Chapter 2

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Sky's P.O.V.

So starting today the guys would be going on a year long tour around the world, and they want me to come along. I told them that I would love to go, but I would only be going for half of it since I want to be at home to help mom out with Lennon.

(Let's just pretend that COVID is finally over lol)

"Dad?" I whispered and poked his cheek, trying to wake him up so we both could start getting ready before the rest of the guys and the tour bus show up. "Umph" he whined "come on dad, the guys will be here soon" I whispered again, trying not to wake mom up "ugh, ok" he mumbled as he rolled out of bed.

"What time is it?" Dad asked as he quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen "it's 6:13, the guys will be here at 6:30 to get us" I told him as I gave him his coffee "ok, do you have everything you need ready?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink "yep! Do you?" I question as I grab some granola bars for me to eat through out the morning "yep" he smiled.

Fifteen minutes later the guys showed up in front of our house with the tour bus. The first stop we're going to make on this tour is San Jose, California. "Morning boys!" I smiled as I walked into the bus "morning kiddo" they all smiled back at me. I slowly made my way back to the bunks and picked the one I wanted to sleep on for the next 6 months. I picked the middle bunk on the right side and placed my pillow and small throw blanket on it before I made my way back to the front of the bus to hang out with the guys.

Once I sat down on the couch I started to think about how I was so lucky to have five father figures in my life, it's honestly one of the best things I've ever experienced, there's nothing I'd ever change about how my life turned out. With five father figures in my life, there's always someone there for you if you need them. Like if you need to vent about your day or if you need someone to go to a doctors appointment with you, because you've got a lot of anxiety.

A few hours later we finally made it to San Jose. Andy and I were the first ones off the bus, seeing as how we've been bouncing off the walls the whole way here. "Finally!" We yelled, making people who were walking past the bus glare at us "move along! Nothing to see here!" I glared back, making dad sigh.

We walked into the venue, The Concert Hall, to look around and get ready before sound check at 4:00, giving us 3 hours to do what ever we wanted to do. "I'm heading over to McDonald's, anybody want anything?" I asked the guys, who were just chilling out in the green room "sure" they all agreed and wrote down what they wanted "I'll come and help you carry the bags" Andy said standing up "ok" I smiled and walked out of the venue.

Half way to McDonald's, some of Andy's fans noticed him and came running up to him for a picture and an autograph. There was probably about 6 or 7 of them surrounding Andy, all of them completely pushing me out of the way and onto the pavement, which was forming into a hill.

"Hey!" I yelled as I slowly got up, none of them caring, including Andy who was to busy paying attention to them. After waiting for a few minutes, I huffed and walked away so I could get the food for the guys and myself. I looked at my arm and saw a big red scrape that started at my wrist and ended at my elbow. Great, just great.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" The cashier asked "hello. Could I please get 3 big mac combos, all with root beer. 3 chicken ceaser wraps with a large fry and a coke. And a 20 piece chicken nugget combo with an iced tea please?" I asked "of course, anything else?" She wondered "no thank you" I smiled, "ok, that should be ready shortly, here's your receipt" she said and handed me my receipt "thank you" I smiled one last time.

Jinx's P.O.V.

It's been about 10 minutes since Andy and Sky left when Andy walked back in, without Sky. "What the hell did you do to my daughter?!" I shouted "we were just walking to McDonald's when some fans saw me and started asking for autographs and picture and I lost her" he sighed and sat down "and you didn't bother to go look for her?" At this point I was shitting my pants, I can't lose my daughter in a place she doesn't know. "I just assumed that she came back" he shrugged "with out getting the food?" I raised my eyebrow and grabbed my phone to get ready to call her "I'm sorry man-" he said just as the door opened, revealing Sky who was carrying 3 bags and 2 trays of pop. "Thanks for the help dipshit" she glared at Andy as she put everything down on the coffee table.

"What happened?" I asked as I helped take some stuff off of her hands "some fans ran up to Andy and pushed me out of the way, causing me to cut my arm. And after waiting for a few minutes, it didn't seem like Andy was going to come and help me I just left to go get the food" she huffed before waking over to the sink to start cleaning the dirt off of her arm.

I looked at Andy and saw guilt written all over his face. "Ok so before this gets any worse, let's just calm down and eat. Then figure out what to do when you three are all calmer" Jake said before grabbing his burger, fries and drink.

About half an hour later everybody was done eating. "Ok, before this gets blown out of proportion. Sky, you are pretty impatient sometimes, but you also have a right to be because when you're hungry you get very angry. Andy, you have every right to spend time with fans, but when it comes to Sky, everything should be in second place. Especially when it comes to her and big crowds where people could end up hurting her. Like what happened today" Jake started to say, making all of us agree. "Now we can't start off the next 6 months with us always at each other's throats. So let's just move on and forget about it, ok?" He added, making us nod. After we finished talking we started to get ready for the show, which was in an hour.

Sky's P.O.V.

"Ok kid, you know the rules, stay at the side of the stage until the set is over" dad said before kissing the top of my head "I know dad, I'll be here" I smiled up at him.

The show was amazing, as always. I sat at the end of the table while the guys did the meet and greet, being awkward as always. "Excuse me?" I heard a voice say, I looked up and saw a girl who was probably about 13 or 14 in front of me "yes?" I wondered "could I get a photo with you?" She asked "of course you can" I smiled as I got up and took a photo with her "thank you" she said excitedly "no problem" I smiled and watched her walk away.

Once the meet and greet was over we all went back to the bus so we could head over to the next city of the tour.

(A/N: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to vote, comment and share!)

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