Chapter 24: SCP-738 "The Devil's Deal"

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Here we see Carol sitting in the canteen looking at her food in sadness as the girls see Carol a bit down.

Leslie: "Hey what's wrong pinkie?"

Carol: "I'm just a bit down, that's all."

Doris: "Look, how about we do a science thing, to take your mind off of him."

Carol: "I guess."

Later, we see the girls looking at a set with two chairs and a desk.

Diana: "Which one is this?"

Babs: *reads the file*"It's SCP-738, The Devil's Deal."

Zee: "Why is it called that?"

Babs: "Well it's composed of a set of two chairs and a table, if you sit on the chair you see a guy that looks like your interpretation of The Devil."

Doris: "So what can it do?"

Babs: "Well you make a deal with the guy across from you and you make a deal with the devil, get something you want at the cost of something else. Here let me show you with a D-Class."

Here we see a D-Class enter the room and sit on one chair while the other is leaned over in a relaxed position all by itself. From the D-Class' point of view, he sees an entity that looks like a man with devil horns and a red beard with a business suit.

Entity: "Well hello sir, what kind of deal do you want to make with me?"

D-Class: "I wish I wasn't so hungry."

Entity: "Granted."

We then see a sandwich appear in the D-Class' hands and when he eats it, he can't taste it.

D-Class: "I can't taste it."

Entity: "Hard to eat food if you don't have taste buds."

From the girls' point of view.

Kara: "What happened?"

Babs: "Well the entity can only appear from the point of view of the person sitting on the SCP."

Kara: "So what did the Devil take?"

???: "I'm gonna say taste buds."

The girls then turn to see Lucifer standing right behind them.

Lucifer: "Oh man, I missed that old thing. Really takes me back."*sees the girls*"What are you all doing here?"

Babs: "Doing an experiment to help Carol get her mind off of (Y/N)."

Lucifer: "Oh yeah I heard what happened he imprisoned himself again didn't he?"

Carol: "Yeah, he did."

Lucifer: "Well, how about I brighten the mood."*thinks for a moment and gets an idea*"I got an idea, put a lawyer on that chair and have him make a deal with The Devil."

Kara: "But aren't you The Devil?"

Lucifer: "Yes I am, between me and the SCP, the SCP is just a salesman and I hold their contracts."

We see Lucifer fly out of the room as the girls turn to each other.

Babs: " So what now?"

Diana: "I am not sure."

Harleen: "Let's try the lawyer idea."

Carol: "I guess so."

Here we see Diana bring a lawyer to the SCP, his name is Sheldon Katz.

Diana: "Thank you for volunteering Sheldon."

Sheldon: "No problem Ms. Prince, I'm glad I could help."

Diana: "You may sit in the chair and begin making the deal."

Diana then leaves the room and heads back to the girls as they view the whole test as they see Sheldon sit in the chair.

Pam: "So now what?"

Babs: "We watch."

Jessica: "This could be fun."

Narrator: 41 hours later.

We see the girls a bit tired as they see a 900 page long contract on the table as they see Sheldon pass out.

Karen: *yawns*"Is anyone gonna help him?"

Zee: *yawns*"The deal hadn't happened yet."*falls asleep on the table*

Later, we see the girls getting some coffee as they notice that Carol is not around.

Diana: "Where is Carol?"

Later, we see Carol sitting into a chair and the entity that is her interpretation of the Devil, which takes the form of Hal.

Kara: " What's she doing?"

Carol: "I want to make a deal with you, can you get (Y/N) back from his imprisonment. Name your price, my heart, my Violet lantern Ring, my soul, anything and I'll give it to you."

Entity; "I'm sorry, but you don't have anything to give to me. This is like that one time someone wants 682 dead but they can't afford it. Which means you can't afford it."

Carol: " Please, I'll give you anything!"

Entity: "I'm sorry, but you can't afford the price, so no deal."

Carol: "Fine."

Carol then leaves the chair and then heads back with the other girls with a sad expression.

Kara: "Dude, were you trying to break (Y/N) out of prison?"

Carol: "Yeah, I was."

Kara: "We all missed him okay, why don't we just head to the canteen so we can have something to eat."

Next: Chapter 25: SCP-261 "Pan-Dimensional Vending"

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