🌑 LeafWing Adopt 🌸🌻

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I haven't uploaded anything in this book for so long, my apologies! (See my announcement for details. ^^')

So, here's a LeafWing character for someone to adopt. There'll be a HiveWing one as well, and possibly a SilkWing if I have time to make one.

I have been generous, and written up a short personality and some other details for them. But just note down in the form if you will use them - preferably yes to most, otherwise it'll just be a waste of my time. TvT

Name: Fig (colour palette themed after a Ficus elastica tricolour, a variant of fig tree)

Gender: Male

Personality: Fig is very quiet in most situations, though authoritative and strict when he needs to be. He tries his hardest to be polite to everyone and respect those superior or elder to him. Not having the best upbringing, he's quite socially awkward and doesn't usually know how to react or behave in the presence of fellow LeafWings. Due to this, he stays quiet and tries not to make enemies. Yet under this silent, obedient mask, he is an observant dragon, taking in details from his surroundings that most others wouldn't notice. Only those closest to him know how smart and useful he can be, regardless of how little he interacts with others.

Likes: Helping tiny plants grow to practice his leafspeak is, in his opinion, a much better use of his time that talking with other dragons; he adores snakes and birds, and even attempts to tame venomous snakes and birds of prey occasionally; even after close calls with giant pikes, anaconda and piranhas, Fig still loves swimming and playing in the water, as it's perfectly peaceful and muted under the surface; due to his love of swimming, he has also developed a taste for fish and water plants, commonly whipping up very good-tasting meals from his explorations (such as lotus root, water spinach and salmon stew).

Dislikes: If he had to pick one thing he hated, Fig would choose bring forced to converse with others; he gets really annoyed and anxious when made to talk, as he usually has no idea what to say or how to react, along with the worry that he'll come off as rude or ignorant; he hates insects almost as much as conversations, and will attempt to rid any bugs from his house via the many carnivorous and normal plants he 'befriends'; a major pet peeve of his, is when dragons don't understand what he means or what they're told - it annoys him when he needs to repeat himself.

Mother - Eucalyptus (resembles her son in almost every way except for dark green horns and speckles)
Father - Foxglove (a deep green LeafWing with inky pink and cream freckles across face)
Sister - Cyclamen (deep green LeafWing with lighter green stripes and pinkish webs and horns)

Brief Backstory: His 'SapWing' mother and 'PoisonWing' father met as young adults, immediately falling for each other. However, after having Fig two years after Cyclamen, the stress of caring for two whelps in the chaos of the newly-founded LeafSilk Kingdom, caused arguements to spark between them. Fig grew to be quiet and reserved, but watchful of his environment. His only companions were his sister, who tried her best to make him happy and social, and his plants.

Other: Inherited moderately strong leafspeak from his father.

Design: Adopted by Willow-Heart

(The art does not belong to me, it is a base made by Albluu. I don't claim credit for it, only the design.)

Anyway, this LeafWing is mostly a FCFS, but it only applies to the first person to have a satisfactory form.
And so, fill out this short 'entry' to have a chance of adopting this dragon as your own!

Keeping Name?:
Keeping Personality?:
Keeping Family?:
Keeping Backstory?:
Use of Character:
Tags: (at least 3)

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