Chapter 70: SCP-1730 "What Happened to Site-13?"

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Here we see you in your home looking through your genes through a microscope as you saw Verosika and the other succubi enter the room.

Verosika: "Hey (Y/N), you called us?"

(Y/N): "Indeed, I made a discovery in my genetics. Turns out I have something similar to 682. Whenever SCP-682 encounters an SCP and survives he adds the power and countermeasure to his arsenal, but his body forgets it over time. Unlike him, my body remembers like a photographic memory."

Kiki: "So what, he's your brother?"

(Y/N): "I have no relation to him or the Scarlet King in any universe or timeline. More or less superior to him."

Kiki: "So you're saying you can use powers from other anomalies, like 113?"

(Y/N): "Of course, observe."*changes into a woman*"See."

Verosika: " Woah not bad."

Milky: *fondles your breasts*"I miss these tities."*sees you change back into a man*"Aww man."

Kiki: " Ha good one."

(Y/N): "Thank you, now if you excuse me I have received a call that concerns Site-13."

Verosika: "Okay I don't know how many foundation sites you have, but I'm pretty sure I never heard of Site-13."

(Y/N): "Neither did we until yesterday."

Later, we see the girls gathered at the briefing room and you are at the room giving out the presentation.

(Y/N): "Listen up everyone, today we are facing a new anomaly called SCP-1730."

You then turn on the projector showing SCP-1730 aka Site-13.

Kara: "Never heard of it."

(Y/N): "Neither do we until yesterday, it's defunct now and the surrounding flora is Alaskan in origin even though the SCP itself is in Texas."

Karen: " So we're going to Texas?"

(Y/N): "That kind of job is up to the Mobile Task Force Apollo-3 "Game Wardens" to explore the site. We don't know what kind of things are in there."

Kara: " So no trip to Texas then?"

(Y/N): "Not if you want to volunteer that is. Anyone want to volunteer?"

Diana: "I will go, in the name of Apollo!"*pulls out her sword*"I swore to my mother that the strength of the Amazons will be with me at home and beyond!"

(Y/N): " Soo, a yes then?"

Diana: "Indeed."

Babs: "Will there be cool gadgets?"

(Y/N): "Well if there is a need to use powerful equipment like the reality anchors, then yes."

Babs: "I'm in!"

(Y/N): " Okay, anyone else?"

Leshawna: "None of us have a death wish."

Babs: "So just me and Diana then."

Izzy: "I'm coming too! Going on adventures and almost dying in the process sounds superfun!"

(Y/N): "That makes 3 of you going. Meet up with the leader of the Game Wardens, his name is Commander Ross."

We later see you and the girls arrive at where SCP-1730 is and you see Commander Ross and the other Game Wardens.

(Y/N): "Commander Ross, you have 3 new recruits on this mission, Barbara, Izzy, and Diana. They will be accompanying you during your mission."

Ross: "I read their profiles, they have combat training."

Babs: " We sure do."

Ross: "Keep your guards up people, we have all of Site-13 to explore and the last thing anyone wants is either of you getting hurt or worse."

Diana: " Do not worry we are capable of fighting powerful foes."

(Y/N): "Just follow them and you'll be fine girls."

Babs: "You're not coming?"

(Y/N): " I am the Administrator, this kind of job goes to the MTF team."

Diana: " We understand, we shall not fail you."

We see the girls follow the MTF team through the door into the site and they head down a flight of stairs. Izzy then shines a flashlight and sees the darkness down the stairs.

Izzy: " Ooh hey girls there's some stairs down here."*sees something moving*"And the shadows are moving."

Babs: "That's not a shadow, that's a liquid rising up. Run!"

Everyone heads up the stairs as an MTF soldier named Houston gets caught in the liquid.

Houston: "Help, I'm stuck!"

Izzy then jumps onto Houston and then flips him out of the liquid and then crashes into the others away from the liquid in a safe place.

Izzy: "That was fun!"

Diana: *sees that Houston's legs are gone*"Great Hera what happened to your-"*sees him stand on phantom legs*"What in Hades!?"

Babs: " His legs!"

Houston: " Wait what?"*looks at where his legs are*"Oh man, my legs!"

Babs: " AHHHH!!! WHAT DO WE DO?!"

Izzy: " We get his legs back."

Diana: "How?"

Izzy: "I have no idea!"

Babs: *sees at some spray paint and reads it*"What Happened to Site-13? Death here!? Not my Body!? Bleed!?!"

Diana: *sees a disfigured corpse in the wall*"Oh hello friend Zachary, it is a pleasure to meet you again."

Everyone else saw the corpse and they were uneasy about seeing it. Babs then places goggles that have a set of anti cognitohazard lenses on it as Diana sees the corpse's real form.

Diana: "Oh, that was....unexpected."

The group then sees shimmering all over the area.

Izzy: "Is there a gas leak?"

Babs: " It doesn't look like there is why?"

Diana then turned to see a humanoid coming towards them as it was distorting reality with its presence.

Diana: *pulls out her sword*"Beast!"

One of the operatives named Noah was telekinetically grabbed by the entity as it then distorted and merged into the wall.

Diana: "Back beast!"

The creature then stretches it's arm to grab Vigo and Vigo's arm turns red and we see Babs pull out her portable reality anchor that has bat logos on it and she activates it. The entity disappears while Vigo recovers.

Babs: " Is everyone okay?"

Vigo: "I'm fine, but Noah isn't."

Diana: "That creature surprised us, we must remain alert."

The group then continue to explore site 13 and Diana senses great evil in the site as we see Babs go into a cell that is labeled Olympia Class.

Babs: "Man this cell is huge! They have to put something that is around 100 meters tall to fit in here."

Diana: " Barbara where are you?!"

Babs: "In here, in the cell."

Diana then sees Babs in the cell and she sees how big it is.

Diana: "Great Hera."*to Babs*"We have to keep moving."

The group heads to a room with a single TV on and they see something familiar on the TV.

Ross: "Is that...Bobble the Clown?"

Bobble: *to the group*"What? What do you want? Who is it?"

Diana: "I am Diana, Princess of the Amazons and you are?"

Bobble: "Mmmmmmmm... you're different. You smell different. You know I can smell you, even from here? You don't know that, though. They did, but you're not like them. They went to great lengths to figure that out. They knew, they know, they will know, mmmmmmmm."

Ross: "You're Bobble the Clown, yeah?"

Bobble: "They had a number for me once, when I was Bobble. But your friends didn't like the number. Said we identified with the numbers. Mmmmmmmm... I am not Bobble, but I am a thing that used to be Bobble."*Pauses*"You're not where you're supposed to be, gun buddy. You don't match the airin here. You're out of place, just like I am. Just like we are."

Babs: " We? What's he talking about?"

Bobble: "Daddy Emerson played a tricky little game with the strings of the universe. He walked on them like a tightrope, and was surprised when he fell. Tricky little Emerson. Didn't just want boxes, no no no. He wanted boxes full of ideas. Ideas like pain, horror, death. He worked very hard to stack those boxes on his string and broke the whole thing, and we all came tumbling down with him."*laughs, and trails off*

Ross: "How many other entities are in here? What else do you know?"

Bobble: "How many, hee hee hee, how many entities were swallowed by Site-13?" *Laughs* "You silly silly out of place boy. Silly little boy. Everything made its way into Site-13. If the Foundation could find it and the Coalition could catch it, it was fed into the meat grinder down here. Everything. They mulched us all, if there was nothing to gain. Some got lucky. Bobble got lucky. Stuffed in a funny box and played with. Toyed with. Experimented with. To see what sounds we made when we wanted to die. Others were not so lucky."*Pauses*"They burned the Library, you know. Held it upside down like a can of soup and let the contents run out into the furnace, and burned the whole place up. They did other things, too. Worse things. Daddy Emerson liked it. He watched it all, everytime. Got his jollies off watching it."*Spits*

Diana: "Worst things?"

Vigo: *hears a signal*"I got a signal, it's coming from survivors."

Diana: "Let's go."

Bobble: "Have fun, boys. Don't let the dead bugs bite."*Laughs*"If you see Daddy Emerson down there..."*pauses*"rape him to death for me."

Diana: *whispers to Babs* " But we are not boys."

Babs: "Sometimes people call a group of people boys, like a team or a crew. Even if the group has girls in them."

Sometime later, we see the group head to where the survivors are and Ross radioes you.

Ross: "Come on, pick up."

(Y/N): *over the radio*"Ross, we read you. Are you alright?"

Ross: " Thank God. I've been trying to reach you forever. Yeah, we found the survivors. They're holed up down here in... I don't know what you'd call this place, but it's not conducive to habitation. We're looking at twenty, maybe thirty people? We found some other agents of ours, too. A few Mole Rats, and a guy from the Travelers. They all ended up down here."

Diana: "Other people of ours were here too?"

Babs: "Yep, you didn't get reports from the mail?"

Diana: "I don't understand what it said."

Babs: " I'll tell you later."

Izzy: "Cool!"

Diana: "What is it, friend Izzy?"

Izzy: "I overheard that (Y/N) is sending Tau-5."

Diana: " Tau-5?"

Babs: "Samsara?"*sees Diana confused*"The super soldiers?"*still confused*"Immortal clones of a dead god?"

Diana: " Ohh, those warriors. I remember now."

Meanwhile outside of Site-13, we see Tau-5 heading to the drainage pipe of the facility alongside Zee.

Zee: "Ugh, do we have to go in the pipe?"

Irantu: "That is the order ma'am."

Zee: "These boots are brand new!"*gets picked up by Onru*"Hey! Put me down, you outdated science fair project!"

Onru: "Sorry ma'am, we follow orders from the Administrator. Not you."

We see the group head into the while Zee is beating her fists on Onru.

Zee: "Put me down you ruffian!"

Later on, we see Tau-5 and Zee going down the pipe and the team sees the water is draining inward and not outward.

Irantu: "The liquid here is draining inward and not outward. Strange."

Zee: "Yeah strange isn't it, now can you put me down now?"

Onru: *while carrying zee*"Negative."

Zee: " Ugh, what did I do to deserve this?"

Irantu: "Last tuesday, 0800 hours, you used the infinity rags trick on him from the mouth. Only the rags were his underwear and all of his clothes and he was naked in the audience. The audience was the girls that associate with the Administrator. That's why he sent you here."

Zee: " I said I was sorry."

Irantu: "He likes to be even by having you be on the mission with us."

The group then head to a control room and we see Onru drop Zee onto the floor as she lands on her butt.

Zee: *rubs her butt*"Hey!"

Onru: " We are out of the pipe ma'am."

Zee: *gets up*"You could have put me down in a gentle way."

Onru: " I could have, ma'am, but you called me an outdated science fair project."

Zee: *sighs* " True."

Later on, we see the group in the pit and Zee sees a plant-like structure over their heads and she sees pods come down and they start to glow.

Zee: "Huh? That's not so bad."*sees a shadow of a human reaching for her*"Uhh....hi."

We then see the shadow try to reach Zee as Zee sees where the hand is going and it is going for her chest.

Zee: "Hands off!"

The pods extinguish their light as black sludge comes out of the wall and Zee sees it.

Zee: "Ew, ew, ew! Get that away from me!"*feels a leech bite her on the leg*"Ah! Ew!"*pulls the leech off of her*"So gross!"*throws it away*"Ugh!"

Onru: " What happened?"

Zee: " Some gross leech bit me, that's what happened!"

Onru: *looks at the leeches around Zee*"There's more of them around your feet ma'am."

Zee: "Huh?"*sees the leeches*"AHHHH!!!!"*jumps onto Onru*"Get them away from me! So disgusting!"

The group see the leeches are eating the slurry and growing larger and move around in unison.

Onru: " We need to go now."

Irantu: "Move out!"

The group then ran out of the area as they all ran away before the creature could catch them.

Zee: " We need to call (Y/- er uh the Administrator now."

Irantu: "We can't get a signal from here ma'am."

Zee: " Great, we're stuck here!"*sees a leech on her elbow*"AAHH!!! Get it off!"*pulls the leech off of her*"I hate leeches!"

Irantu then takes the leech from Zee and then links up with the leech.

Irantu: "Hmm, the leeches are telepathic and they're linked to the host below our feet."

Zee: " Again eww."

Irantu: "The topography of the site constantly changes. But thanks to the telepathy of the leeches, we have a solid map of the Site."

Zee: " And how do we contact the Administrator?"

Irantu: "Not for a while, if we find the Thresher device. We can use it to stabilize reality here."

Zee: "Alrighty then."

We see the group head to a door that says cryonics and Zee uses a spell on herself to keep herself safe from the cold. The group then head into Cryonics and the team's heating systems turn on and then Zee notices that sound cannot be heard as she tries stomping her feet and she hears nothing. She then sees the words Silence and Don't Look on the wall and she was curious about that.

Zee: *voiceless talking*" Hmm.... Has anyone noticed the writing on the walls?"*doesn't hear her voice*"Huh?"

Zee then turned around to see a multi-limbed creature with numerous glyphs on a rotating structure where the head was supposed to be and the word Emerson was on it. The group then ran out of the room while fighting it.

Zee: *voiceless talking*" What is that thing?! And why can't I hear my voice?!"*sees a body on the rotating structure*"Who's that?!"

The group escaped from cryonics and then closed the door behind them. Zee then stomps her feet and she can hear sound again.

Zee: " Finally! What was that thing? And how we couldn't talk?"

Irantu: "Those messages must've been a warning of what the creature is capable of."

Zee: " Well that explains why we couldn't talk."

The group finally head to the survivors and Zee sees Izzy, Diana, and Babs.

Izzy: "Hey Zee, how did it go?"

Zee: " Terrible, I got bitten by leeches."

Babs: " You think that's bad, we encountered black goo that gave Houston phantom legs, a creature that made Zoah a part of the wall, a crazy broken clown."

Diana: "The clown told us about a man named Emerson, he tortured and killed anomalies here over the years during the creation of Site-13."

Zee: " I think I saw his body on this monster with a rotating wheel for a head."

Diana: "The anomalies have their retribution with Emerson, and now we must escape!"

We then see some slime pour all over Zee and she was covered in slime.

Zee: " AUGHHHHHH!!!! Come on!"

Then gallons of more slime fell onto Zee.

Zee: "Oh come on!"

Babs: "Yep this is karma from doing that magic trick on (Y/N)."

Zee: " I said I was sorry!"

Diana: " True but you did bring this upon yourself."

Zee: "I said I-"

Before zee can finish her thought more slime was poured all over her and this time her mouth was open.

Zee: "Bleh! My mouth was open!"

Babs: " Seriously this is your- "*sees Zee glaring at her* " Uh y-y-yeah you totally apologized."

Diana: "It is what you deserve, friend Zee. Retribution."

Irantu: "Leeches!"

We see Izzy grab a flamethrower and shoot fire at the leeches. We see everyone making their escape as they then encounter a hooded figure making dangerous memes on the wall. Diana then charges at the creature and then uses her sword to stab it in the white eye.

Diana: "Huzzah! Come my friends, our freedom awaits!"

The floor then begins shaking and cracking as Diana then moves away from the corpse. The floor broke open revealing a large leech like creature below as the corpse fell into its mouth.

Diana: " Everyone run!"

The group then run off and head to the Thresher and they hear twinkling crystals.

Babs: "Crystal Butterflies! They destroy anything organic with a single touch!"

Zee: " Don't let it touch us!"

Irantu then destroys a lot of them with a flamethrower and the others head to a sealed door with a panel.

Zee: "It's locked!"

Everyone then sees Bobble the Clown on the panel and opens the door.

Bobble: "Hee hee. Hee hah. You're welcome. Heehee. Oh, oh."*as if in pain*"Tanny, oh Tanny, it's so long down here with us. It's so long and sharp, Tanny. Why did you make me hurt, hee hee. Oh-"*voice fades as the screen is covered in static*

Babs: " What did he say?!"

Zee: "Let's just go!"

Then more slime fell onto Zee and her clothes were covered in slime, even her underwear.

Zee: "Really...."

The group then fight off through hordes of leeches until they happen upon water.

Diana: " Where did this water come from?"

Zee then sees bodies in the water that look like Jessica, Karen, her father, Kara and more.

Zee: "Diana, look our friends are here."

Irantu: "Don't look at them, you don't recognize the bodies!"

The group then quickly head out of the area until they come across a mechanical creation with SCP-1370 on top of it.

SCP-1370: "I am the herald of your destruction. Embrace death."

The mechanical entity then attacks the group as we see Diana grab 1370 and throw him at the wall.

SCP-1370: "No! I am the harbinger! I am—"

Before he can finish his thought, SCP-1370 strikes the wall and falls into pieces. The group then head down a hall and they hear something cracking beneath their feet as we see the leech monster burst from the floor and turn its attention to the group.

Diana: "Great Hera!"

Zee: "We're dead!"

Izzy: "I got an idea!"*to the leech monster*"Hey follow us you big leech!"

Izzy and the group lead the monster to an olympia class chamber and we see Izzy open two other cells and release The Gate Guardian and a creature called dThe Deer. Both godlike entities attack the leech monster and battle each other.

Babs: " So do we escape now?"

Diana: "Let's move!"

The group make their way out of the Site as we see you come out of a hallway and you head to the Thresher. You then set the Thresher to overdrive and it then glows in a bright white light. By the time the group got out of the Site, it then teleported to a different place and time.

Zee: "That was a close one."

???: "You forgot to set the device to send them to another world."

The group then sees you as you come out of a portal and can close it behind you.

Zee: " How did you get here?"

(Y/N): "I have my ways."

Babs: " Well can we go home now? It's been a long day."

(Y/N): "Alright let's go home."

Next: Chapter 71: SCP-348 "A Gift from Dad"

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