Chapter 1

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The boys were sitting in the dorm when when their manager, pd-nim, came in. "Boys, I have some news." He stated they all gave him their attention "you are going to adopt a child!" He exclaimed happily they all looked at him shocked Namjoon spoke up first. "Umm, why exactly?" He asked pd-nim smiled "because it will make you guys look so much better." He stated and they just stared at him. "So what are you waiting for? Go to the orphanage and go find a child!" Pd-nim exclaimed they all instantly jumped up already dressed and walked out the door to the van.

"He wants to adopt a troublesome kid, for publicity?" Yoongi asked to the others who nodded "I guess." Jin stated "so what gender should they be? And how old?" Hoseok asked kinda excited to have a little one running around. "How about a kid around 4-5?" Jimin asked the guys all nodded "alright that works. But what gender?" Jungkook asked "how about a girl? We can dress her up and she will be so cute?" Taehying asked "that actually sounds fun." Namjoon stated Taehyung gave him his famous box smile. "Alright, we're here. So we are getting a girl around 4 or 5?" Jin asked they all nodded and Jin parked the van. "Alright, let's go." Namjoon stated and they all got out of the van and walked into the orphanage. Namjoon walked up to the women sitting behind a desk. She looked up shocked "oh umm, how may I help you?" She asked they all smiled at her kindly "can we interview all your girls from the age 4 to 5?" Namjoon asked she nodded "I don't understand by all, we only have one." She stated he nodded "well can we interview her?" He asked she smiled nodding "of course, she is a delight." She stated and walked off.

Areum was sitting by the books, trying to read one of them. "Hey, Areum, sone men are wanting to interview you. Come on." Miyong stated (the women behind the desk) Areum nodded putting the book down grabbing Miyong's hand and they walked off to the interview room. Miyong opened the door and told Areum to take a seat in a chair. Areum did as told and sat down. Miyong walked out, and then seconds later came back with 7 males.

"Alright, some things you must know, she doesn't like fighting or screams. She doesn't like extremely loud noises either. Other than that she's cool." Miyong stated and walked out closing the door behind her.

|Areum POV|

I watched as Miss. Miyong walked out of the room, I turned my attention to the boys infront of me. They all smiled at me. "So what's your name?" One of them asked he looked like a coconut bunny. I gave him a small smile "my name is Areum." I answered quietly although it was obvious he heard. "How old are you?" The shortest one asked I held up my hand "I am 4!" I exclaimed a bit louder and smiled brightly. I'm starting to warm up around them. "What do you like?" One that looked like a horsie asked. "I likes to read, and color! And I love bunnies, unicorns, and puppies, and kitties and-" I cut myself off then looked at them again. "What are your names?" I asked tilting my head to the side. They all laughed "I'm Jin."

"I'm Yoongi."

"I'm Hoseok, but call me Hobi."

"I'm Namjoon."



"And I'm Jungkook."

I nodded and smiled happily. "So how do you feel about coming home with a us?" Taehyung asked I smiled widely and nodded excited "yes please!" I yell happily, they all chuckled. "Well come on, I'll help you pack, the others have to sign some stuff." Kookie-oppa said getting up and held out his hand, I jumped out of the seat, and walked over to him. I grabbed his hand and we walked to my room.

I grabbed the warn out bookbag that I had. "You didn't have to help. I don't have much." I say as I open my bag and walk over to my pile of clothes. 5 shirts, 5 pants, and 4 undies. He shrugged and helped me put everything in my bag. "Is that everything?" He asked I nodded he smiled at me picking me up and carried out of my old room and downstairs where Miss. Miyong was sitting. I waved bye-bye to my old room. "Bye-bye." I whispered laying my head on Kookie-oppa's shoulder feeling tired. Next thing I know all I see is black then unicorns.

|third person POV|

Jungkook smiled slightly as he felt the girl go limp in his arms, signalling that she fell asleep. He saw the guys standing there. He was handed a paper he needed to sign. He carefully handed Areum to Namjoon, and signed the paper. They all walked out of the orphanage, and into the van. Namjoon handed Areum to Yoongi who was abit shocked but smiled when he felt her visit into him. He made sure she was comfortable on him. And they started driving back to the form. Jungkook spoke up. "Umm we need to go to the mall." He stated they all looked at him confused. "She only has 5 outfits guys. And we need to get stuff for her room." He stated they all nodded Jin kept his eyes on the road, while everyone turned their heads to see, that Yoongi had fallen asleep with Areum sleeping on him. They all smiled and made their way to the mall.

Alright, what do you guys think of the first chapter? I hope you all enjoyed it. Until next time!


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