Chapter 39: SCP-811 "Swamp Woman"

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Here we see Cory, Hooper, Ruby in a swamp looking for an anomaly in hazmat gear.

Hooper: "Hmm, it must be here somewhere."

Cory: "So what are we looking for again?"

Ruby: "It's like a normal woman but more swampy."

Cory: "Gotcha."

Hooper then sees movement in the water.

Hopper: "Hang on, I got movement."*pulls out a tranquilizer*"Get out your tranquilizers."

Both Cory and Ruby pull out their tranquilizers as they form a defensive circle. The entity then jumps at Cory as we see Hooper shoot her with a tranq dart and knock her out.

Cory: "Whoa, a few more seconds and I would've been lunch."

Hooper: "Considering your track record with food I'm sure she would get a heart attack."

Cory: "Hey! I've been working out!"

Ruby: "Really? I saw you leaving a gym and getting some pizza."

Cory: "It was pizza friday!"

Ruby: *gets angry*"You need to lose those pounds, mister!"

Cory: *gulps in fear*"Yes ma'am."

Later at the foundation, we see Emma walking into the room and she sees SCP-811 in containment.

Emma: "Nice tarium, very swampy."

We then see you come into the room and you see the SCP.

(Y/N): "I see you took an interest in our recent addition in the Foundation's archives."

Emma: "Well she's a swamp lady thing."

(Y/N): "Alright."*gives Emma a hazmat suit*"Here, put this on."

Emma: "Uh why?"

(Y/N): "We're about to do an interview."

Emma: "But I'm a lawyer not a researcher."

(Y/N): *puts on a hazmat suit*"In this line of work, you have to do some research with someone."

Emma: "Okay first of all before we go in, what do we know about her?"

(Y/N): "Well she produces a mucus that doesn't affect her but it will break down organic matter upon contact and reduce it to a black viscous substance for the SCP to consume. She doesn't defecate and she uses a black tar-like substance from her mouth to hunt for prey."

Emma: *puts on the hazmat suit*"Can she talk?"

(Y/N): "Yes, but with a limited vocabulary."*gives Emma a shoe box*"Here, it's a little something for Aé."

Emma: "Aé?"

(Y/N): "That's her name."

We see you and Emma go into the containment cell and go to a table and sit at it as we see Aé arriving at the table.

(Y/N): "Aé."

Aé: "What Adminy want?"

(Y/N): "Questions."

Aé: *sees the shoe box and hears a frog*"Food."

We see Emma open the box as Aé sees the frog and the frog jumps out and Aé steps on it with her foot and begins to digest it.

Aé: "Adminy wants questions?"

(Y/N): "Do you remember any early things?"

Aé: "Air-wee is a thing?"

Emma: "No early."

(Y/N): "Things before."

Aé: "Before box?"

(Y/N): "Before, before box."

Aé: "Most before?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Aé: "Big man. Tall. Aé small, very smaller than man."*shows you her arm*"Was like man."

(Y/N): "What was like him?"

Aé: *pinches her skin*"This! Not like Aé. Like man. Like people."

Emma: "Your skin?"

(Y/N): "Are you saying that you used to have skin like ours?"

Emma: "She was human?"

(Y/N): "Aé what after?"

Aé: *points to her arm*"Pain stick here. Cold."

(Y/N): *to Emma*"I think she's referring to a needle."*to Aé*"And then?"

Aé: "Pain."*release a black liquid from her mouth*"Red. Red red red. Was...very hunger-y. Ate man. this."

Emma: "I think I'm gonna be-"*vomits in her suit*

We then see Aé scared and jumps into a nearby pool as you then take Emma back to the observation room. After a clean up, we see you and Emma come out of the observation room.

Emma: "Sorry, Aé waas grossing me out."

(Y/N): "Well you're still new around here. And Emma, for the sake of your physical and mental health, I'm revoking your access to the Sheaf of Papers and working on the case for SCP-001."

Emma: "What? But I was so close to cracking it."

(Y/N): "Some cases people crack. Some cases crack the people."

Emma: "Alright I understand. Hey um...(Y/N) know that everytime someone looks into the Sheaf of Papers there's a new anomaly?"

(Y/N): "You didn't."

Emma: "I did and it's a mundane family of 13 people that has a gene that allows later generations of their family to look like their ancestors from a royal Scottish origin."

Cory: *comes in*"We found an anomaly in Royal Woods!"

Later at Royal Woods, we see you interviewing a group of people known as the Louds.

(Y/N): "Are you all aware that you originate from Scotland?"

Lynn Sr.: "Yes but from my side of the family."

Rita: "One of Lynn's ancestors looked like me. Which is weird."

(Y/N): "I have a theory, we scanned all members of your family and we detected thaumaturgic energy. I think the people who casted a spell on your family wanted to give you all immortality so that the deeds of your family will never be forgotten."

Lisa: "Preposterous, if the "spell" is supposed to make our ancestors immortal then they should be alive today."

(Y/N): "I think it's more like reincarnation through genetics. Let's assume your ancestors were scattered and went their separate ways, there might be other families that resemble yours on a global scale."

Leni: "So Paris for example have a mommy and daddy Louds with 11 kids and they look exactly like us?"

(Y/N): "That is correct Leni."

Leni: "Oh my gosh, I'm so totally smart."

Lincoln: "What are you guys gotta do to Leela and everyone in Scotland?"

(Y/N): "Well they've known about you all for 400 years so the Ethics Committee said this. Anything that happened in Loch Loud stays in Loch Loud. Anything about the existence of spirits of the Loud Family or their family dragon will be considered as hoaxes and spread disinformation about the events when you had your vacation there. And turns out the stone that controlled dragons only works in the borders of Loch Loud and it must be in an undisclosed site so that there is no repeat of what happened before. Due to the relative benign nature and mundane appearance of your family, your object class will be Archon. SCPs that if contained will have consequences to the world or the surrounding environment."

Leni: "So we're not going to jail?"

(Y/N): "Not really, but you will be monitored by undercover agents."

Lori: "Oh good, I don't do well in bland orange outfits."

(Y/N): "Well it was nice meeting you all. Have a nice day."

We see you leave the house and head into the car and drive home. Later at school, we see you with Laurie, Miles, and Dawn in the halls.

(Y/N): "Jess told me that Burrito Buckets can't afford real meat cause they don't have the budget. So they just use something that looks like meat but it isn't meat."

Laurie: "I see."

Dawn: "She nearly broke her oath of pacifism and strangled Shane to death."

Miles: "It is a miracle for Mother Earth that the restaurant doesn't have the budget to afford-"*shivers*"-meat."

(Y/N): "Speaking of meat. How's cleansing your desires of meat coming along?"

Miles: "We have fully cleansed ourselves from such desires and redeemed ourselves to Mother Earth."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear it. And how did you two manage to escape the island of cannibals?"

Laurie: "The chief took us in as his wives until the authorities saved us and took us home before he did anything to us."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry to hear that you two."

Laurie: "It's alright it's in the past."

(Y/N): "Well you have fun you two. I'll be heading to math class."

Miles: "Will you join us later at the hot springs?"

(Y/N): "Oh sure."

Later, after school, we see you at the hot springs at the spa and you were wearing your swimming trunks and you got in.

(Y/N): "Ahhh...why do I feel like something weird is gonna happen?"

You then see Laurie, Miles, and Dawn in their towels and then they take them off and you then look at the ceiling in response. The girls then go into the hot spring and they relax.

Dawn: "Thank you Mother Earth for providing us with these hot springs."

Laurie: *to you*"Is something wrong?"

(Y/N): *while looking at the ceiling*"I'm the only one in a swimsuit."

Miles: "Oh we were unaware that you would be uncomfortable without your swimsuit."

Laurie: "But the body is a beautiful thing, we won't mind if you look at us like this."

(Y/N): *while looking at the ceiling*"Okay, but I'm not gonna be comfortable with it."

You then stop looking at the ceiling and you look at the girls.

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm still uncomfortable."

Sometime later, we see you and the girls come out of the spa and it was night time.

Laurie: "I feel the energy of Mother Earth flowing through me."

Miles: "Me too."

Dawn: "So do I."

(Y/N): "Well you nature lovers have fun now, I'm gonna head home."

We see you head home as we see the 3 girls talk to each other.

Laurie: "His heart was in the right place."

Dawn: "He was kind of looking up at the ceiling so that he wouldn't see us naked."

Miles: "I think he's too nice to look at a woman's body, because he doesn't want to invade a woman's privacy."

Laurie: " Too true."

Dawn: "He is too nice for his own good. If we want him to feel comfortable with us in au naturel, we have to confess our feelings for him."

Miles: "I see, this must be a sign from Mother Earth to bring us closer to him as more than friends but rather as lovers."

Dawn: "I read my tea leaves this morning and they told me I will meet my true love who is closest to me."

Later, in Portugal, we see both Kelly and Taylor relaxing under the stars in a hotel in first class in an outdoor pool watching the stars.

Kelly: "Sweetie, I know it's rough to have me and your father split up."

Taylor: "It may be hard having no daddy but I'm glad you dumped him."

Kelly: *sees "shooting stars"*"Oh sweetie, shooting stars, make a wish. You first sweetie."

Taylor: "Okay I wish I can accomplish something. Your turn mom."

Kelly: "I can't tell you mine, it'll ruin the magic."

Taylor: "Aww..."

Next: Chapter 40: SCP-002 "The 'Living' Room"

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