Chapter 75: SCP-6011 "Flat Earth"

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Here we see the girls looking at the new anomaly that is now called SCP-6011 as we see Foundation staff setting up equipment around the anomaly as you come into the room.

(Y/N): "Nice work Jessica in discovering the anomaly."

Jessica: *sarcastically* " Thanks."

Babs: "This is just like in one of those beaches where large puddles of water have a whole world in them."

(Y/N): "That is not all that is anomalous about this."

You then bring out a camera that sees microscopic levels and you bring the camera's live feed on a monitor and the girls see lifeforms called SCP-6011-1s and they see microorganisms that look like humans.

Kara: " What are those things?"

(Y/N): "We call them SCP-6011-1, the -1 entities in particular we call Plana Hominem. They look like us but in a side profile that reveals the inner workings of the human body like the stomach, intestines, lungs, liver, brain, kidneys, and reproductive systems."

Kara: " Ewww."

Babs: "They're like us but super tiny?"

(Y/N): "Indeed, they used cilia both for movement and to function as human hands. If there's a society here, we must study and document it."

Jessica: "Seriously?!"

(Y/N): "Of course, but I'll have a researcher to do the interviews on the subject."

Kara: "Wait, what happens if you drop something into the SCP?"

(Y/N): "Allow me to demonstrate."

You then pull out a quarter and you flip it into the SCP and the quarter is seen as a 2 dimensional quarter now.

Kara: " Huh, neat."

(Y/N): "Once all the research is done they'll send a copy of the full dossier of their society to you girls."

Diana: " That is most wonderful."

Jessica: *sarcastically* " Yay."

Zee: "Jess, you don't sound too excited."

(Y/N): "Is something wrong?"

Jessica: " You're just realizing that now?"

(Y/N): "Realizing what?"

Jessica: " That I hate this! I hate working here! I hate having nightmares about Bright! And I hate everything else!!"

Diana: "Jessica, we have a sworn duty to protect the World of Man. The Foundation has a sworn duty to protect this world from the monsters they capture."

(Y/N): "Diana is right. Even Safe Class anomalies can pose a threat to the world."

Jessica: "Who cares about the world?!"

Kara: "We do! In case you haven't heard, I lost my planet and Earth is no Krypton but it's home for me and my cousin. I lost my planet and I'm not gonna lose this one without a fight."

Jessica: " Well I don't! I'm sick of anomalies and I'm sick of Bright, and I'm sick of (Y/N)! I quit!"

???(John): "Jessica Cruz!"

You and the others then turn to see a green lantern named John Stewart as he walks to Jessica.

John: " You-"

Jessica: " When I quit, I mean it."*takes her ring off and gives it to John*"Here, find someone else because I'm done!"

John: "Once a ring is bound to you it binds to you for life."

Jessica: "I don't care!"

(Y/N): "Not only you left me hanging but you left Doris, Carol, Leslia, Selina, Harleen, Pam, and your fellow Green Lantern Hal Jordan hanging."

John: *to Jessica*"You left your fellow Green Lantern behind, you should know not to leave a lantern behind!"

(Y/N): "What if I was in Dr. Bright's shoes when SCP-4498 was created, would you leave me behind?!"

Babs: "You made us leave them behind, Harleen was my friend."

Jessica: " She's a villian."

John: "Jessica Cruz, you are hereby suspended from duty of the Green Lantern Corps. Hand me your ring."*sees Jessica take off her ring and gives it to him*"You are given 4 weeks of suspension."

Jessica: " Make it 5, anything to get away from (Y/N)."

???(Hal): "Snap out of it Jess."

We then see Hal enter the room and turn to Jess.

Hal: "I may not be Justice League material but I have my own team and they can't do anything without me."

(Y/N): "You should know by now that any action like that has consequences."

Jessica: " I know that anomaly boy, and honestly I'm glad I have this suspension."

(Y/N): "But you are not suspended from the Foundation, since you want to be alone you should go to our Department of Unreality."

Zee: "Wait, that's a thing?"

(Y/N): "That department deals with anomalies that don't exist, the department doesn't exist and neither are the people in said department."

Jessica: " What part of "I hate anomalies" did you not understand?"

(Y/N): "If you really hate anomalies you should join the Global Occult Coalition, they destroy anomalies like the gun toting cowboys that they are. They destroy anomalies on a daily basis."

Jessica: *sarcastically* " Gee thanks alot."

(Y/N): "Once you're in the walls of the Foundation you're in it for life. The only way of quitting is to administer amnestics and leave you at your house."

Jessica: " Then do it."

The girls all gasped in shock.

Diana: "Why Jessica?"

Jessica: " Because I'm sick of this, every time it's one anomaly after another! I want to forget all of it."

(Y/N): "That's exactly what you said last time."

Jessica: "What?"

(Y/N): "This is not the first time I gave you amnestics. Every time you quit you always make your way back to the Foundation. This is by far the 50th time you quit."

Jessica/(Y/N): " Well make it permanent."

Jessica: *shocked*"I said that before?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Jessica then sits down on a chair and thinks to herself and turns to the girls.

Jessica: "You knew this didn't you?"

Zee: " I- uh w-well."

Kara: "Yeah dude, we all knew."

Jessica/(Y/N): " Ugh who cares, make with the amnestics."

Jessica: "Dang it! I said that too."

Karen: "Look people will go nuts when everyone knows about this stuff and we are here to help the Foundation, no matter what."

(Y/N): "And once you sign up to help out with us or have any means of interacting with the anomalous world there is no going back."

Jessica: " Ugh, fine."

(Y/N): "I think we'll leave the researchers for this kind of work, I think we all deserve a break from all of this."

Later, at Taylor's mansion, we see you and the girls playing a card game and you're shuffling the cards and you're upside down on your heads

(Y/N): "This card game was invented by a quadruple jointed acrobat from the Bermuda Triangle."

Gwen: "Okay this I gotta see."

Jessica: "There are no SCPs in this card game are there?"

(Y/N): "Of course not, that would be against policy. Now the rules of the game are similar to Go Fish, when you get 2 of the same cards."*throws two cards onto the ceiling like throwing knives*

Jessica: " Why would you do that?"

(Y/N): "That's part of the game, since he was trapped on an island for a long time and he resorted to getting coconuts for substance. That's why he invented this game."

You then pass around the cards as we see the girls get them and look at them.

Babs: "I got a pair of Queens of Hearts."

Babs then throws her pair on the ceiling like throwing knives as Jessica looks at her cards and she gets a pair of Kings of diamonds.

Jessica: " I got Kings of diamonds."*throw her cards at the ceiling like throwing knives*

(Y/N): "Jess, do you have an Ace of Spades?"

Jessica: " Um let me see. *Looks and sees she does and hands you the card*"Here you go."

Sometime later, we see you won the game.

(Y/N): "Looks like I won the game."

Jessica: "(Y/N) why do you keep on giving me a responsibility that I never wanted like how the Green Lantern Corps chose me?"

(Y/N): "All will be revealed soon Jessica, I'll get us snacks from down stairs."

You then head downstairs as Jessica turns to the girls.

Jessica: "Girls, why do you have to put up with him and the anomalies?"

Diana: "It is our duty to protect the world of man from those who want to harm it."

Babs: "(Y/N) knows more about this stuff than we do."

Zee: "My magic has gotten a lot better when I was reading about thaumatology."

Babs: "I learn how to make my own Bat Reality Anchors for combating Reality Benders."

Karen: "I have one in my suit."

Courtney: "He's teaching us all of this in case we run into those things."

Kara: "Hey I learned that nerd stuff saved my life, I nearly got myself killed when I used my fists instead of my brain."

Jessica: "I never thought of it that way."

You then come back into the room and you share some snacks with everyone as you turn to Jessica.

(Y/N): "Jessica?"

Jessica: "I'm sorry about everything I said about you, the anomalies, everything. Look I was frustrated that I became a part of something that I never wanted to be part of in the first place."

(Y/N): "That is the common sign of a reluctant hero. It's kinda like being drafted for the military by force. It was never your choice to play the role of the hero. Sometimes the reluctant hero learns the lessons along the journey and learns that they have a vital role in the world they live in. Bruce Banner was reluctant about the Hulk being a hero and he was afraid of what catastrophe would follow, but he soon came to realize that the Hulk played a key role in stopping the Abomination's rampage cause without the strength of the Hulk the military would have no chance of victory. That is why the most reluctant of heroes are often the most courageous."

Jessica: "Okay, but what does it have to do with me?"

(Y/N): "Because if it weren't for you the world would've been destroyed."

Jessica then remembers the time when she helped an alien visitor came to Earth to retrieve a bomb and saved the planet from exploding.

Jessica: "Oh that's right. I almost forgot about that."

Kara: "Oh now you feel like a jerk?"

Jessica: "I am so sorry everyone!"

Diana: "It is alright, you were in a difficult situation at the time. We all forgive you."

Jessica: "Thanks girls."

Sometime later, after Jessica is back on the force, we see Jessica and the others reading over the notes about SCP-6011.

Jessica: "So they are separated by a color system: purple are manual laborers, Blue are skilled workers and merchants, Green are lawyers and teachers, Orange is administrative positions, and red is the monarch of SCP-6011."

Kara: *reading a book about the life of Iotis*"Man this Iotis guy is cool."

Karen: "Guys check this out."

The girls then see Plana Hominems covering up evidence of the stage light falling from the sky.

Heather: "I thought they would freak out when they saw the light falling into their world?"

Karen: "I know right, but check this out."

Karen then uses the computer monitor to cancel out the cognitohazard and they see structures similar to the foundation.

Karen: "They have their own SCP Foundation. To them, we're the anomalies."

Kara: "Woah....Wait does that mean there is a 4 dimensional foundation watching us right now?"

The girls have their eyes widened as a sign that their minds were blown.

Diana: "That is bizarre."

Heather: "That is so mind boggling weird."

Jessica: "I think we just blew our minds."

Later, at the break room, we see the girls talking to each other and Babs was thinking to herself.

Kara: "Whatcha thinking about?"

Babs: "Do you think people will watch an anime about a bunch of girls with some guy in a weird outfit in a world kinda like we're going through right now? Like cat girls?"

Zee: "Well if you ask me that would be the weirdest thing that came from Japan."

Karen: "Yeah, and imagine what Hollywood would do if they make movies about the SCP stuff."

Kara: "What kind of a messed up dork would want to watch that?"

Karen: "Yeah you're right."

Meanwhile with you, we see you talking to a woman with cat features on herself.

(Y/N): "Alright, let's try this one last time."

Next: Chapter 76: SCP-2085 "Black Rabbit Company"

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