage of Section C taking the appearance of a football field with two teams being placed on the 50 yard line. The goal posts were replaced by concrete bunkers and they have to work together to get to either bunker and they have to go through obstacles like deadly traps, shifting terrain, and hooded figures throwing fireballs at people. All of that resulted in the deaths of the participants."

Dr. Bright then shows footage of SCP-1765-2 to the girls.

SCP-1765-2: "I saw the kiddies were having a bad time with that double-date thing we did, so I thought to myself, 'Smile, kiddies today don't go for romance no more, s'too slow for them. They want excitement and sweat and explosions and sports!' so I called a few old friends of mine and they were happy to help, weren't they just! What was the name of that tall one with the robes? Madem? Mavven? Or was it John? Bah, can't remember, but I know he just loves the football! Heehee, we sure had a grand ol' time, even with the burning and the crushing and all. Oh, I think I'm forgetting something... oh, the test, this was... this was a test, yeah. Um, see, it goes to show you that no matter who you're with, you'll eventually get crushed by huge metal hammers smashing down from the sky! Hmm, no that can't be right... ah, I got it! Doesn't matter how much you prepare and who's with ya, sooner or later fate's gonna catch up with ya! Heehee, yes, this I like, this sounds just peachy! A lesson to be learned, my lads, a lesson to be learned!"

Diana: "Is there more?"

Dr. Clef: "Just one more. This test involves ice cream which is observed by -3. (Y/N) is the lab rat on this one, the point of this test is to find the perfect flavor of ice cream. Choose one and the unchosen ice cream disappears."

Babs: "Oh well that doesn't seem so bad."

Dr. Bright: "10 thousand hours of eating ice cream flavors with 200 thousand different flavors of ice cream like Meerkat Marshmallow Madness, Tranquility, That Shoe You Always Liked, God's Wrath, and more. Here's the footage of -3's notes."

Dr. Bright then shows the girls footage of SCP-1765-3.

SCP-1765-3: *from the monitor*"Delicious."

Diana: "How can we free him?"

Dr. Bright: "We don't have the Scranton Reality Anchors for this job."

Kara: " What are those?"

Dr. Bright: "They're devices that depowers a reality bender in the area and make them easier to handle."

Carol: "We have to do something! They're doing terrible things to (Y/N) as we speak!"

Later, at Area-37, we see you sitting in the Control Group as SCP-1765-1 to 3 were talking about you.

SCP-1765-1: "That guy is the most interesting specimen we have."

SCP-1765-2: "Aye, that is right."

SCP-1765-3: "Interesting."

SCP-1765-1: "We should have a talk with him."

SCP-1765-2: "But are we dressed properly, love?"

SCP-1765-3: "Yes."

SCP-1765-1: "Alright let's have a chat with him."

SCP-1765-1 then snaps her fingers and teleports herself, you, and her sisters into a different room as you look around to see what's going on.

SCP-1765-1: "Greetings, you may already know us since we're the first thing you saw during your time here."

SCP-1765-2: "Yeah that's right. We now want to get to know you two."

SCP-1765-3: "Friend."

(Y/N): "You made me eat 200,000 tubs of different ice cream. How is that something important in the name of science?"

SCP-1765-1: "We want to know your opinion before we try it."

SCP-1765-2: "We don't know which one is best."

SCP-1765-3: "Indecisive."

SCP-1765-1: *gets an idea*"I know a good experiment just for you. I just need to look into your head."

SCP-1765-1 then use her powers to look into your head as you get a minor headache.

SCP-1765-1: "Oh my, you really took it hard. Your mother was never a good person."

SCP-1765-2: "Religion and insanity are a bad combination don't you know."

SCP-1765-3: "Bad."

SCP-1765-1: "Tell you what, for this next experiment you will be speed dating all the goddesses in all the religions known to man and that includes religions known to the Foundation as well."

SCP-1765-2: "We should start decorating right away."

SCP-1765-3: "Love."

(Y/N): "Uh what is going on?"

SCP-1765-1 to 3 then snap their fingers and in a flash of white light you see yourself sitting in a chair in front of a table in a room that has decorations of love and when you turn to your right you see SCP-1765-3 with a whistle around her neck and when you turn to your left you see SCP-1765-1 with a clipboard of names of all the goddesses from all mythologies and religions of the world.

SCP-1765-3: *blows the whistle* "Begin."

SCP-1765-1: "This first girl is a married woman from Greece and is tired of her husband getting physical with humans, I present to you Hera the Goddess of Marriage."

You then see the Greek Goddess Hera enter the room and then sit in the chair across from you.

(Y/N): "Um hi."

Hera: "Hello there."

(Y/N): "So tell me about yourself."

Hera: "Well not only Zeus is my husband but also my brother."

(Y/N): "Inscest is common in most mythologies."

Hera: "I'm not the best mother, I threatened Joppa to protect my son Calibos and that led to the Kraken's destruction with a Gorgon's head."

(Y/N): "I read about your relationship with Hercules, you drove him mad and made him kill his wife."

Hera: "Oh right."

SCP-1765-1: "Oh wow that's great." *signals SCP-1765-3 to blow the whistle*

SCP-1765-3: *blows the whistle*"Next."

Next, we see you talking to Kali the Hindu Goddess of time, Destruction, Power, and Creation.

(Y/N): " Okay, what's your relationship story?"

Kali: "I have none. I am just single and ready to mingle. Hmm, and I like to destroy and make worlds myself. Since you have a track record of destroying and making stuff. Wanna end the world with me some time?"

(Y/N): "Uh..."

SCP-1765-3: *blows the whistle*"Next."

Here we see you talking to Aphrodite the Greek and you are a bit uncomfortable about her.

(Y/N): "Um..."

Aphrodite: "I am a sight to behold, men want to get their hands on me and yet you are so nervous."

(Y/N): "What about Hephaestus?"

Aphrodite: "That ugly monster, he left me without realizing it. And this Paris guy showed up with this apple to give to the "fairest of them all" and I told my mom Hera that I can choose my own man thank you very much so I made him a woman to love, her name is Helen by the way and that led to the Trojan war. Ugh, being the Goddess of Love is exhausting I'm telling you. Then there's a war between gods and that is when I discover that there's beauty from within, you see what I'm saying?"

(Y/N): " Um yes, I think. Have you dated anyone before?"

Aphrodite: "Well there was Ares, which brought about the creation of the Amazons. Tell Diana I said hi."

(Y/N): "Okay so Ares is like their dad or something?"

Aphrodite: "Pretty much."

SCP-1765-3: *blows the whistle*"Next."

Here we see you talking to the Norse Goddess of the Underworld Hel.

(Y/N): "Um you seem to be a bit dark."

Hel: "And I can tell you will be sent to the Underworld with me, I decide who will be reborn and let me tell you, you don't deserve to be born. One day I along with my siblings Fenrir and Jormungandr will bring Ragnorök to this world, and judging by the line of your work, you already met one of my siblings. There is no stopping Ragnorök."

Then there was an awkward silence between you and Hel as you both heard crickets chirping.

(Y/N) ".... Okay."

SCP-1765-3: *blows the whistle*"Next."

Here we see you talking to the Polynesian Goddess of Volcanoes Pele and you can feel the actual heat from her.

(Y/N): *feels the heat*"Man it's getting hot in here."

Pele: "That's actually from me. Sorry."

(Y/N): " It's okay, you create as well as destroy right?"

Pele: "Yeah I do that sometimes, I do have a short temper sometimes."

(Y/N): "Oh uh, okay, so what's your relationship story?"

Pele: "Well I don't have a relationship story. But I do have 7 brothers and 7 sisters though. My short temper is the reason why my dad exiled me to the human world in the first place."

(Y/N): " Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

Pele: *emits burning fire in rage*"They started it!"

In Pele's rage she poured hot burning lava all over the room.

SCP-1765-1: "Hey easy on the room!"

SCP-1765-3: *blows the whistle*"Next."

Later, back with the girls, they see the events of the speed dating with the goddesses of the world.

Diana: "What is happening?"

Kara: "And who are they?"

Zee: "I think they're goddesses from every mythology known to man."

Karen: "And (Y/N) is speed dating with them."

Babs: "Where do you think they're gonna go?"

Leslie: *shrugs an I don't know*

Diana: "I saw (Y/N) dating Aphrodite, I am surprised he has resisted her charms."

Kara: "What do you mean?"

Diana: "She is the goddess of Love, her charms will make men fall for her when she is in their sight."

Kara: "But why didn't it work on (Y/N)?"

Leslie: "I bet he saw so much ugly he forgot what beauty looks like."

Carol: "Or maybe he remembers that I'm his girlfriend."

Kara: "And what about the Empress of the Black Forest? You told us you started sharing (Y/N) with her."

Carol: "Oh right, I thought you were gonna make a move on him."

Babs: " Well uh, we are....we just don't know when to tell him.

Carol: " Okay."

Karen: " So you think (Y/N) is going to be okay?"

???: " I'm fine girls"

The girls turned to see you perfectly okay.

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

Carol: *hugs you* "We're so glad you're okay!"

(Y/N): "SCP-1765 got the research data from the speed dating. They say I'm eligible for dating goddesses from multiple pantheons."

Kara: "Is that a good thing?"

Diana: "It is a great honor for any mortal."

(Y/N): "I just hope that World War 3 doesn't start because Aphrodite is dating me."

Zee: "That would be impossible, Aphrodite is the goddess of love."

(Y/N): "When she created Helen, it caused the Trojan War."

Diana: "It is true."

(Y/N): "And when she was dating Ares the Amazons happened and Diana Prince was born."

Kara: "Wait, so would that make Ares, Diana's dad?"

(Y/N): "Pretty much."

Karen: "Wow, I didn't know Diana had a dad."

(Y/N): "Neither did I."

Jessica: " Anyways, (Y/N) we have something to tell you."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Kara: "Long story short, we all love you, end of story."

Carol: "And don't worry I gave them my permission, so now we have an open relationship."

Karen: "Even Diana loves you."

Diana: "It is true, do um love us too?"

(Y/N): " Of course I do, which is why you're all promoted to Level 4 Clearance. You'll receive them in the mail."

Leslie: "Thanks."

Karen: "Hey can we borrow your level 6 clearance?"

(Y/N): "For security reasons you cannot borrow my Level 6 Clearance."

Girls: "Awww."

Babs: "Why not?"

(Y/N): "If you look into files only Level 5 personnel can access, there will be consequences. There are reasons why most personnel are assigned to certain clearance levels."

Karen: "Fair enough."

Kara: "And with that said let's all hit Sweet Justice."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Next: Chapter 18: SCP-507 "Reluctant Dimensional Hopper"

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