Chapter 5

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Liam's pov

Giavanna laid in my bed really sick she won't tell me what's wrong tho. "Liam babe can you get Eleanor and Perrie please" giavanna asks. "Of course my love" I pressed my lips to hers and walked out "Perrie, Eleanor giavanna wants you" I said walking down the stairs and the two girls charged past me

Perrie's pov

"Giavanna are you okay" I asked. "Perrie, Eleanor I have to tell you something" giavanna whispers. "one of the vampires bit me I was bitten" giavanna says pulling her shirt down. Eleanor gasps at the bite wound black veins showed up at the wound and a bit down Giavanna's arm. "oh my god Gia why didn't you tell us about this" I gasped grabbing Giavanna's arm. "Liam" Eleanor screamed. the lads and Liam burst into the room. Liam's eyes fall abound the vampire bite on Giavanna's shoulder. "Oh my god giavanna" liam ran to Giavanna's side. "hi Liam" giavanna whispers weakly. "Liam the only way to heal a vampire bite on a werewolf is vampire blood" zayn said and I looked at him. "Come on Liam we have to get someone to help giavanna" harry said and Liam hesitated to leave giavanna. "well stay with her" Eleanor said. Liam followed the lads out. Eleanor lays with giavanna and pull her into her chest.

Harry's pov

I called a guy I knew. there was a knock on the door and I got up. "hello Joseph" I said. "hello Howard" Joseph smirks. I growled at him and he smirks again. "Follow me" I lead Joseph up to Liam's room. "damn she's sexy" Joseph smirks. Liam growls and shifts into wolf form. "shit" I yelled and zayn and Louis lung for Liam and wrapping their arms around Liam's neck pulling him backwards. "Joseph she's his mate so I wouldn't say that" I growled. "whatever" he hissed and walks over to giavanna who is laying with Eleanor. "your lucky she's so weak" Perrie growls. "she doesn't like vampires" Eleanor smirks. Joseph bites his arm and puts it in Giavanna's mouth. Giavanna's wound starts to heal. Joseph grabs Giavanna's arm "get off her" Eleanor yells. "shut the fuck up" Joseph smacks Eleanor. I was about to go for him when a loud growl erupted from Giavanna's throat and she shot off the bed and lunges for Joseph and bit down on his neck. "Get this mutt off me " Joseph yells and puts his arms around Giavanna's neck. "no" Liam roared with that the sound of cracking bone echoed in the room. giavanna yelps in pain and bits down on Joseph's neck and snapped it. "giavanna" Liam yells and runs to giavanna. Giavanna jumps in Liam's arms and he spins her around. Madelyn run up to Eleanor "are you okay" Madelyn asked. el nods and gets up. Lou ran to her and knocked her backwards. Giavanna pressed her lips to Liam's. "get out" Liam yells and we ran.

Giavanna's pov

Liam I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about the bite" I whispered and buried my face into Liam's neck. Liam's muscular arms wrapped tightly around my waist. "I thought I was going to lose you" Liam muttered in my neck. I kissed Liam's neck "I'm not going anywhere Liam I'll never leave you" I said in his ear. "I love you so much Gia" Liam throws me on the bed. "Liam we're mates aren't we" I said looking up at Liam who now was hovering over me. "yes my love" Liam groans. I ran my hands up Liam's shirt and rubbed my hands up and down his chest. "giavanna I love you so much" Liam said and his hands went up my shirt.

I got up from Liam and put on sweatpants and a crop top. then my phone rang.

P= Perrie G= giavanna

P- hey wanna go to a party with me and my group little mix

G- sure

P- get dressed were coming to get you

G- kk

I went to get Madelyn and got dressed in a blue dress and Madelyn grabbed my black and white dress with dark silver heels I grabbed my black tie dye heels. "Madelyn, Gia we're here" Perrie yells. "come on Madelyn" I said and we walked down stairs. "you both look beautiful" Perrie said. "giavanna, Madelyn this is jade, jesy and Leigh-Anne girls this is giavanna Liam's mate and Madelyn her sister" Perrie introduced us to her band. "So your the giavanna who took a bullet for Eleanor hi I'm jesy" she shook my hand. " lets get going" jade smiles. we got in a car and drove to a huge house.

Liam's pov

I woke up to Giavanna not next to me. "giavanna" I called and looked around a pair of sweatpants and a tank top were on the floor along with Madelyn's cloths where the hell are they. I got up and put sweatpants on and went down stairs. "Liam guess what" Harry yells and Louis does too. "Eleanor is pregnant and I found my mate" both of them yell at the same time. "where's giavanna and Madelyn" I asked. " haven't seen them all day" Niall said behind me and I jumped. I turned and punched him in the shoulder.

Giavanna's pov

Me, Perrie, jesy and jade were dancing on some tables Madelyn was with her mate she found him. Leigh-Anne was drinking with some guy. I was drunk as hell and having the time of my life. jade and jesy were my best friends now. I jumped off the table and made my way to Madelyn. "heyyyyy sissy" I smirked. "hey Gia this is my mate Alec" Madelyn smiles. "hello Alec if I ever found out you hurt my sister i won't hesitate to kill you" my eyes glow red. "yes alpha giavanna" he nods his head to me. I walk back to Perrie and the others and hop on the tables. suddenly a guy jumps up on the table with me. "hey sexy" he smirks and grabs my ass. "hey get off her" jesy and Perrie yell. jade's eyes glue bright purple. "shut the hell up" the guy yells at Perrie and jesy. I maybe drunk but I don't like people disrespecting my pack. "hey sexy why don't we takes this up stairs" I smirked. Perrie and jesy's jaws dropped and I winked at them. the guy followed me up stairs. I slammed him into the wall "hey baby I guess you like it rough" the guy smirks. "hey sweetie I don't like it when people disrespect my pack" I smirked as my eyes glue bright red. "what the hell are you" the guy yells and I bit down on his throat my teeth ripping through flesh and bone. "no one disrespects my pack" I snarled and cleaned up and returned to the party.

Liam's pov

It was around 3 in the morning when I heard the front door open. i shot up and walked slowly to the door and opened it. I walked down the stairs and saw giavanna, Madelyn, Perrie and Perrie's band in the kitchen. "I can feel it something bad is going to happen" giavanna said to the girls. "What's going to happen" jesy asked. giavanna looks up at jesy "a war against the demons " giavanna says. "when" jade asked. "soon jade very soon" giavanna held her gaze with jade.

A few months later Giavanna's pov

"Giavanna it hurts" Eleanor complains. she was having the baby today. "it's only el" I held Eleanor's hand. "remember when I was bitten by a vampire" I asked Eleanor. she nods "I was in so much pain I thought I was dying" I said looking at Eleanor. "you where there for me then now it's my turn to be there for you" I smiled. "hey babe" Lou yells as he runs into the room. suddenly the power went out and demon wolf scent filled my nose. I opened the door and saw blood splattered on the walls. "Lou your going to have to deliver the baby on your own" I said and the door flew open.

Lou's pov

I looked at Eleanor. I looked over my shoulder and the lights flash and I see demon wolves walking into the room. I hear growling and the lights flash again and I see giavanna in wolf form standing between us and the demon wolves. I turned back to Eleanor "push el push" I yelled. "push el push" demonic voice growl. I look over my shoulder and see giavanna laying on the ground. "no Gia" Eleanor screamed. suddenly giavanna flew up and sent 3 of the demon wolves flying into the wall. she leaped for two walking closer to me and Eleanor. I turned to Eleanor and I see the baby's head. "push Eleanor" I yelled. I hear giavanna yelping behind me but I didn't turn to see why cause Eleanor was more important. suddenly a loud roar erupted in the room I turned to see giavanna and a huge demon wolf face to face. giavanna and the demon wolf lung for each other. I turned violently back to Eleanor as the baby came. I cut the umbilical cord and lifted my beautiful daughter up. "Eleanor its prudence" I smiled and handed are baby to Eleanor. I turned and my eyes widen in horror. laying on the floor giavanna and the huge demon wolf. giavanna was in a pool of blood and the demon wolf had a nasty slice in its throat. I ran to giavanna her eyes were open and she looks at me. "Is prudence okay" she whispered. "yes giavanna she's okay thanks to you" I said with tears in my eyes. "giavanna don't leave us" I cried. "I'm so sorry Lou you gave me a life after my first life was horrible" she whispers and gets up and jumps out a window. I saw her laying on the ground beneath the window. I took Eleanor and prudence home

"Where's Gia" Liam asked. "she's gone Liam she saved my daughter's life" I said and tears fell from Liam's eyes. we were Standing outside suddenly a howl filled the air. we turned and saw muscular giavanna walking towards us. "giavanna" Liam screamed and ran to giavanna she ran towards him and nuzzles him with her nose and Liam Knocks her on her side.

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