Chapter 1: Amanda

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Amanda's P.O.V
I buttoned up my blouse as I rushed down the stairs from Mackenzie and I's room. Today was a special day, and I knew it. It's the day a new couple was coming to pick up some kids. I'm excited yet sad, Mackenzie and I almost never get picked.
"Girls! Line up for Roll call!" Mrs. Rogers screamed. We all lined up, shivers running up our spines as she called out names of those who were possibly the new kid.
"Blateman, Claire! Vidd, Amanda! Vidd, Mackenzie! Johansen, Ellen!" Mrs. Rogers shouted. We were chosen to be interviewed by the new couple. Today may not be so bleak after all! We were dismissed into a dirty hall in the back, waiting to be called in.
"Mackenzie! We might get chosen!" I turned to my twin. She wasn't as happy as me, probably because this has happened before and our best friend had left us in the end of last time.
"Yeah, like that will ever happen.." Mackenzie huffed, frowning. I was worried about her, she really needed to get out of here. We were growing skinner and as we got older, the chance of leaving was growing slimmer
"We at least have to believe, to hope. That everything gets better. It always does, as long as you hope it does!" I cried, shaking her arm.
"Whatever you say Amanda..." Mackenzie said, laying her head on her hand. I sighed, defeated.
The minutes turned into hours and by the time they called my name, I was losing hope.
"Amanda Vidd It's your turn!" The headmistress barked. I stood up and followed her out, wishing that I had a fighting chance, even against people like Maddie McMillan, who won everyone over, but her older sister had been taken last time she was called instead of her.
"Hi Amanda, we've heard so much about you!" A nice woman with soft brown hair said she looked really kind, and the man next to her had big, geeky glasses and lighter brown hair. I think they would make good parents.
"Hi.." I say waving nervously as Mrs. Rogers cleared her throat.
  "Mr. Grazer and Ms. Honoshita this is Amanda as you know, and feel free to...get to know her and ask her stuff!" Mrs. Rogers said, her gray eyes looking into mine. I shivered as she closed the door, calling for everyone outside to be quite.
"Hello Amanda, I'm Stacy and this is Graser. We are going to be asking a few questions today. Just to get to know you better." The kind woman said, putting her hand out for me to shake.
"Hi, there's not much to know about me but I'll try to answer them as best as I can!" I told her shaking her extended hand. Graser nodded and they dove right in. Is this a coincidence? They look like the YouTubers...
"Have you ever had any serious sicknesses?"
"No! I'm actually very healthy."
"What would you describe your personality as? Quite and shy or loud and outgoing?"
"Loud and outgoing, never waste a minute of the day!" I chipped as they broke into a smile.
"Good we are like that too! Now, are you a trouble maker?"
  "I try not to be. I have a feisty temper and no one dares mess with me. Or I'll twist them into next Tues-mhh!" I felt Mrs. Rogers clamp her hand on my mouth.
  "Amanda Vidd! I'm disgusted! We do not say that. Haven't I raised you better?" Mrs. Rogers hollers as she glares at me. I nod and look at my feet. If we don't get picked, it'll all be my fault. My fault that Mackenzie has to live here with the rats in the attic and my fault we will grow skinnier.
  "I'm so sorry. I promise never to say that again. I'm so sorry..." I say as I looked down. What was I thinking? All they did was laugh. Great, I'm a clown.
  "It's fine! I was like that when I was younger. One time, I did twist someone into the next Tuesday." Graser said. YouTuber Graser would never do that. He's too sweet.
  "Don't worry. Anyways, what's your favorite color?" Stacysays. I smile.
  "Green. Not dull green like pine green but a bright, vivacious, lime green. Like the color of lime green wool in Minecraft. Or teal, that's pretty as well." I say as I give them what hopefully is a knock-em-dead smile.
  "I love lime green wool. Yes, we play Minecraft. But, our time is growing short so all I have time to ask you is, do you like dogs and cats?" Stacy says. I nod enthusiastically and wave goodbye as Mrs. Rogers calls Mackenzie in.
I am very sorry for not updating in months. It's been very hard for me, after all it's hard to stay in the best math class at my school and best LA student in my grade while still having time to write.

If you didn't know, Mackenzie has left this account and Wattpad. She really wanted me to continue this story, and the reason she left was very very personal so I will not say it. However I need your help. I want to rename this account and I have no utter clue on what to call it. Please tell me down below. It would mean so much to me. It must include Amber in it though, so get creative.

I don't exactly like Cube SMP anymore either but I still will write this. The reason it is like Val's style is because I love Val. She's my idol. I am trying to write like her because to me, her style is the best and easiest to read. She also is helping me.

Stay awesome, purple army! 💜💜💜💜

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