Chapter 68: SCP-2640 "The Gurdon Lights"

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Here we see Mary, Scarlett, and Ellody working on maintenance on the 8 XACTS surrounding SCP-2640.

Mary: "8 of these XACTS are enough to keep this unstable temporal anomaly in check."

Scarlett: "This really debunks the Gurdon Light urban legend, instead of a spirit that roams around the tracks searching for his head, it's an unstable temporal anomaly and the most powerful temporal anomaly they ever encountered."

Ellody: " The SCP-2640-1 instances behave based on the amount of lux. Lux is the measure of how bright the light is and SCP-2640-1 behaves with a lux amount of brightness. If the instances are under 150 lux they will move away from any people, but if it's over 150 lux the instances can interact with the individuals."

Mary: "Can you remind me what happens when the -1 instance interacts with you?"

Ellody: "It will go through you and you will end up in a large body of water from your point of you and nothing happened to you from the outside of your point of view. This process will happen until the entity passes through you completely. So far there weren't more than 12 instances spotted."

Mary: " And if it went more than 12?"

Scarlett: "It is uncertain if that would happen."

Ellody: " And if it did, what would happen?"

Scarlett: "I'm the kind of girl that would rather not know what happens."

Mary: " Same here."

Later on, at night, we see there was a heavy rainstorm and the 3 girls were in raincoats and they're still working on the maintenance on the last XACT.

Scarlett: " As much as this is fun, this is a bit tiring."

Mary: " Do not worry we're almost finished."

Ellody: *finishes the maintenance*"And done. The foundation often makes complex machinery, even for our genius intellect as a group."

We then see lightning hit the XACT as the power grid of the containment site went down.

Ellody: " Dang it."

Scarlett: "We better make some repairs."

We see Mary and Ellody start making the repairs as Scarlett then sees more than 12 SCP-2640-1 instances, around 400 or 900 of them.

Scarlett: " Girls you may wanna see this!"

Ellody: *sees the instances* " Oh my, that's more than 12!"

Mary then sees something that is coming from the lights, like a sea creature called an anglerfish.

Mary: "Is that an anglerfish?"*hears her walkie talkie and speaks into it*"What is it?"

(Y/N): *over coms*"Those things are dangerous, make repairs and get out of there!"

Some of the -1 instances are coming towards the girls like they're looking for something to eat as we see the girls finish the repairs and get onto the ground and crawl away from the -1s, only stopping when one of them passes by. By the time the girls reach outside the containment site, the power went back on and then XACTs were back on as well.

Ellody: *pants* *pants* " Oh my, anglerfish from another time!?"

(Y/N): *comes in*"I apologize for not telling you about that, we thought it wouldn't happen the second time."

Mary: " Second time?"

Scarlett: "This happened before?"

(Y/N): "During a tornado attack, the containment has been weakened and one of the people in charge of the site saw that and got out of there alive while 3 of our staff along with civilians weren't so lucky and they ended up getting eaten."

Ellody: " Oh my, thank goddess luck was on our side."

(Y/N): "We try restricting any interaction with the SCP to maintain stability of the space time continuum but so far there have been some hiccups."

Ellody: " Like what?"

(Y/N): " Well sometimes teenagers just get past the defenses and get themselves into trouble by exposing themselves to the anomaly, but fortunately we managed to administer amnestics to them."

Mary: " And it worked?"

(Y/N): " Yep, no casualties."

Ellody: " Well at least we're alive."

(Y/N): "I am so sorry girls if it wasn't for me not telling you about this earlier none of this would have happened."

Scarlett: "It's alright."

Mary: " Yes, all is forgiven."

Ellody: " And no harm was done."

(Y/N): " Thanks girls."

Scarlett: "This is all in the name of science and we're women of science and yes that does mean putting ourselves in danger to find the answers to the questions that have been given to us."

Ellody: " Indeed it's true."

(Y/N): " Yep that is true."

Later at your office, we see you making an itinerary for your time as a girl and you receive a call.

(Y/N): "Hello? Alien invasion you say? You set up a meeting with their leaders? Alright I'm on my way."

Later, at the Center, we see you enter a room where you see Oliva, Martin, Diana Lmbard, Java, and 2 leaders of two alien civilizations: Attea of the Incurseans and Looma of the Tetramands.

(Y/N): "Ladies, gentlemen, you summoned me?"

Attea: "We came here to challenge you administrator, either you fight us or we take your planet."

(Y/N): "Why both of you?"

Looma and Attea: "We're BFFs."

Attea: "We have a girl group after the whole game show thing, it's a girl group that doesn't have any tennysons in it."

(Y/N): "So why are you two planning an invasion?"

Looma: "We just got bored."

Attea: "I just wanna get out more."

(Y/N): "Alright, you name the place while I name the terms. I challenge each of you to battle me in a game of chess."

Looma: "What!? That dumb game is for the weak!"

(Y/N): "Are you afraid?"

Looma: "What!? No! I accept the challenge!"

Sometime later, we see that you beat Looma at a game of chess.

Attea: "I guess you lost at a game of chess Looma. Let me have a go."

Sometime later, we see that Attea had lost at a game of chess by you.

Attea: "How could this be!?"

Looma: "How could I be so blind!?! Intellect defeats brute force!"*turns to you*"You have bested me in battle, you have shown me your true strength!"*hugs you tightly*"I am forever your betrothed!"

(Y/N): *strained*"But I didn't use my strength to beat you."

Looma: *lets go of you*"The law of Khoros states that if a man with great power bests the princess in battle will become the next ruler of Khoros and the chosen husband of the princess. The law doesn't say anything about how you defeat the princess or any female warrior."

Attea: "You're not saying that you're gonna get hitched with this guy!?"

Looma: *clears her throat*"Actually, I don't know him that well, so in order to not let history repeat itself. I will simply move here on this planet."

Attea: "Yeah I'll move here too."

Martin: "Wait hold on, why would you want to move here?"

Olivia: "Incurseans are a nomadic species ever since the destruction of their home planet."

Martin: "Oh."

Attea: "Well I'm gonna move here."*talks into her coms*"Call off the invasion, we lost."

We see the aliens leave the room as we see you turn to Martin and his friends.

(Y/N): "You must be Martin Mystery, it's an honor to meet you."

Martin: "Nice to meet you sir. And I can't believe M.O.M. used to work for you."

(Y/N): "Back then she had braces."

Olivia: *blushes embarrassingly*"Administrator, please."

(Y/N): "From what I heard about you and all the footage taken during your field work, you remind me of her when she was working for me. Always rambling on about different theories, like the Old Man coming from an ancient race of predators that hunts humans or the result of Dr. Scranton coming back from SCP-3001. In fact she made numerous theories about other SCPs in our facilities that some of them have been backed up with research."

Diana L: "Wait seriously!?"

Olivia: *blushes harder*"Please sir, I-"

(Y/N): "You know Martin, if you're much better equipped you would be much more effective on the field. That goes to you too, Ms. Lombard."

Diana L: "Huh?"

(Y/N): "Martin you will be giving your U-Watch to your sister cause you're gonna get an upgrade."

Olivia: "But sir!?"

Diana L: "Yes!"

Martin: "Upgrade?"*realizes*"I'm getting an Ultra U-Watch?!"

(Y/N): "Indeed and not just any Ultra U-Watch."*points to Olivia*"Her Ultra U-Watch."

Olivia then stood there in shock as Martin was excited.

(A/N): The video is Olivia's reaction to the news to Martin.

Martin: "Alright! Thanks man!"

Olivia: "Administrator, you have-"

(Y/N): *to Olivia with a glare*"Remember where all of the Center's resources come from."

Olivia: *shaking in fear**in her head*"Dear god he's still as scary as he was back then!"*outloud*"O--o-o-o-o-o-o-okay...."*takes her Ultra U-Watch off and hands it to Martin*"Here...."

Martin: *grabs the watch*"Sweet!"

Java: "Java never saw M.O.M scared before."

Diana L: "Yeah, so bizarre to see M.O.M so scared."

Martin: "Wow M.O.M, you look like you almost peed your pants."

Oliver: "I...did....."

Martin: "Wait, your only fear is your old boss!?"

Olivia: "He is terrifying."

(Y/N): "Olivia Mandell, you will be on Keter Duty for 1 month."

Olivia: "What!? Why!?"

(Y/N): "You've picked favorites, you favor Diana Lombard over Martin Mystery despite Martin surpassing his sister."

Martin: "What!?"*to Olivia*"Parents picking favorites are the worst things they do!"

Diana L: "I have to agree with Martin on this one."

(Y/N): "Siblings are always treated as equals, so if you choose favorites you are only hurting the family."

Olivia: "M.O.M is just an acronym, sir."

(Y/N): "Well then a good mother should know better than just choosing favorites. Next time don't choose favorites."

Olivia: "......Yes sir."

Later, we see you walking down the sidewalk and you see Metropolis turn into Tokyo as a sign of your dimension hopping and you head to your home in this other reality.

(Y/N): "Hello everyone."

Miia: "Welcome home, one of your uh yous just gave us a good time around the city."

(Y/N): "I'm glad to hear it. It's a good thing I left a cognitohazard here to make everyone think I was here."

Papi: "Cogniwhat?"

(Y/N): "It's something that messes with your senses and thoughts."

Papi: "That's so cool."

(Y/N): "Basically I'm in two places at once, so I know the details of what's happening here and there."

Zombina: "Wait, you mean you're in two places at once and no one can tell, nice!"

Tio: "Wait, how can we tell?"

(Y/N): "You don't."

Tio: "That's super confusing."

(Y/N): "And if you want to pay a visit, just use this."

You then set the clock to 12:00 and a secret door opened and revealed a portal between your reality and theirs.

Zombina: "What the hell!?"

(Y/N): "This portal leads to my house in my reality and back here, I'm just a few steps away."

Zombina: "Hey uh, you don't have the bill yet right?"

(Y/N): "Uh no we don't."

We then see Zombina run into the portal and then come back after a few minutes.

Zombina: "I beat up a whole street gang of humans by myself, man that felt so good!"

(Y/N): "The bill doesn't cover my reality, so feel free to beat up some street thugs."

Centorea: "So how long was that there?"

(Y/N): "A few weeks, I want it to be a surprise."

Miia: "And what a big surprise too."

(Y/N): "Feel free to come over sometime, the door is always open. Just don't tell anyone about it."

Mero: "We can keep secrets."

Later back at home, we see you finish your itinerary of your time as a woman.

(Y/N): "And done."*calls Verosika*"I'm ready for the social experiment."

Next: Chapter 69: Chapter 69: SCP-113 "The Gender-Switcher"

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