Chapter 19: SCP-006 "The Fountain of Youth"

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Here we see you and Zombie Wasp in a car heading to a foundation site in Russia.

Z. Wasp: "So what are we doing here in the Russian Foundation?"

(Y/N): "You'll see, you'll have your real arms and legs back and back to having normal heartbeats and a living body. No more mechanical body to hold you back and live your undead life as a head."

Z. Wasp: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, though this would violate vital rules of the Foundation's secrecy but given the current situation they don't matter anymore."

You and Zombie Wasp arrived at the Foundation site.

(Y/N): "We're here. I told Carol to bring in a D-Class for this occasion."

Z. Wasp: "I can't believe you still have D-Classes, I thought they were all wiped off the map from the outbreak."

(Y/N): "Not the ones in the Exclusionary Sites."

You and Zombie Wasp head into the foundation site as you both then see Carol with a D-Class restrained in chains made by her ring and they're standing next to a small spring.

(Y/N): "Carol, I see you got here before us."

Carol: "Whatever experiment you're doing right now, do it quick this guy has been a creep lately."

(Y/N): "Given his criminal record covers pedophilia and rape, it's not so surprising."

Carol: *hides behind you*"Uh yeah thanks for the heads up."

Z. Wasp: "So what's so important about this spring?"

(Y/N): "This is SCP-006 also known as the Fountain of Youth. The O5 Council used this spring to maintain their longevity and immortality. Ingesting the water will repair wounds on the genetic level, regenerate DNA, and give a boost in the human's immune system. The Foundation was aware of its existence during the 19th century but was unable to secure it until 1991 due to political reasons. The Foundation built a chemical factory around this as a disguise so people won't go here. The labor majority goes to the Foundation and or Russia's control. Any questions?"

Carol: "Um what did all that mean?"

(Y/N): "It means the foundation hid the fountain from people who wanted it for their own gain. Like a squad of Chaos Insurgency soldiers codenamed Killsquad who used the water among other things to kill off the O5 Council and destroy the Foundation, but I managed to convince the leader Calvin Lucien to stop the mission and become one of the new members of the new O5 Council."

Carol: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yes, how else did I manage to get the Spear of the Non-Believer?"

Z. Wasp: "I understand everything before you summarize it for your girlfriend. So what's the experiment?"

(Y/N): "We need to test 006's effectiveness on the Hunger Gospel."*pulls out a vial*"I'll get a sample."

You then get a sample from the water and turn to Zombie Wasp.

(Y/N): "Wasp, I need you to bite the D-Class. If my theory is correct then the water from SCP-006 will cure the Hunger Gospel.

Z. Wasp: "Alright."*grabs the D-Class' arm*"Okay Janet, don't go nuts."

Zombie Wasp then bites the D-Class' arm leaving a bite mark as you then turn on the locking mechanisms on Zombie Wasp's mechanical body for safety reasons.

Z. Wasp: "Why can't I move?"

(Y/N): "Oh right, I put in locking mechanisms on your mechanical body in case you uh fall off the wagon again."

Z. Wasp: "Makes sense, I can see your head is now a hamburger to me and it's making me really hungry."

(Y/N): "What about when you see Carol?"

Carol: "(Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What I'm curious about it."

Z. Wasp: "What I mean the moment I bit that guy's arm, I fell off the wagon again. Why don't you come closer so I can have a nibble on your arm (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "That won't be necessary."

You and the others then see the D-Class become a zombie as Carol then makes a giant hand and grabs and holds him.

Carol: "Okay (Y/N), you can pour the water into his mouth."

(Y/N): "Open his mouth."

Carol then uses her ring to make beams that open the D-Class' mouth as you then pour the water into the D-Class' mouth. We then see the D-Class turn back into a human.

Carol: "Woah it worked."

(Y/N): "Now let's test it on someone who has been infected by the virus for 40 years."

You then use your telekinesis to levitate Wasp's head off of her mechanical body and make her open her mouth. You then pour more of the 006 water as Wasp then starts regenerating from the neck down and becomes human again in a matter of seconds.

Wasp: "Oh man it feels good to be human again."

(Y/N): "006 can regenerate human tissue, but not clothes. Speaking of which, you don't have any clothes on right now."

Wasp: *sees that she's nude* "Ah!" *Covers up*"Well do you have a robe or anything?!"

(Y/N): "There are hazmat suits in the closet here. You can wear those."

Later, we see Wasp in a hazmat suit and she turns to you.

Wasp: "Thanks but what about the rest of the zombies?"

(Y/N): "Given the fact that SCP-006 can heal damage and cure any ailment currently in the human body. I'd say we lure them into a trap, since they have cosmic energy in their bodies they're low level reality benders at best, so we use Scranton Reality Anchors to depower them and all we need is bait."

You then get a radio call from T'Challa.

T'Challa: *over the radio*"(Y/N), multiple objects have entered the atmosphere and are heading to New Wakanda."

(Y/N): "It's the zombies, they have returned. Get as much water from SCP-006 as you can."

Wasp: "What would you do?"

(Y/N): "I'll distract them."

Carol: "They'll eat you alive!"

(Y/N): "They have to catch me first."

Carol: "I won't let you face them alone."

(Y/N): "You can't, cause I'm already there."

Carol and Wasp see you disappear as they turn to each other. Later, in New Wakanda, we see the zombies arriving back on Earth as they look around for anything to eat.

Z. Iron Man: "Come on guys, I told you there's nothing here!"

Z. Giant Man: "Well at least there's the portal to other worlds."

We see Zombie Spider Man detecting fresh meat from his Zombie Senses.

Z. Spider Man: "Zombie Senses are tingling! There's fresh meat!"

Z. Hulk: "Where?"

Z. Spider-Man: "That can't be right, I'm sensing at least 500 or 6000 people who are fresh meat."

The zombies then see multiple clones of yourself as they are surrounded by your clones.

(Y/N) clones: "You want me, come and get me."

The zombies then leap at your clones only to phase right through them. We see Zombie Spider-Man using his Zombie Sense to locate the real you but everytime he thought he found you he just phased right through you as your clones are a group cognitohazardous entities. We see the real you sitting in the Latverian Embassy in New York. Later, we see the zombies look very angry and getting tired of your tricks.

Z. Spider-Man: "My Zombie Senses are useless! I can't tell which one is the real one and the rest are phonies!"

Z. Hulk: "Who cares, just get all of them!"

The zombies then try to get all of them but they all just phase through them.

Z. Spider-Man: "What kind of parlor trick is this!?"

Z. Wolverine: "Hey bub, show yourself so we can eat ya!"

(Y/N) clones: "I respectfully decline on the offer."

Z. Giant Man: "What are we seeing!?"

(Y/N) clones: "What you are seeing now is a Cognitohazard, it messes around with your senses and thoughts including your Zombie Senses and Spider Senses, Parker."

Z. Spider-man: "How did you-"

(Y/N) clones: "The SCP Foundation keeps tabs on all groups of interest including S.H.E.I.L.D., Chaos Insurgency, and more to come. The humans who are associated with the SCP Foundation are what is left of humanity and we have acquired the people of New Wakanda. And one more thing, you will all find salvation in the sky."

The zombies look up as they see Carol and Wasp pour 500 gallons of water from SCP-006 onto them as they begin to revert back to their old selves again in a matter of seconds.

Spider-Man: "Whoah, I went from spooky and creepy to handsome and cool again."

???: "But you missed me!"

You and the others then see Giant Man still a zombie as Carol then sees her ring glows and realizes the time has come. Carol then makes a sword and slices off the head of Giant Man as it falls to the ground. You then snap your fingers and turn Giant Man's body into dust with the exception of his head.

(Y/N): "Hank, what do you choose: hunger or your humanity?"

Z. Giant Man: "I-I-"

(Y/N): "If you choose your hunger you'll hurt everyone you know, including Wasp, so choose wisely."

Z. Giant Man: "Oh do you really want to be human again? That bug got what was coming to her when she interrupted my work! I became the man I am today so if I can't have my humanity then no one will!"

(Y/N): "If this world continued without our interference, you will be the villain of the story."

Z. Giant Man: "So you're gonna give me my own SCP number and designation?"

(Y/N): "You will be contained, but you won't get your own number."

Carol: "Why?"

(Y/N): "We do have an anomalous object that doesn't have a designation, in order to maintain its secrecy, it's the reason why we have so many babies being used for a ritual to contain a powerful deer by making it think it's contained."

Spiderman: "So he's just gonna be contained and not cured?"

(Y/N): "Of course, let me show you the series of events that would happen if this loop wasn't broken."

You then snap your fingers and show everyone in Earth-2149 the paradox created by the watcher showing all the events and disasters that will happen.

Wolverine: "Well, I guess putting him in a cage is a better option than leaving him here."

(Y/N): "My thoughts exactly."

Later, we see Zombie Giant Man's head inside of a freezer big enough to hold his giant head as the personnel who built the containment take amnestics.

Hulk: "You sure this is gonna hold him?"

(Y/N): "He's been reduced to a head and got frozen, he won't have an SCP designation and the only person who knows about it will be me and no one else. Speaking of which."*to the others*"Treat yourselves to some amnestics and find SCP-2000 to rebuild civilization on Earth."

Col. America: "What about the rest of the galaxy?"

(Y/N): "I got this."

You then pull out the Infinity Gauntlet of Earth-2149 and put it on and then snap your fingers.

(Y/N): "That should bring everyone in the galaxy back before they were eaten."

Hulk: "Thanks for that."

You and Carol head to Grabnok and you both teleport back to your home dimension.

Next: Chapter 20: SCP-2912 "Clowny Clown Clown"

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