Chapter 17

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Jinxx's P.O.V.

The guys and I where in the studio when I got a call from Sky's principal saying that I need to go and get her because she has been expelled, "ok we'll meet you back at the house dude" Ashley said, "alright" I started walking to my car, I got to the school "what did you do this time?" I asked walking into the office "nothing! My teacher is just an asshole" she said getting up and walking out, "you seriously did something to make him mad" I said, I just really wanted to know why she would get expelled. She turned around "so your blaming me for trying to learn?" She asked "yeah, a little" I said, god what am I getting myself in to? "You know I have learning disorders, you know that I have trouble when it comes to things like this, I'm sorry for doing my best" she said running away, "Sky! Sky!" I yelled running up to her grabbing her arm "let go!" She yelled, after a bit of struggling she got out of my grasp and ran away. Ok I really need to stop letting her run away like this. I got back to the house and saw they guys in the kitchen, "hey where's Sky?" Jake asked, "I don't know she ran off again" I said sitting on one of the bar stools "what happened?" Andy asked "she got expelled, she didn't do anything wrong, but I was in the heat of the moment and I blamed her for trying to lean" (I hope that makes sense) I told them, "dude she has ADD just like me, when I was her age I was the same way, you can't blame her for trying, try putting yourself in her shoes, how upset would you be if I blamed you for me messing up on stage?" Andy said, "like crap" I said rubbing my face. "Sky is in Toronto with Max, she said that she might be back soon but she might not be" Juliet said, "how did she get in Toronto?" I shouted "I don't know" everybody said quietly, "I'm going to bed" I say walking to my room. What am I doing wrong? I'm a good dad right? Why do I have to be so stupid?

A/N: hey guys hope your enjoying this book

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