Chapter 30: SCP-4158 "Big Charlie the Big Cow"

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Here we see Kara and MTF soldiers burst into a slaughterhouse and they found the entity they were looking for.

Kara: "That's a big cow. A big ugly cow."

MTF Soldier: "Yep, that's the target. Look on the brightside, we could have burgers for a lifetime."

MTF Commander: "Alright get the owners of his slaughterhouse into an interview. Supergirl, you will handle amnestic distribution considering you're much faster than us."

Kara: "Alright, but if anyone forgets their name it's on you. Don't forget you made this stuff, not me."

MTF Commander: "Use Class A Amenstics only, that'll be enough to get everyone to forget him."

Kara: "Alright boss."

Later, after the transport of SCP-4158 aka Big Charlie we see you and Diana observing the scientists performing experiments on it.

(Y/N): "So far SCP-4158 is not only growing in size and weight it can also eat anything, even if it's inedible like bricks and concrete. Recently it grew from 8.5 meters to 9.8 meters with seven legs, four stomachs, two penises, five testicles, and three tongues and that's when it was left unchecked."

Diana: "What do you suggest we do?"

(Y/N): "Keep it's growth regulated. And according to the interviews with the people in charge of the slaughterhouse they worship SCP-4158 as a god and the cow that gave birth to SCP-4158 was sold to that slaughterhouse by an unknown man."

Diana: "How can someone breed this monster?"

(Y/N): "Monsters are creatures that attack without meaning, 4158 is very docile even when it's meat is sheared."

Diana: "It's a good thing Jessica doesn't know about this creature."

(Y/N): "That's why I restricted her from any access to any info about SCP-4158. The meat of the SCP is USDA Utility Grade beef and shows no anomalous properties. Unless you dip the meat into it's blood, then there are hostile instances created from that mixture. Also the name of the slaughterhouse is called Butcher's Block. And by the way, we have to incinerate the meat as a cautionary measure."

Diana: "I see, so what happens when Big Charlie grows too large?"

(Y/N): "We have to upgrade it from Euclid to Keter."

???(Carol): "Oh (Y/N)!"

You and Diana then see Carol in a nice dress and she sees you with SCP-4158.

Carol: "(Y/N) what did I tell you? No SCP experimentation during our date nights."

(Y/N): "We are the SCP Foundation, it's our job."

Carol: "Ugh I don't care how much paperwork you do, I just want us to have a normal date for one day with no experiments."

(Y/N): "Alright, I'll put a researcher in charge of this."*speaks into the lab phone*"Get Dr. Bright in Site-64, and make sure to keep him from making any burgers or any meat products in general. And make sure he doesn't serve meat products to Jessica Cruz, again. We do not want another incident like that. Thank you."*hangs up*"Alright, I'm free for the night."

Carol: "Yes!"

Later, at Sweet Justice, we see you and Carol eating some ice cream.

(Y/N): "Finally done with that Big Charlie situation."*gets a phone call*"Hello? What? Are you sure that the O5 Council can handle this? Ugh."*hangs up*

Carol: "What's wrong?"

(Y/N): "Dr. Bright broke one of the many things he's no longer allowed to do at the Foundation, again by bringing Jessica Cruz to SCP-4158's containment chamber. Sorry to cut this date short. It's Dr. Bright, again."

Carol: "He ruins everything!"

Later at Site-64, we see you walk into the room and you see the damage done by Jessica Cruz.

Jessica: *protesting*"Heck no you won't shear! Heck no you won't shear!"

(Y/N): "Jessica we have to follow protocol, besides it's docile enough to let us shear it's flesh off."

Jessica: "You are still hurting him, free Big Charlie now!"

(Y/N): "Someone take her down."

We see a guard use a tranquilizer dart to hit Jessica in the butt as she then falls down and is knocked out. We see the guards drag her away as you then turn to Dr. Bright.

(Y/N): "Ugh Dr. Bright, what did I tell you not to do?"

Dr. Bright: "I just wanted to know what will happen, that's all."

(Y/N): "Ugh Bright, follow protocol please for the sake of everyone."*sees SCP-4158 growing*"And someone please get that thing down to size!"

We see a team of sciences shearing off the flesh of SCP-4158 as you then walk off. Back at Sweet Justice, we see you coming back to Carol and we see you getting back to your date with Carol.

Carol: "Did Dr. Bright show Jessica the Big Charlie?"

(Y/N): "Yep, but the situation has been diffused. Tranquilizer darts can take down a green lantern in one shot when they're caught off guard."

Carol: "Let's continue this date."

We see you continue your date with Carol and after a while we see you and Carol head home. The next day, we see you walking down the street and you see a BBQ with all the Total Drama contestants there.

(A/N): "Pretend Don isn't there."

Owen: "Woohoo! BBQs are the best!"*scarfs down on some brisket*"Mmm, beefy."

(Y/N): "Um excuse me, where did you get all of this meat?"

Noah: "Some weirdo with a necklace gave Owen tons of meat and now he's having a BBQ party."

Geoff: "Best beef ever!"

Owen: "I also threw in a salad bar in case anyone was a vegetarian or vegan."

(Y/N): *speaks into a walkie talkie*"Have MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" burn down the BBQ and administer amnestics to the guests."

We then see the MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" surround the area and they took down all off the guests.

Owen: "Wait! I'm innocent, don't hit me in the kiwis!"*gets tackles and feels something hit him in the nards*"Gah! My kiwis!"

We see Izzy hold her own until she is taken down by the MTF soldiers.

(Y/N): "Get me Bright on the line."

MTF Commander: "Yes sir!"

MTF Soldier: "All genetic samples match SCP-4158 sir."

MTF Commander: "Ugh Bright, just because we have an unlimited amount of beef from 4158 doesn't mean we have to sell it."

(Y/N): "Sure it'll increase the budget, but that is no reason to do it. Administer the amnestics to everyone at this party, make sure no one knows about it."

MTF Commander: "You heard him, get moving!"

Later the next day, we see the former contestants of Total Drama at school in Metropolis High and they don't remember anything from the BBQ.

Owen: "Hey I ate something yesterday and I don't remember what."

Noah: "You eat a lot of things."

Owen: "Usually I remember what I ate."

Gwen: "Yeah I feel like someone hit me in the head."

Izzy: "And I have no idea how I got this shiner."*points to her black eye*"When I get a shiner, I get it from a fist fight."

Sierra: *checking her phone* "Oh no, I always log all of my time with contestants of Total Drama on my phone with exact details and yesterday is missing. It's like it never happened. I check social media and the fan sites about all of you. My fan sites!"

Geoff: "Okay that's just plain freaky even by Izzy and Sierra standards."

Owen: "Well whatever kind of food I had came from a freaky mutant cow from a super secret place in the middle of nowhere."

Noah: "You can describe the location of whatever that is in your mouth?"

Owen: "It's a gift, but what are the odds of finding that place."

Jasmine: "Sounds like trouble and I don't want to alert the authorities and get in jail."

Duncan: "And jail is no fun, trust me."

We see you walk by the Total Drama contestants as you see them.

(Y/N): "Ladies, gentlemen, I see you all moved to Metropolis. What do you think of the city so far?"

Duncan: "Nice city with nice people. Just the way I like it."

Owen: "And they have the best hotdogs!"

Noah: "Owen ate all the hotdogs of an entire hotdog cart including the condiments." *to Owen* "Could've saved some for the rest of us Owen."

Owen: "I was hungry!"

Former TD contestants(except Owen): "We know!"

(Y/N): " Nice to have you all here, so keep an eye out for superheroes doing their battle around these parts."

Noah: "Yeah we figured this place has superheroes."

Izzy: "Oh Green Lantern was fighting this giant monkey and some of the rubble debris hit me in the face. The guy one, not the one that is a girl. I had a concussion for days, ahhh good times."

(Y/N): *sees the black eye on Izzy's face*"What happened to your face?"

Izzy: "You know I don't remember."

Noah: " Neither do we."

(Y/N): "Huh, sorry to hear that. Well I'll be heading to art class now. Have a good day."

We see you walk off to art class as the former contestants head to class as well. Later in art class, we see most of the former TD contestants struggling to remember what happened last night.

Izzy: "Man, remembering something is so hard!"

Duncan: "Yeah everytime I try to remember I forget."

Owen: *points to you*"And why does that kid smell like beef?"

Noah: "I think you should keep your nose to yourself Owen."

Owen: "Yeah you're right."

Izzy: *sniffs the air* " Hey I smell it too and it's coming from him."*points to you*

Noah: " I think you should keep your nose to yourself too."

Duncan: *gets the same smell* " No, I smell it too, and it's coming from the same guy. And it smells familiar."

Courtney: " You gotta be joking right?"

Duncan: " No for real, that smell, I feel like I know it, what about you princess?"

Courtney: *gets the same scent* " It's BBQ, Owen's BBQ."

Owen: "Wait, he had a BBQ and never invited us!?"

Noah: " No, maybe it's because he was there and he made us forget your own BBQ."

Owen: "Wait what!?!"

We then see the art teacher June Moone appear and she turn to the TD contestants.

June: "Ladies, gentlemen, back to work please."

Jasmine: " Hang on, we just-"

June: "Now or it's detention for all of you!"

We see the TD contestants getting back to work.

June: "Thank you."

We see Owen making a clay sculpture of SCP-4158 without even realizing it.

June: "Oh Owen, nice work on...uh whatever that is."

Owen: "Huh?"*sees his clay sculpture*"I usually make clay sculptures of the things I ate recently. But I don't remember eating that."

June: "Well A+ for you Owen for creativity."

Owen: "Woohoo!"

Noah: " Hmmm...."

Later at lunch, we see Noah with a look of suspicion on his face while looking at you and Duncan had the same.

Courtney: " Duncan, will you just let it go."

Duncan: " No way, there's something off about that dude."

Gwen: "Give it up, he's nice."

Lindsay: "Yeah there's something off about him. He wears that dusty old trench coat everywhere and it's not even fashionable. Either he's fashion blind or he got it somewhere."

Jen: "Oh my gosh, you're right. That trench coat is not fashion forward."

Tom: "It looks like it came from an antique shop that has gone out of style since like what: World War 2."

Duncan: " Exactly, and remember we all got that scent of BBQ and it was coming from him."

Courtney: " Leave him alone guys okay."

Jen: "Oh no, when it comes to mysterious and terrible fashion I don't leave it alone."

Tom: "Seriously, she never lets it go until she gets to the bottom of it."

Duncan: " Yeah they get it, why don't you princess, you're a- and I can't believe I'm gonna say it, -you're a C.I.T."

Courtney: "You all leave him alone."

Tom: "Yeah Jen just left."

Courtney then sees Jen is at your table.

Jen: "What is with the dusty old trench coat!?! It's a crime against fashion! It's not even in yet!"

(Y/N): "It's a family heirloom. I have an attachment to this trench coat."

You then got grabbed by Duncan by the collar of your trench coat.

Duncan: "And why do you smell like BBQ sauce!?"

(Y/N): "We had a BBQ last night, I just got some on my shirt under my trench coat."

Duncan: *lets go of you*"Alright his story checks out."

Jen: "Yeah it's all cool. A family heirloom is something I understand."

Courtney: *face palms* " I can't believe you two did that."

Duncan: " Hey you would have done the same if it was me acting like a gentleman."

Courtney: *inhales to say something* *sighs* " ....True, I would've done the same."

Jen: *walks up to Lindsay and Tom*"He's wearing that trench coat cause it's a family heirloom."

Lindsay: *gasps*"Oh my I had no idea."

Tom: "Family is always in, no matter what. If my mom gave me an ugly sweater I would wear it, trust me. I would wear it with pride!"

Noah: " I guess his story checks out, not sure about that Ms.Moone girl though."

(Y/N): "Oh she was recently hired by the school's principal as the new art teacher since the previous one quit."

Noah: " Alright fair enough."

Owen: " I still don't know how I made that weird clay statue."

Noah: "Probably you ate something random made from cows and you pictured the cow wrong."

Owen: " No way, I'd remember something I ate, and I don't remember eating anything like the sculpture I made in class."

Duncan: " Yeah I'm with Owen on this, I've seen him eat a fake buffet but whatever he made in art class, never saw in my life."

Gwen: " I guess we'll never know."

Owen: "Oh well."*takes out a burger*"Good thing my mom packed me her famous burgers for lunch."*eats the burger*"Mmmm, beefy."

Later at home, we see you hang up SCP-262 on a coat rack and you then pull out a map to a certain place in London.

(Y/N): "Next stop, Unlondon."

Next: Chapter 31: SCP-1678 "Unlondon"

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